Saturday, July 6, 2013


Well,  a great deal has happened in the past three days and just about everyone has formed an opinion in one way or another as to what may happen in Egypt.

As I said three days ago, the only thing we can really count on was and is the fact that both sides of the events in Egypt had detailed "game plans" for the events that took place.

Having said that, here are a few other undisputable facts we can bank on this  weekend.

1.  Assad, Iran and Hezbollah, once again, are more than happy to hear of turmoil near them.

Once again, the distraction of Egypt gives Assad and his supporters the cover they need to level a degree of violence on their enemies that would typically be reacted to with detailed media coverage; I.E.   the push on Homs!

Make no mistake, the concept of the Sunni dominated Muslim Brotherhood being openly attacked in Egypt is more than music to the Shia ears of the region.

It's also should come as no surprise the MB and it's followers were more than ready to blame "others" in the region for the events in Egypt.

2.  Turkey and it's Islamist based government is more than worried about the events of Egypt.

Incase anyone has forgotten, it was only two weeks ago the streets of Turkey's major cites were full of violent event that shook the Turkish's governments confidence to the core!!!

From the early days of the "Arab Spring"///// Tunisian Virus, a nickname I will not give up on, it was clear the hijacking of the youth lead, sectarian mainstream was at some point going to get their collective feet under them!

If you go back and read my post from two years ago, you will see my opinion then and by the was still is the real shakers and makers of these revolts would eventually realize they had been hoodwinked by the Islamist!

It was a painful lesion for the youth of Iran shortly after their revolution over 30 yrs ago and it's a lesson the people of Egypt have taken to heart.

You see, the MB has always known they had a narrow window of opportunity to shape the Egyptian government in a way that would leave them in power for years to come.

The MB knew from the fist days of the revolution two years ago, they could deceive the Egyptian people, people who were scared of what was taken place in their country, and that allowed the MB to slip into power.

It's the reason the MB started a full court press to change the Egyptian military and the laws of the land before the Egyptian people got their preverbal act together.

So now, the Islamic government of Turkey watches as a new even more deadly version of the Tunisian Virus overtakes Egypt; a version of the "Virus" that, this time, not even the well discussed Islamic leaders can hide from.

Is Turkey worried about what is taking place in Egypt?

Oh... more than you can possibly imagine!!

Are the Shia joyful over the events engulfing the Muslim Brotherhood?

Silly question.

So, what is going to happen in Egypt?

More violence?


More economic distress?


If you want to gauge how bad things might get for Egypt, just watch the Turkish government as it chews it's fingernails to stubs.