Ok; If you were keeping score on events in Egypt, today would have been a two touchdown advantage for the badguys / Muslim Brotherhood!! For the Egyptian Jimmy Carter, you know who I mean, picture provided, to even contemplate the idea of forming an alliance with the Brotherhood is a huge move in the wrong direction from the US standpoint. Does the US understand this? yes, I believe so. Does the US understand how to counter this possible event? I remain unconvinced.
Can this really happen? Can the Egyptian people be amenable to such a dangerous event? Ask yourself two questions.
1. What is the alternative; in other words; who has a counter plan ready to exicute?
2. How bad are things getting for the people? I mentioned yesterday the devistating issue of food shortages, medical facilities faltering. It's a simple of issue of how affraid and how desperate to the people of Egypt get? Panic is a powerful weapon in the proper hands and the Brotherhood is becoming fast learners.
Ok; so what next? I said it before and I will say it again; keep an eye on Saudi and others like Kuwait and Bahrain, EAU, ect...
Egypt is going to have a telling day on Tuesday!!! By this time tomorrow, FEAR can become the controlling environment in not only Egypt, but in the "Royal Families" of several countries. They know what I said the day I started this blog. "As Egypt goes, so goes the Middle East".
Hold on Israel!!! Hard decision could be close at hand.