Monday, April 18, 2011

In the past I have mentioned Ahmadinejad and Khamenei don't always see things eye to eye.
The  attempted sacking of  Moslehi is very possibly another example of a crack in the relationship.
I'm not sold on the concept of him being hammered by Ahmadinejad because of the Stuxnet event.
If Ahmadinejad was going to take action based upon a perceived failure during the  computer hack, he would have done so several months ago.
To move on someone that is knowingly close to Khamenei at the same time the Middle East is boiling with discontent would not be a wise move.
Ahmadinejad of all people would know this, unless and I stress unless, he knows something we don't know!
If he has attempted to make a move on a loyal Khamenei supporter, then he did it for reasons other than punishment for the Stuxnet event.
So, what could be going on here?
1. Perhaps Moslehi has 'other' issues with Ahmadinejad and how he is handling the "Tunisian Virus"?
            If Iran takes some drastic action in the next few days or week, then that might give us our answer.
            Moslehi may not support how Ahmadinejad wants to react to the events in Syria or potentially in                Iran.
            The violence last week in Iran, in the Arab area of Iran, was not very well covered, but it took      place never the less. 
            Perhaps Moslehi was of the opinion that  shootings at this point in time were unwise?
            Perhaps he supported the shootings and Ahmadinejad did not?
            Remember, Moslehi was one of the key figures in suppressing the 2009 uprising in Iran.
2.  Maybe Ahmadinejad discovered Moslehi was doing something at the orders of Khamenei and Ahmadinejad was  not consulted?
            That would not be the first time that has happened.
One thing is for sure; the tension between Khamenei and Ahmadinejad is still there and my bet is it is getting worse every day.
One phone call from Khamenei to Qassim Suleimani, QOD Commander, and Ahmadinejad is toast!!
Remember what I have said in the past; an Iran in turmoil is not all good news.