Ok, as the saying goes in the US ,
"If you believe that, I have some Swampland in Nevada I can sell you".
I have to wonder what Erdogan thought of this
"announcement" by Ahmadinejad?
I know one thing for sure; he believes it about as much as I
Now, the two of them do have a common issue and that is a
Kurdish independence movement that is not going to go away.
Would the Kurd issue be enough for Ahmadinejad to strike a
deal with Erdogan?
Would the collapsing status of Ahmadinejad inside his own
country make him reach out to Turkey ?
The answer to both of these questions is no!!
Here is what I think The Mad Carpet Rider is up to.
An age old ploy is being put into motion here.
If Iran
openly announces its support for Turkey
on the issue of "Territorial Integrity", it has a stronger position
than normal when it defends Syria 's
right for the same.
So, to position the issue of Assad's " Rights", Iran pays homage to Turkey .
Now the question becomes, what does this get Iran or Assad?
My bet is, when the time comes, it gets both of them absolutely
A nice photo op and a few kind words will not change a thing
between the two countries.
Bottom line; nice try, but nothing changes.... nothing at