Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Let's cover two issues today with one being a follow up on yesterday's comments and the other being, what I consider a far more interesting twist to the events in Egypt.

First the follow up issue:

Yesterday I spoke to the issue of the Muslim Brotherhood and the pro Morsi followers needing to stay in the position of " victim" and how the pro Sisi government, at least part of it, may have figured out how to strip that title away from the Morsi camp.

Well, if yhou can't get the government to move on the camps, then why not press the issue; why not march towards those who you need desperately to abuse you?

In my opinion, that is exactly what took place today.

The problem was, at least for now, it doesn't seem the Sisi government took the bait!

As a matter of fact, most of the "victims" were actually the ones caught on video tossing rocks at the government forces.

So, the plan was probably to instigate a violent event and thus secure your title of "victim".

With only apx ten "victims" reportedly hurt in the incident, I would be willing to say the plan failed!!!

Now what?

What is the next move?

If you are the pro Morsi camp, you probably come to  the conclusion you need to turn up the heat.

If you are  the pro Sisi camp, you most likely realized the tactic you responded with today worked.

Will the tactic of the pro Sisi camp work again; even if the Morsi camp pushes the issue harder?

Does the pro Sisi camp wait until the "victims" push too hard, do something too violent and then use that event to bring the pain on the camps?

That would be my bet and we will have to see if I'm right.

Ok, on to the next topic:    The use of Drones!!!

I must admit, when I first heard of this, I instinctively believed it was a Law Enforcement operation designed to give them better, real time, situational awareness of what was taking place inside the camps.

Now, it's a blast of the obvious to admit the pro Sisi government has "insiders" tucked away in the protest and those members are feeding information at all times.

But,  the risk of discovery is there and the price that would be paid for being discovered would most likely be in blood!

Having said that, would the pro Sisi camp use aerial assets, to include drones?


Here is the interesting part.

The story attached is about the utilization of drones by the pro Morsi camp!

Now, the story goes they are utilized to create a "message" of how much support there is for the pro Morsi camp.

Getting the word out is a vital concept for the pro Morsi camp and the idea that some of them have figure out how to use drones to do that is simply brilliant.

As I watched this story, I couldn't help but wonder, "what if they used their drones to do more than shape the message"?

 A drone at the altitude shown in the video can show you, at a tactical level, a great deal more than how many supporters you have.

Where are the government forces?

Where are they moving?

What equipment do they have just out of site?

Again, all these things can be captured by well placed members of the cause, but again the danger lies with the risk of being caught.

Here is my next bet.

If the pro Sisi government forces begin to truly make a move on the crowd, the internet connection in the area and the radio frequencies these "toys" drones work off of, will come down first.

Some have talked about how the forces may move on the pro Morsi camp and how they may cut off water, electricity and so on.

You can add two more to the growing list; Internet connectivity and radio frequencies.

Drones in a protest????

Now there is a twist I would be willing to be expands far beyond Egypt, if it has not already done so.

Just imagine drones flying over an event / demonstration in the US?

What an interesting turn of events this has become!