The Iranians release yet another press statement warning the US about pulling
out of the nuclear accord. Remember the kid who was the biggest mouth on the
street as he stood behind his parent’s front door? Yep, The Iranians and the
Tsar. Threatening The Donald? Like that is going to work, but then again, it’s
not a statement designed for the US population. Once again, the big talk from Tehran
is intended for it’s own population and it’s close neighbors. Did anyone in the
US even pay attention to the latest threat from the Persians? No. Did Iran’s own
people care what was said? Not really. They are too occupied trying to figure
out how they can talk to each other or the outside world without the government
kicking down their doors. So did this ‘ You’ll be sorry’ statement do any good?
Nope! Perhaps what the Tehran mouthpiece should have said was, “ My Daddy / the
Tsar/ will beat you up if you don’t do as I say”! But, like any adopted Brat,
here is the problem when you have a Vodka loving Step Father……………..he doesn’t
give a sh-- about you! Iran is what Iran
has been to Russia……a pawn in a much larger game. Fuel and the price of fuel
and the future of NATO in Eastern Europe, that is what’s important to Moscow. So,
as long as those two issues are on the table, then the little Brat at the front
door will be allowed to flap his gums and make funny faces; all the time
looking over his shoulder to see if Stepdad is still standing there. This
little Brat has one very real problem. In this same neighborhood lives two
other kids that really…….really….. hate the little Brat at door. As if that was
not bad enough for the loudmouth kid, one of the two that hates him is growing
more and more willing to punch the Brat in the face even with his Stepdad looking on. But…………..but………… this is a
risky plan. It’s not just the words of this little punk that can push the other
kid over the top. The pain factor has to be higher than that, at least for now.
Enter the straw!
SA 300s in Syria:
The Straw
the broke the Camel’s back. Apropos right? I mean, come on….Camels? Mr. Lavrov
has all but announced SA 300s are now being deployed with the Syrian Army. It’s
the shield for Hezbollah forces that Israel has made very clear they will not tolerate.
Moscow has been told this, face to face. Will someone try to reassure Israel these
weapons will only protect parts of Damascus? Is there some silly explanation
the Russians will try to hand the Israelis, or will they just make the event
happen and let the chips fall where they may? At what point does Israel simply
call the bluff and strike, realizing the next strike may have to be all the way?
Just how far can you push this kid in the neighborhood who has dealt with this
same Brat for years? Is the Stepfather pushing the kid he doesn’t even like out
the front door and making him fight? Iran and Israel in a open, military
confrontation. Can you say 100…150 per Barrel? Perhaps Stepdad needs the money! My bet is the Brat kid is going to get the
hell beat out of him. He better keep one hand on that doorknob. By the way.............close the door and have The Donald put NATO and Eastern Europe on the table as a trade for the Brat and watch Putin toss this kid out into the street!