Wednesday, May 9, 2012


This topic could get far too complex to keep anyone's real attention, so let's see how we can make this  simple.

The First Question:

Will the downturn in Europe's economy and possibly the rest of the free market world lead to Syria and Iran surviving the pressures they are under?

The distraction of economic disruption, one so saver the risk of wide spread violence in countries other than Greece, can easily make key leaders hesitant to commit to additional " problems"; and that is exactly what Syria is to Europe right now.... an additional problem!

If it was hard before the risk of the EU falling apart to deal with the Syrian issue, it is close to impossible now.

The problem is.. Assad and Iran know this!

 The sound of economic turmoil in Europe is music to the ears of Iran's leaders.

Twenty-five percent unemployment... Government's failing to form and pending elections in not only Europe,  but the US as well, only embolden Assad and Iran.

Simply put, the Syrian issue is no longer a " front burner" topic.

The Second Question:

Does this same economic crisis take the heat off of Iran?


Iran would be making a drastic mistake to assume the world is too distracted by the pending second round of economic events.

It's not the "World" Iran needs to worry about!

In reality, the opposite is true for Iran.

An world economic crisis will only show the Israeli leadership they may have to act on their own.

Countries are breaking the "embargo" plan on Iran left and right and the US seems to be writing everyone a " wavier" plan to keep them happy.

This can only mean one thing, the Israeli leadership realizing the embargo concept is not going to work.
Iran may openly think the pain of economic collapse is a well deserved punishment for Europe and the West.

They need to realize an distracted West equates into a desperate and lethal Israel.

So, one man's pleasure.. Syria / Assad / knowing the European economics may help him survive, is another man's pain... Iran see Israel convinced they must act alone.

It's just that simple.