Tuesday, April 23, 2019

            The situation in Venezuela reaches critical mass, thanks to the US’s enemies and the US’s poor track record in the region, and a massive wave of people begins to head North. Colombia closes its borders, already nearly complete, Brazil follows Columbia’s lead and a Human Mass Migration, a real “Mass” 300/ 500 thousand starts to move North. Panama, Costa Rica, Honduras Guatemala all open the doors at both ends with the intent of everyone just passing through…..Think Turkey and the march to Europe. Next stop Mexico. Does Mexico turn them around? If they can’t turn around three thousand, how do they turn three hundred thousand? Does Mexico simply let them in and provide for their new citizens? Have you ever read Mexican law on illegal immigration? Those same Southern and Northern doors that Central America utilized are put into effect by Mexico City. The next thing you know, the US border is looking at a real wave….. not just a Caravan”, but a title wave of people. Think it can’t happen? Why not ask the governments of Europe?  Think the enemies of the US are not pondering the continued utilization of a new and powerful weapon, the weapon of Mass Migration? Can that weapon lead to the destabilization of the US? Again, go ask the governments of Europe. Okay………………………………..here is the question. Then what?
Buffer Zones:
            What did Turkey implement to respond to what took place in Syria? Yes, they had the issue of the Kurds to deal with, but does anyone doubt the Turks did not decide to hold this mass movement of people, as much as possible inside the nation they were coming from? Did not the Turks play the game against the EU, the same EU that looked down their noses at the Ottomans, that led to these mass migration movements into the EU? A few million people in a very short period of time. Just how would the US deal with such an event? Could the US send them to the growing list of Sanctuary Cities? Well, we’ve seen how that proposition turned out. What does the US do with a real wave of people heading North? If that’s not hard enough to contemplate, try adding a completely destabilized Mexico!
            I will tell you what the operational response is to such events and it’s a time-tested concept utilized throughout the world. Buffer Zones. Buffer Zones are the desperate attempt by Nation States to limit the impact of traumatic events along their geographic borders. So, the question becomes, does the US implement a Buffer Zone on US soil or on Mexican land? The reality is, many of the private land owners along the US border with Mexico already feel like they don’t really own the land they live on. Don’t believe me? Get in your car and take a drive down and asked them. Here is my last question. Does the Mexican Government go along with this plan and if not, then what?  
Contingency Planning:
            I had a great conversation today with a guy named Daniel Horowitz. You know it’s good when I am walking in the rain out on my property and I don’t worry about getting soaked. We talked about a lot of things Mexico, but there is one I decided to come back inside and hone in on. Planning. When Y2K was going to take place, I was on the development team, a joint team to include the military, for the city of El Paso. The short story was, everyone was worried about the city of Juarez walking into El Paso all at once. Sound crazy? Well, it wasn’t at the time and it shouldn’t sound crazy now. The bottom line was, we had a “plan” It wasn’t a very good one, but we had a plan. That makes me wonder; What’s the “plan”? Mexico and a few others fall apart; what’s the plan? Now, some, the military, FEMA, DHS, they love to “plan”? I was part of that world for years. What’s the plan? Better yet, is there a plan that has the words, “Buffer Zone” in them? Think the topic has not come up before? I have one word for you. Pandemic.
            If you are one of those people, and I am one of them by the way, that doesn’t like the concept of camps in Buffer Zones for people who are scared and mean no real harm, then you better be asking, “what’s the plan”? Here is my advice to this concept of, “What’s the plan”? The US better have a plan to prevent this level of crisis from starting. If you wait until the title wave has formed, then you are going to give ground regardless of what your level of humanitarian compassion may be. The US needs to figure out a policy for the region that doesn’t allow our enemies to weaponize mass migration, because it’s a weapon they have already tested in the Middle East and they are convinced it works. Don’t believe me. One last time. Give Europe a call.