Wednesday, May 3, 2017


On May 1st Secretary of State Tillerson speaks to his Russian counterpart. On May 2nd, a phone call takes place between the Tsar and The Donald. It seems the topic of Syria was the primary issue, with a sidebar on the issue of North Korea. At the end of that meeting, the US announces they will send yet another representative to the meetings taking place on the 3rd and 4th of May, but they are not sending Ambassador Krol. On the 3rd of May, the Syrian opposition announces they will not attend! I have one word……….deja vu……………… or as the great Yogi Berra once said, “It’s déjà vu all over again”!
So, why? Why did the US once again agree to attend yet another round of worthless meetings on the issue of Syria? Did The Donald not want the Russians to push out yet another round of press releases stating the US was not cooperating on the issue of Syria? That’s old news and nobody reads old news anymore. Did the Tsar say something this time The Donald wanted to hear? He knows all too well the US wants no part of any deal that shows any level of cooperation with Iran….period! The Tsar has left the Iranians out of the conversation in the past, so did he add something to the pitch this time? Why is Ambassador Krol not attending this time? Did he not bring value add to the last meeting? Did he feel as if the event was a waste of time? Did The Donald want to send a message by not sending someone at the Ambassador level? Is anything going to come of this next round of “talks”? No and everyone knows the answer is no!

The Call:

What was the phone call really all about? How often do these level of phone calls take place? Let’s face it. If the staffs of ether of these world leaders didn’t want the world to know they were talking, we would never know. For all we know, they talk every day. “ Yo… Vlad…did you watch the Yankees last night? What a game”! Who knows how often they talk, but we do know one thing; Syria is not the primary reason they talk.
Two underlings set the stage for a discussion. That’s the typical pathway to world leaders talking, so no big issue there. Well, maybe!  The statement was made a secondary conversation was held on the topic of North Korea. Who’s secondary topic? The Donald’s or the Tsar’s? My bet is the primary topic for the US was North Korea and the Primary topic for the Tsar was Syria. A trade. They both traded topics! Okay, so what? Why does any of this rise to the level of someone commenting about it? Well, here is my pitch. If this “talk” signifies anything, it shows The Donald is not the complete, insane, unpredictable, illogical, attention deficit disorder egomaniac that CNN and other Western media groups make him out to be. He does talk to the other most powerful man in the world. He does talk issues that are vital to the US and to other Super Powers! They do have the ability to “talk” when it’s important! Credit? Will the US leftwing media give him credit? Of course not! After all, he’s a complete crazy person….just listen to MSMBC or CNN. They will mention his name at least a thousand times a day!

Yes, two world leaders talked yesterday. Yes, the topics were important to the stability of the rest of the word. Yes, the liberal media will continue to paint a picture of The Donald and the Tsar being complete madmen. That’s their job; to push the liberal, passivist progressive agenda. The news? Well, that is of little importance when you have two world leaders you are trying desperately to destroy.