Before I get started on the events in Chile, let me make two quick follow up comments on Mexico. Issues I forgot to touch on yesterday. Issues vital to predictive analysis on Mexico’s status. 1. As some have stated, the “ Monkey see, Monkey do”, syndrome is in full effect. As some have already speculated, the “other” terrorist cartels could easily adopt a stance of, “wow, that worked. That’s what. We do from here on out”. By the way; a rumor is floating around the terrorist executed a soldier in Culiacan and sent the video to the military. Remember what I said about morale. Okay. 2. Protest. Now, the people of Mexico are hardworking and have low expectations of their government. Those are two real ingredients that are counterproductive to large scale protest forming. That even holds true when “others / outsiders” attempt to make those protest a reality. Does that mean we wont observe protest in Mexico over the events in Culiacan? No. Typically protest come from the youth of universities. Although that target will be focused on by outsiders, the real threat of protest comes from those who are pushed into this insurgency war with little to no support. Yes, the military. Are they professionals? Yes. Are they frustrated? Yes. Does anyone remember the protest a few weeks ago by the federal police over the issue of not wanting to join the newly formed National Guard? I rest my point. So, there you have it. My quick update on Mexico. Now, let me drive on. Let me touch an issue the US cannot afford to ignore or worse, screw up.
Does anything here strike you as unusual? Do you see any similarity between the appearance in these two pictures and those taken in the US? Does the black backpack stand out? What am I implying? Let me take the stance of the President of Chile. Are “outside forces” supporting the events in Chile? According to the President, and me, yes. How often have I talked about the weaponization of masses? If you doubt nations don’t leverage large crowds, then you don’t understand how the world works. What is the number one compliant by Beijing? Yep, the US and it’s NGO’s are interfering in Hong Kong’s affairs. Is it true? Yes. Okay. If you accept that last statement, then here’s another for you, and it’s an old one. What is good for the Goose is good for the Gander”. If I lost you, well, I don’t know what to say other than, I’m sorry.
Chile. Does it matter to the US? Yes. How important is Chile to the US? Real important. More important than the Kurds and Northern Syria? Silly question, but if you work inside the land I call, “ The Beltway Bandits”, then you may disagree. A few months ago, I wrote a rather scathing post on the failed policies of the US when it comes to Central and South America, policies that have been failing for over 100 years. Folks, that’s a long time, at least in US’s perspective. Here comes the ugly statement. With over 100yrs of failed policy for the region, can the US right the ship? What if the answer is no? What if the US can’t right the wrongs? Does someone else come along and offer a new future? Simply put; is the US in the process of losing it’s influence over the region? I’m not sure the people in the US are ready for that answer.
What’s taking place:
Why are the people, the youth mainly and pay attention to that fact, of Chile upset? Is it income inequity? That would be a simple answer, but is that the real trigger? Hint, it is if someone or some organization weaponizes the issue. Side Note: Non-governmental Agencies / NGO’s. They are more than just a tool / weapon / of the US. Think, Soros! Now, can you have an insurrection without an actual issue being the center of gravity? No. Does the economic imbalance in Chile truly form this center of gravity? Yes, but only with help and the topic of help is where this story gets real ugly.
Who is this Billionaire President? Who support does he have? DC? You bet. Why? Because he openly stood against Socialism and all it leads to. What’s been the US’s policy in Central and South America for over 100 years? “Anybody but Socialist / Communist”. Here comes the ugly part. What’s been the US’s track record of placing, yes placing, as in election influences, those loyal to the US in power? If you need an example, you need look no further than the very nation we are talking about. Once upon a time, a pro Socialist, Communist, Soviet, President was elected in Chile; then..........he died. Suicide! No, that was before the Clintons. Does the US have a history of picking really bad, anti Socialist, Communist / pro US “leaders”? Yes, and that reality is something the US must come to terms with. Not just lip service during an election cycle, but real policy reform. If the US is to have a chance of fixing it’s relationships in the region, then a word not often used in DC must apply. Balance!
Okay, at this point, it sounds like the events taking place in Chile are based on bad policy and outside interference. Let me tell you, that’s a real dangerous combination, and just when you thought the issue of Chile had been framed, I’m going to toss in another factor.
The death Spiral of Socialism:
Is this Billionaire President of Chile so insensitive towards his own people that he would let them simply starve in the streets? Would he let babies die from hunger? Would he force the elderly to eat dog food? Oh wait, those are the accusations made in the US by one political party against the other. Anyway, is this guy just a ruthless, heartless rich guy, a guy in bed with corporate USA? Let me take another approach. What did this Billionaire inherit? What was the form of government before he came to power? By the way. Was he legally elected? Yep. Why did he Become popular enough to defeat a left leaning, socialist minded movement, well, besides the influence of the US on the election? I’ll tell you why. Socialism has a genetic flaw. Once a political party starts promising all things to everyone, but especially those who don’t have much, the disaster, protest clock starts ticking. A very wise lady once said, “the problem with Socialism is you eventually run out of everyone else’s money”. Bingo. Can you say, Venezuela? Are the events in Chile also based upon the false promises of socialism and communism? Yes.
Chile’s Addiction:
Socialism and communism. Not only do you run out of other people’s money, you also create a society of addicts. Do people who have had nothing get addicted to the freebies of a socialist, communist government? How could they not? When the freebie well starts to run dry, what do the people standing in line do? See the pictures of the riots in Chile from your clue. Add a few photos from Venezuela if you like. Alright. What happens when the next person comes into power and is forced to say to the people, “sorry, the well is running dry”. By the way, you don’t have to have a dry well for the addicts to start protesting. Just the rumor of the well going dry sets the junkies into motion. Is this where the Billionaire of Chile friends himself? Yes. Did he and his supporters in the US do a poor job of preparing for such a reality? The real question is, did anyone even pay attention to what was coming? 2011. Riots in Chile. Why, everyone wanted to go to college for free! Sound familiar? Addicts. When you set no expectations other than, “vote for me”, the results can only be disastrous.
Now that I’ve beat the dead horse, let’s talk about what is really important. The future, and it’s a future for not just Chile, but Venezuela and most likely others, to include Mexico. Let me start by making a simple statement. If the US doesn’t find it’s way in Central and South America, it will have to live with the Chinese Navy having ports in the region. It will have to live with Chinese ports and industry being the mainstay of the economic movements in the region. It will have to come to terms with a reality of China being the caretaker of Central and South America? Don’t agree with me? Then prove me wrong. Tell me what you know of the Belt and Road initiative? Explain to me how the slowing US industrial might is going to offset the funding China can place in the Region. Think I’m wrong? The BRIC. What nation represents the “B” in the BRIC definition? Look it up!
Will the riots in Chile lead to the downfall of the Billionaire? Hard to tell. Will the US and it’s NGO’s do something stupid to prop him up? Don’t be surprised. The symptoms in Central and South America are there for everyone to see, everyone who bothers to look. The US cab become a true partner, a true doctor to counter these “symptoms” or a new Doctor will move in. Hint, that Doctor is already moving in. Tic Tock.....Tic Tock!! That clock I referred to is running!