Friday, February 3, 2017


So, what is taking place in Donbass and more importantly, why now?
Donbass Militias? Does mean “Pro Russian Rebels”? Does anyone believe these groups do anything without guidance from Moscow? Are we to believe they are just Free Radicals, bouncing around in the Tsar’s backyard? Not hardly! So, why is this “flare-up” taking place now? It’s typically not the right time of year for such a thing, winter, but they have had snowy events in the past. Still, something is up!
For all the talk of the new found love between the Tsar and The Donald, yep, I’ve picked my nickname for him, just how much trust can there be in this relationship? Would both sides not make an attempt to hedge their bets? Is the Tsar ever really “all in” on any deal? How about an international Businessman worth Billions? Just how stable is this so called love affair? Do either of them compromise everything they intend on doing for the sake of their working relationship? Silly question, but it leads to a bigger discussion.


The Donald and the Tsar have worked around each other for many years. Their interactions in the Casino business alone has made them understand each other. “What does he want? How does he operate? Who does he ‘trust’? How far do I trust him”? These are very likely questions that have been asked by both men in the past.
Does the Tsar trust that his plans for restacking the deck in Europe will happen with only the interactions of The Donald? No!
Does The Donald rest any concept of the US’s interaction with Europe based on his relationship with the Tsar? No!
So, just how far does this relationship go?
In the world of international relationships, relationships between nations that have had and are having difficult times, are other measures required to give the right message? How does the Tsar Show leverage after he and The Donald start negotiating? More importantly, how does the Tsar or The Donald “Test the Waters”? Is the Tsar looking to see what the US’s response will be if a controlled flare up takes place in Eastern Ukraine? Is it a “test” or is it a “message” or perhaps both?
My take is this. The Tsar is testing the new US President as well as sending a message to Europe. If the Tsar pushes a controlled event in Eastern Ukraine, Europe gets to see just how the Trump Administration will react. The Tsar knows all too well parts of Europe have a real fear the US is pulling away from their issues. They have all heard the talk of the future of NATO. The Tsar is testing the US and placing further doubt in the people of Europe. He won’t let it go too far. It will not get out of hand for now is not the time. His relationship with the new US President is too important right now. But, a little nudge….. a little hint of what could be if things between them don’t go well….. that is just the Tsar’s style! Interaction with the Tsar is far different now than simply dancing around each other over the Casino business! My bet is, The Donald has little to say about the events in Ukraine and that may be just the message the Tsar wants the rest of Europe to hear!