Monday, August 12, 2013


I've not commented on the events in Egypt for several days for one simple reason, nobody believed Sisi's government, and that is just what Egypt has right now, was going to  move on it's own people until after the Eid al-Fitr.

Well, the Holiday is over and nothing took place, yet!


As this article mentions, some are growing more and more convinced the "unity" of the anti Morsi camp is falling apart.

Is that really what is taking place?

I will tell you, that is precisely how the Muslim Brotherhood is attempting to paint the picture.

Let's assume for a minute the division in the anti Morsi camp is a growing event that is now out in the open.

What does it mean to the course of Egypt?

If you answered with the theory of Egypt could now become even more dangerous, you would be correct!

If the non military members of the anti Morsi camp are reluctant to spill the blood of the protesters, then it will become nearly impossible for Sisi to continue to present a unified front and when that happens the events could and will most likely will swing towards reactionary violence not controlled  by the Sisi government.

You see, the Morsi supporters are no different than the Sisi supporters.

Days and weeks on end of stagnation will not bring them any closer to their goal; ether side.

The radical elements of the MB know they must continue to be cast in the part of the "victim" and sitting around listening to the same old worn out lectures for weeks on end will not create that desired outcome.

Both sites are already considered by many as nothing but a drain on the majority of Egyptians who are struggling to get back to some level of a normal life!

The status of "victim" is a must for the MB camp and without that status their objective may just fall apart.

Ironic when you consider that just two weeks ago all the talk centered around the Sisi government couldn't count on continued support if the protest sites were allowed to be seen on international news day after day....week after week....

So, both sides have now had to deal with the consequences of inaction!

Here is where the story really gets complex.

If the Sisi government decides the price of crushing the camps is too great and the world wide repercussions are too risky, then the decision may have been made to delay!

On the other hand; if the MB / Morsi camp has come to realize the lack of violence will eventfully weaken their stance, then perhaps they must provide the violence?

The question then becomes what type of violence and against whom?

Does the pro Morsi camp attack the pro Sisi organizations around the camps?

Does the pro Morsi camp inflict violence on their own supporters to give the perception the Sisi government has moved to violence?

Does the Sisi government instigate an event that shows it's followers as the victims?

Has anything like anyone of these incidents every taken place in the Middle East?

Now; there is a silly question!!!

So, I ask again; what happens next?

Perhaps the more important question becomes, " who did what"?

A wise US President once said, "Trust, but verify"!!!

The verification process!!!! How will that work?

If Sisi decides to move on the camps and the non military side of his camp does not agree, then the future of Egypt is really in doubt!!