Sunday, June 26, 2011



What seems to be constantly lost in the story of Yemen, is the headway al-Qaeda is making in the South.

It is not out of the question the world is going to wake up soon to realize the real story in Yemen is not the condition of Saleh and his possible return to, but the huge gains al Qaeda continues to make as they take over Southern Yemen.

The military is completely preoccupied with holding on to the capital and trying to second guess who will lead the country.

They simply do not have the strength and mindset to recapture the territory lost in Southern Yemen.

Yemen is well on its way to becoming the new al Qaeda stronghold!

This is an issue the Saudi's will not overlook but will struggle to find an answer for.  


The second flotilla issue will become a huge topic of conversation this week.

Israel knows they cannot afford the catastrophe of the last event to be repeated.

Warning the media to stay away is a very worrisome sign.

If Iran has trouble makers prepositioned on these ships, the event could get out of hand.

What Iran plans on gaining from making this event into yet another violent episode is beyond me.

How many times does the Iranian leadership have to announce they hate Israel?

I think the rest of the world has figured that out!

If Iran is looking for a 'distraction' for Syria, this next flotilla will simply not rise to the occasion.

The media may take their eyes off of Syria for a day at the most, but Assad is simply too far gone and too desperate for the media to back up now.

Still, the pending ' round two' of ships and the IDF is going to be a hot spot worthy of watching closely. 


I again find it completely laughable that Ahmadinejad and his 'Boss' both gave statements this week about the US and Europe being Terrorist organizations.

Of course as is always the case, the statements the two of them make are not meant for public consumption in the US or even Europe.

They play to the Arab / Muslim public so the truth has nothing to do with the statement.

I was interested in the concept of this " International Conference on Terrorism" in Tehran.

My hunch is Iran is in the early phases of trying to find a new list of 'partners' given the sinking ship Assad is sailing on.

I also find it interesting that both Ahmadinejad, commonly known by me as the ' Mad Genie', and Khamenei  both have given speeches on how the US and Europe are the real Terrorist in the world so close in time to each other.

The theory the two of them are in a power struggle is nearly a fact, so suddenly they both sing off the same sheet of music?

After watching the two of them shoot their mouths off this week, I am a little bothered by Nasrallah's statements of a possible war with Israel to save Assad.

As I said before, Nasrallah and Assad do not make public comments without getting the green light from Iran.

So, if Iran is building a case for a 'road to war' with Israel, something they would have to do if they wanted any chance of Arab / Muslim public support, then all of this may make sense.

As is always the case, Iran is the most dangerous topic in the Middle East.  


Assad's Generals talking about their military taking losses from the so called, "Terrorist" ,  a word Assad and the Iranian leaders seem stuck on right now, is an interesting twist.

Ether Assad is attempting to explain why he is reacting so harshly or his military leaders are trying to explain why so many dead military members are out there.

How else could Syria explain the members that have reportedly revolted and been killed?

Assad's worries are only going to get worse as Turkey run's out of patients with him.

I keep saying Iran will not let Assad fall, but the reality is Iran may have to go to war in order to save Assad and Syria and I'm not sure that is a price they are willing to pay just yet.

Lebanon and the STL indictment list is going to push this issue even further and this may happen this week.