So, how dare the Saudi leadership "interfere" in Lebanese
political matters?
The nerve of those "meddlers" trying to keep
Hezbollah from forcing their will on the people of Lebanon !
Yep, as outrageous as this statement may sound, Hezbollah
leadership and loyal followers completely believe this is a valid complaint.
Now, are the Saudis actually
influencing events in Lebanon ?
Silly question!
If you can find me someone in the region who doesn't
understand the proxy fight that is taking place between Saudi and Iran , then I
would submit that name for the next round of Dancing with the Stars!!!
Whenever I hear Hezbollah complaining about how they are
being treated or in this case not being allowed to run Lebanon , I have
to laugh!
Let me tell you what Hezbollah's Master does realize.
The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend.... Insert Saudi / GCC
and Israel
Then pending battle of Lebanon is a price Hezbollah can
ill afford to pay.
The peaceful existence of Hezbllah's villages and towns are
at stake and with each passing day,
their loyal supporters see the doom just over the horizon.
I would be willing to bet you the tension amongst
Hezbollah's families, supporters is to the point the ultimate blame for the destruction
about to rain down on them is going to end on the doorstep of leadership....
.Hezbollah leadership!!!
I've said this time and time again and here we go again.....
Hezbollah is about to bring pain to the people of Lebanon and all
for the sake of severing their Persian Masters!
Arab's are killing Arabs and the Persians could care less!
For days an epic battle along the border of Lebanon and Syria has occupied just about every
conversation in the region.
This pending battle is going to prove to be disastrous for
current Hezbollah leadership and hiding in Syria
may end up being a safer option than sleeping in Lebanon .
Shia Arabs are heading to the graves at the control of the
Persians and that is a scenario that is not going to last.
As for the Iranians, I would remind them of yet another age
old adage; " You can win the Battle
and lose the War"!