Sunday, September 18, 2016


A few years ago, I started a separate blog site that addressed events in Mexico. I had been “observing”, a very nice way to put it, events in Mexico for several years prior to starting this open forum discussion, but when the phenomenon of the “Autodefensas” appeared in  Michoacán,  I decided it was time to start exposing the dangers this movement could bring to the US and the region.
I won’t go back over what I posted then, but I have added the link to the old blog site.
Having said that, I do think it’s important to have a refresher / review of what is taking place and why. After doing so, it will be much easier to stay current on what is taking place.
As I stated a few days ago, this whole concept goes back to the issue of taking a more asymmetric look at events in the world than I have accomplished in the past with this site.
Ok, in the shortest and easiest way practical, here is an explanation of what an Autodefensa is and how they came about. How they have been manipulated by both the government of Mexico and the drug lords, sadly one is often associated with the other, will be a topic in for review in the near future.
Again, tonight, I will keep this simple and then as time goes on, I will dive into the issue of Mexico at a much more complicated level.

What is an Autodefensa?
Short answer, it’s an organization, the real ones, of Mexican citizens who have lost all confidence in their government at local, state and federal level. Mexican Citizens who have lost confidence not just in common day to day governance, but in the moral compass and legal authority all government must provide. Mexican Citizens who have convinced themselves that the only way their families and communities can find any level of safety is by defending themselves. Again, this is an issue of not just weak government, but complete corrupt government!
Without going back over old post, let me just make the point that when segments of a society, based on geographic location, take up arms to form their own “governance”, then the nation they belong to is far more destabilized than most of us realize.
Mexico is “destabilized” and all the clever speeches from the US administration cannot cover this up.   “Out of sight, out of mind” is not a tactic that will work forever. The violence in Mexico is not the only issue the US seems able to ignore.
Why should these Autodefensa groups be so alarming to the US? Decay, they are clear indicators of the decay of Mexico.
Now, the Mexican government has been a real campaign to neutralize the impact of these Autodefensa movement and it fact, they have worked harder at limiting their impact then they have responding to the drug world that controls Mexico, but then again, there is a reason why; hence the world I used, “control”.
Autodefensa groups absolutely disrupt and discredit the moral standing of the Mexican Government and in the end, the economic impact is their primary concern.
Look at this issue from this perspective. Imagine a group of farmers and Ranchers driving into Del Rio Texas and stating, they were going to be in charge of all legal matters for the area given the current local government was too corrupt to be trusted. Woops…. It seems that does take place in certain parts of the US! Hmmmmm.  Just how stable is the US? Ok, back to my point and by the way, the level of civil control of the Mexican Autodefensa groups is far more overt than any “group” in the US.
What would be the world’s opinion of the US if groups of armed men and women just started banding together in rural areas and even arrested the local political leadership and law enforcement?  Just think what the conversations must have been in Mexico City when these initial Autodefensa groups started to take shape nearly five years ago?
Mexico is on shaky ground and yes, I know most of the people I’ve worked with always come back with the same old line, “Mexico is always on shaky ground…..It’s Mexico”! 
The argument given to me from those in DC was, and I am sure still is, “ Dan….you are Chicken Little. The sky is always falling in Mexico…relax”!
Well, my rebuttal then was the same as it is now. “If we are going to play childhood nursery rhyme games, let’s try a different one. Let’s try the Mexican version of Humpty Dumpty”!
My eyes are back on Mexico as I truly believe some of West greatest threats continue to see Mexico as a great weakness for the US.
More to follow on this topic.