Well; all day long professional news coverage such as CNN, insert sarcasms here, has been blabbing away about the joyful occasions in Egypt. Did anyone take the time to read the Israeli news lines today? You would be hard pressed to find the same gleeful attitude that seems to be running around the US. As long as this coverage doesn't cut into Reality TV, the American Public will continue to act like they are interested.
So why are the viewpoints in Israel and the US so terribly different today?
How is it the people of Israel are not ecstatic for the liberation of Egypt?
Well, first off, would anyone like to take a guess on which of the two societies is a little more in-tune with the ground truth of the Middle East? If you guessed the people of Israel, you are hereby authorized to continue reading this post. If you said the US population, then you are free to resume watching Jersey Shore or Desperate Housewives or even WCW.
Ok; what is it the people of Israel know, fear, that most in this country don't have a clue about? Oh ya; for the first time in God knows how long, the leadership of Saudi and several other Gulf states have the same core concern the leadership of Israel has. Is that not a world turned upside down or what?
Actually this began to happen as Iran popped up on the "threat radar" of the whole region several years ago.
It is beating a Dead Horse to start talking about the threat of the Muslim Brotherhood and " others" coming onto the political scene in Egypt. Unfortunately, only time will tell what side of this argument is right.
Here is the part that makes that short period of history so terribly important.
Israel will watch events in Egypt, Saudi, Lebanon and now probably Algeria and Libya as they physically hold their collective breath!
About the time you hear the rumors on the talking head shows of the MB "making real gains" in Egyptian politic and the continued protest in places such as Jordan, and Libya, the Israelis will be preparing for war. That is not being melodramatic. That my friends is the simple truth!
Sunday I will go over what I think we can be looking for that will make Israel begin the transformation to a true War footing. I will link this with the Israeli actions that will give the common citizen in the US the hint of terrible times to come; that is if they are bothering to look!!!