Monday, July 21, 2014


So, Hassan Nasrallah states Hezbollah is ready to “cooperate” against Israel?


And other than young men  who live off the emotions of fiery speeches, who does Nasrallah think buys this line?

Could it be true?

Could Hezbollah actually open a second front on the IDF?

Would they do this for the sake of the Sunni Radicals who may soon jump ship and side with the IS……the same IS that is fighting Hezbollah?

Is Hezbollah so worried of an IS takeover of Hamas’s youth that they would enter into this conflict knowing the IDF would destroy most of what they have left to defend Lebanon with  from the  assaults of the IS?

Is the theory, “help Hamas find off the IS takeover, even at the risk of a wider war”?

Does Hezbollah need a conflict right now with the IDF?

Why would such a thought even cross the mind of Nasrallah as he struggles to defend Lebanon from the IS?

Does any of this make sense?


It does to me and for just the reasons I stated above!

That is, with one catch; Hezbollah will support Hamas with “words” and not guns.

Why would Nasrallah travel the path of destruction that has been apparently chosen by Hamas and Meshaal only to have the IS take hold in Lebanon after the IDF’s  crushing response?

Yesterday, I spoke of the desperation Hamas finds itself in.

Win a glorious fight with the IDF and keep the youth behind you or fall not to the IDF, but to the juggernaut called “ Islamic State”.

For years now, both Hezbollah and Hamas have witnessed the Sunni Radical elements fill the void of a collapsed nation……in Africa… In Yemen…..In Syria and now in Iraq.

Who cannot realize the same holds true for Lebanon and Gaza?

I once watched a moth that was so confused, so excited and so desperate to do something…anything as it flew around and around a bonfire’s flame that all of a sudden, it just flew right into the center of the fire!  It was gone before it knew what hit it.

Is Hezbollah flying around the flame of fear… the flame called Islamic State?