Wednesday, October 3, 2018


            If I could draw, I would love to post a cartoon here of a large Dragon with it’s Left Wing draped over a Bear who is standing there… sweating profusely with a nervous smile on it’s face…..really.. I would love that, for it tells the story that everyone needs to read.
            It appears the Borg Spaceship is actually going to make a landing in Damascus. It seems the Borg have determined Syria will be assimilated into the Belt& Road Initiative.
The Chinese are announcing they will spend billions on the “rebuilding” of Syria. I would change “rebuilding” to “ Restructuring”. The Borg will make Syria more efficient, more functional as part of the larger “collective”….you know…. Belt&Road! Yes, it could be, Syria has now been chosen to be “assimilated” into the greater cause. There is no need other nations to wish to help, such as Iran and it’s dream of placing automobile manufacturing in Syria. Chinese cars are, “More appealing”. That’s code for, “go home and wait for us to show up…you are on the list for assimilation”.
            China will also support the restructuring, sorry… rebuilding of the Syrian military. Wait, isn’t that Moscow’s job? Never fear, the Dragon and the Bear are “partners” in all things military……Dear Russian people….please think about the cartoon I wish I could draw!  China is showing up to help with the Terrorist? Can anyone being assimilated ask the Chinese what the definition of “Terrorism” is? Let me give you a hint. If you are devout in your religion……if you are dedicated to maintaining your independence, then you are most likely going to end up on the “Terrorist Watch List”…..Chinese Version. Does a Muslim constitute a potential “Terrorist” to the Chinese government? You bet. What is the government of China? Yep…. Communist. What religion do Communist follow? The religion of power and obedience.
The Honey:
            What is the allure the Chinese keep using? Money! What is it going to take to even start to restructure…sorry…did it again….rebuild Syria? Money and a lot of it. New ports, a port where the Russians are currently located by the way…..but don’t worry……that doesn’t worry Moscow😊. New industry…….industry that will be run by the Chinese government. Yep….money is the honey and once you are stuck in the Chinese honey….like the US is, it’s virtually impossible to get away.
Organized Religion:
            To the Chinese government and it’s new Emperor, the concept of organized religion is nothing more than a threat to long term stability. Religion does nothing other than give resistance hope. Religion, especially the Muslim faith must be controlled if the Borg is to assimilate the world. It’s that Muslim faith that worries them the most right now and as China restructures the definition of “Terrorism”, you can bet more and more of the names added to the list will have Muslim backgrounds.
            It was only a few weeks ago I spoke to the issue of Chinese “support” to Afghanistan. Once again, two themes were prevalent, Terrorism and Belt&Road. Now, the story is Syria, the training base for well organized and experienced “Terrorist”. The problem is, the definition of Terrorism is much broader to the Chinese than to the West or even the nervous Bear. Soon, perhaps too soon, the definition of a Terrorist could be anyone that doesn’t bow to the new Emperor of China. My last thought of the day is a warning to the Middle East. Watch the Star Trek Episodes with the Borg, for that is who is landing in your capitals. If you answer, “so what? The Colonial Powers did the same thing? Well, I would agree, but some Master’s are far more uncompromising than others. For the people who live with the Bear, I would bet you the Dragon still wonders what Bear taste like.