Treason! It’s a very powerful word, a word that has been tossed around DC since the day Team Donald showed up. Did The Donald commit “Treason”? no. What is the down and dirty definition of “treason”? “The crime of betraying one’s country or adhering to the countries’ enemies”. Adhering? What does that mean? “To stay attached”. Okay, now, there is an important part of my argument.
Who is talking:
It’s a fact old Team Obama members have been talking to Iranian officials. What official capacity does Ben Rhodes hold in the current administration? Yep….none! how about Colin Kahl? Same answer. So why are they talking to the US’s sworn enemy? Oh, I see…’s just a normal action of private citizens. No need for CNN or MSNBC or any other news agency to look into this right? Funny, that same attitude didn’t seem to apply Team Donald back in 2016. But, here comes the real kicker. It’ not just the “outside” players who are reaching out to the old men in Tehran, it’s official members of the Democratic party, members who hold security clearances at the highest level. Mr. Zarif’s number is on Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s smart phone? Is anyone in the IC or DoJ monitoring that phone? Should The Donald tell the DoJ to get a FISA warrant? Just what is this Sen. And others talking to the tyrannical leaders of Iran about? Is it all totally legal and just another ploy by those that support the “Right” to create a distraction for the actions of the President? You can bet that is or will be the answer that is given.
What is really taking place:
One of the most idiotic statements I’ve heard goes something like this. US Democratic talking point: “We are just trying to confirm what we have been briefed on”…….. What? Are they expecting anyone who has a living braincell to accept that answer? Perhaps inside their new “base”, like little girls that use to be bartenders, but really, that’s the best you can come up with? Congress receives a briefing on the actions of Iran by the IC and they decide to reach out to Tehran’s mouthpieces to “confirm”?
“ So, Mr. Zarif, we were told you are about to use Hezbollah and other proxy fighters to attack US locations in the region because you are upset over the tariffs placed on you? Is that the real story”? Is that what the Democrats expect the average Joe to believe? Let’s even assume for a minute that is the story the Democrats want to stick with. I have one additional question? How did you delineate the information you provided them in that conversation? How did you keep from mixing what was most likely, TS/SCI from information that was non classified? What procedural policy did you follow and trust me, there is a very extensive process. Oh, ya…..what part of this conversation took place on your unclassified Smart Phone? That one must have come right out of the Hillary playbook!
Here is the good news. That is not what was going on! What was taking place was a group of Democratic operatives and a few chosen members of the Senate and Congress attempting to strike yet another “deal” with Iran’s leadership. What is taking place is the Democrats are usurping the authority of the President of the United States, but then again, they don’t care. He’s an illegal President in their eyes anyway. Does anyone remember Obama so called off mic statement to the Russians about, “waiting until he is reelected? If you do, then you know what is taking place here. The party that holds Congress and key members in the Senate are attempting to make a “deal” with the Mullah’s puppets. “Hold on for 2 yrs and when Uncle Joe takes the White House, we will fix the nuclear deal. Just calm down for now and we will fix this”. Is that some level of Treason? In my book, it’s the kind of actions the US use to execute people for. Now, some ideological / Academic idiots might call this, “Backdoor Diplomacy”. Problem. “Backdoor Diplomacy” is sanctioned. Does anyone think these actions by the Democrats are sanctioned by the White House?
A Price to Pay:
Do the Democrats believe their actions are in the best interest of the US? If you got them to admit what they were doing, they would most likely fallback on that stance, but even that wouldn’t be the truth. What their actions are based on is power. If somehow, they could claim they defused the so calledcrisis with Iran, that would have to equate into votes at some point and trust me, in the US, it’s always about votes! So, what is the downside? You will never see the mainstream media make this event into a leading story for months on end. If will most likely not even be mentioned. So, let’s look at this event through another set of glasses? Let’s look at this topic from the standpoint of our enemies.
The Mullahs.
Can you imagine the briefing that took place back in Tehran when the reality the US Democrats were willing or even requesting to speak with the Iranian government? Did they reach out or did the Democrats? In the long run, it doesn’t matter. By the way, did the IC pick up on this traffic and how it began? You bet. That’s when the FISA process should have come into play, but who knows, maybe it did. Okay, back to my point. Once the old men in Tehran realized that some level of communications was going to take place, who did they tell? The Russians? Nope… love there. The Chinese? Same answer. Assad? Nope, just a puppet and one they probably don’t trust anymore anyway. They didn’t say anything to anyone. What they did was sit down and figure out how to leverage what might be taking place. What they did was decide to play along with the game or not. Enter, Mr. Zarif and here is what you can bank on. Before the conversations took place, a list of desired outcomes and worthless promises were developed. Then and only then did Mr. Zarif speak with anyone. Oh, another….by the way….what ever is on his Smart Phone….you can bet the IC read it…….and has it. Sen. Feinstein may want to think about that, unless the Chinese spy she had on her staff for years was able to keep that from happening. Yep….true story.
What would be the Mullah’s goals of these discussions with the Democrats? In my opinion, two strategic issues would be put on the table. 1. The relief of sanctions upon Trump’s departure. 2. An assurance they were going to defeat The Donald in 2020. And what would the old men in Tehran be expected to give up? In reality…………..absolutely nothing. They would simply have to go back to the days of John Kerry…….post a few photos of group handshakes…make a few worthless statements to the press and sign some worthless documents. So, in the end, the risk to this whole process taking place is all on the US Democratic Party, but then again, who is going to make a stink over it? It won’t be the US media. Will the US DoJ do the right thing? Even if they do, the public that supports the Dems won’t accept it. You could catch Mr. Zarif handing Sen. Feinstein a bag of money and the headlines would read, “Trump forces senior democratic leaders to take action to save the US from a war with Iran”.
I labeled this section of my post, “ A Price to Pay” and I did so for one true reason. What does anyone who truly understands that region of the world think may come of all of this? What if the Democrats are able to strike a “deal” with the Mullahs? What if we go back to the days of photo ops and handshakes? What if Iran’s Tyranical government stays in power and becomes more embolden by proxy fighters who have more capabilities than at anytime in the past? What if Iran’s nuclear program is put back on track for the sake of making the rest of the world think the Democrats avoided a war in the region? If you guess a real war in the region, a war unlike any we have witnessed since WWII, then you are the prize winner today. Let the Democrats choose making a deal with Iran over providing Israel with the belief they are going to not have to go it alone against Iran and you have set in motion the same ending we were heading for if Hillary would have won. Oh ya…that’s right …she did win….. she won the popular vote against a Russian Spy. Go on Democrats….keep pushing, after all, it’s all about staying in power and whatever that takes. I have all the confidence in the world that’s what you will do. Treason. It’s a word that no longer has meaning in the US, unless you are voted into the White House by the Electoral College….another issue the Dems are sure to go to work on.