Tuesday, January 3, 2012


If the rumors are true and Abbas is quietly threatening to step down and or dissolve the PA, it will not be the first time.

The idea of Hamas assuming control of the movement is a threat to Israel that Abbas places too much credit on.

Now, everyone understands his frustration level is at an all time high, but making bold threats has never given him or the PA one single concession from Israel.

Having said this, I'm not convinced this is the only reason he has come out, again, with threats.

If he thinks his actions will place more pressure on the UN to speed up the vote, he is taking a huge gamble.

Netanyahu is not about to cave to someone handing him a list of " demands" from the PA.

I have to wonder if he consulted with Hamas leadership before he put together the list?

One thing is for sure, the radicals inside Hamas are praying the PA stunt falls apart forcing  Abbas  to take his ball and go home.

The real danger comes from Israel believing Abbas may just quit this time thus leaving Hamas in the driver seat.

I'm not sure that is a situation Israel can live with and Abbas knows it.

So, Abbas is in a high stakes poker game here and he may have underestimate, again, what the results could be.

The Israel reaction to the first meeting will probably be somewhat muted.

there may be a few comments by party members in Israel, but I would bet Netanyahu is going to play his cards close to the vest and see what Abbas's next move is.