Thursday, February 25, 2016


Interesting how the Russians frame the issue of hearing a rumor over a “Plan B” for Syria.

Five years ago many argued the end result of a Civil War in Syria would be the partitioning of the country…..much like the theories that ran wild shortly after 2003 and the Iraqi conflict. 

What does dividing a nation accomplish? Why must it take place?

Well, the most simplistic answer is, English Engineers at the End of WWI.   When you get right down to it, the maps that were drawn up for the region set in motion the entire 100 years of strife.

So, if someone does have a “Plan B” for Syria, let me ask the question many are going to ask.

Is there a Plan B for the whole region?  How do you fix a mess created by a completely illogical process that took place nearly 100 years ago?

Now, about this so called Plan B; who came up with the “plan”?  

What are the details of this plan and just how will it be implemented?

So the US / West / states, supposedly, that military operations would not be ruled out to execute Plan B?  Who’s military…… what Alliance?   Did the Saudi’s give up a planning secret when they spoke of operations in Syria? Why did NATO say there would be no support for Turkey if they did take actions in Syria? How does that fit into Plan B?

Yes my friends it is the Western amateur hour once again! 

How could the Russians and the Iranians see this as anything but a feeble threat with absolutely nothing to back it up?

Could the threat be that  the West / US / would be willing to look the other way if the Northern Thunder Alliance decided to move on Syria?

So, to prove a point, the West / US / would be willing to let the region spin into an unpredictable conflict?  

The truth is, who knows……….they just might……………like I said………….It’s amateur hour all over again.

Oh by the way; if you could get  Vegas to let you bet on this current “Truce / Ceasefire”, at about 10 million to one, you could make a lot of money! 

The Turks and the IS fighters are going to honor a “truce”? 

Laughable…………amateur hour based on the desperate actions of clueless so called “Statesmen”.