This is the true Arab version of this age old saying: “The Enemy of my Enemy is my friend, until I need to cut his throat as well!!”
Ok; last night I said there is a way out of this whole mess in the Middle East.
In fact, there are probably many ways to “solve” this crisis, but I want to focus in on one that I find particularly fascinating given it deals with the real way Arabs, Persians and “others” seem to get along over there.
It’s a common tactic to disrupt your enemies from within. Look at what Iran just did in Lebanon last month? If ya missed it or don’t know what I’m talking about, I’m sorry. Turn off Dancing with the Stars and pay attention to what is going on in the world just a little more!
Iran is not the only country that knows the fine art of preventive operations. Israel could probably run an entire University based on this skill craft. A classic example might be a very advanced computer viruses, but we have no idea who could have pulled that stunt on IranJ
A few things have taken place in the past two months that if properly fused, could delay or even destroy the dreams of Iran’s leadership; notice I didn’t say the Iranian people. We will need them as time goes on.
As an example:
It has been rumored and I think it’s more than a rumor now, the STL ( Special Tribunal on Lebanon) indictment list was leaked shortly after the preliminary report was handed over.
One strong rumor is the Iranian leadership Khamenei and the Syrian President Al-Assad have been named in the indictment.
If true, it would explain the full blown panic Iran launched into that drove Hezbollah to dissolve the coalition government in Lebanon.
They simply could not wait to see if Hariri was going to go along with the STL or not.
Now Hezbollah doesn’t want a full-blown battle for the control of Lebanon.
That is not their marching orders from Iran, but the Sunni population of Lebanon is liable to go “berserk” if they see the UN make a statement that someone as influential at the spiritual leader of Iran was responsible for the murder of the Lebanese leader.
Hezbollah’s orders are to assume control of Lebanon and await the day Iran goes to war with Israel.
If Lebanon blows up, that plan will go down the drain, thus the theory stated above of a “preemptive operation”.
Sounds a little crazy given my comment was, “ how do we avoid the conflict”.
The conflict I stated we avoid is a Regional War.
It could be Israel and the US avoid a Regional War by allowing Lebanon to catch on fire.
Think of it as a “backfire” as used to fight a large Forrest Fire.
Here is the problem:
The UN knows full well what a monumental step it is to implicate someone as influential as Khamenei and or Al-assad.
If they are really going to do this, then they would be very upset with any leak of their report.
Hint: If you look at the STL website, they state how upset they are about “leaking information”.
Final note:
How upset would Ahmadinejad be if Khamenei was implicated in the STL report?
You might be surprised by the answer.
Good topic for Saturday Night!