Ok, it's no big surprise The Ottoman / Islamic would be King
would continue to make inflammatory statements about the events in Egypt, but
this one today.... well...it's over the top...even for him!
As I have said since before the July 3rd event in Egypt,
Egodan has been worried sick about the perceived failure of the infantile
Islamic/ socialist governments like his; especially his!
Unlike Egodan, Morsi didn't act against his military leaders
soon enough and it has cost the Muslim Brotherhood more than they still can
Egodan witnessed this in a complete state of shock and wasted
little time tossing out fiery speeches about the sacking of the MB in Egypt .
So, today for some reason, he decides to turn up the
heat....way ....way up!!!
If Egodan is playing to his hometown audience, the Turkish
people, then this statement seems just a tiny bit more logical.
The problem is, even in own country, this accusation seems
more than a stretch.
So, we have to ask ourselves; who would this statement benefit?
Why would he say such a thing?
For a hint, I think we need to go back to his primary
concern....his government!
I'm not the first person to make the comment Egodan sees the
hand writing on the wall!
If he could take back bludgeoning of his own people over
what he claimed was an park in the middle of a city, I still don't think he
Egodan is a egomaniac and egomaniacs have paranoid characteristic
that grows and the same rate as their ego!
Is this what he is up to?
Is he laying the ground work, again, remember his speech
about "outsiders" interfering as he beat his people over a park, for
possible unrest in Turkey ?
Once again, is Egodan preparing for the Arab Spring appearance
in Turkey ?
Is it truly about to
Most likely not yet, but when you are as paranoid as he is,
everything you think of can become reality in your own mind.
The Tsar is working "deals" with the Kurds and
Egodan knows that is not going to go his way.
Assad is still standing tall in Syria , and that's not what Egodan
had envisioned by now.
Moris and the MB gets tossed and the Islamic government in Tunisia is
faltering more and more every day!
As inflammatory as this statement has been, there is one
saving grace.
Just about everyone outside of Turkey knows Egodan rants like a
Could his comments spark young, desperate, angry young men
to take action somewhere?
Will it save the MB or the battered Hamas movement?
So, what has he really accomplished?
For his Islamist / Socialist friends in Egypt and Gaza ,....
What will worry me is if he keeps this conspiracy storyline
moving forward.
Is Egodan growing more desperate?
Is he a rational man?
When irrational men get paranoid beyond the point of self-control,
history has volumes of examples of bad
things happening.