Thursday, April 10, 2014


As we ponder the next steps in the Tsar's detailed plans for the reemerging Mother Russia, we need to be careful not to overlook the critical function the media certainaly was tasked to play in the Master Plan.

The argument that the  media in Russia is openly controlled by the Tsar is not worth debating.

Yes, many say, "well... CNN is nothing more than a mouthpiece for the administration', or, " Fox is just a Right Wing Support Group"!

The fact of the matter is, both are still independently owned stations that compete for advertising dollars and when push comes to shove, a good story that goes against what their ownership stands for will still be covered if it means ratings!

This is not the case in Russia and the world knows it.

Now, why is this fact important?

I have heard rumors for weeks now about Western manipulation in Kiev, so when this  story of Greystone was aired in Moscow, I had to wonder......why?

Do the Russian know "someone" may be in the tasked to help the new government in Kiev and is that the most important part of this comment about Greystone?

If the Tsar knows groups like Greystone are in Kiev, does he realize some of these groups really do march to the sound of profit and not orders from the White House?

Does the White House know what is really going on in Kiev?

Here is the more important question.

Does that matter?

I would suggest what really matters is what does the Tsar believe.

Time and time again, I have commented on how "perception" is reality in the connected world of the 21st century and time and time again I have warned about the paranoia of a man like the Tsar.

If Greystone or any group like them is truly operating in the Ukraine, and my bet is they are if there is money to be made and young men who still seek the thrill of danger, then the Western governments / US / needs to be prepared for how the Tsar will leverage this point.

How will it look if the West continues to "warn" the Russians to stay out of Ukrainian "business" and then have the Russian expose a Western cooperation direct involvement in the Ukraine?

The government controlled media in Moscow put this comment in the news over the past two days for a reason and someone in the West better get ready for what that might mean. the way... I truly hope someone doesn't try and use the same old pathetic statements the West / US / made about Blackwater in Iraq.

I will tell you without a shadow of a doubt Blackwater was an unmitigated disaster for the West / US / in Iraq!

No one in Moscow is going to believe private / military / contractors are in the Ukraine without the blessing of the Western / US / governments.

This shot across the bow of the West on Russian news channels is more than just a story.

It's a warning.. and it's a warning that someone better understand and "fix" quickly!