Thursday, June 6, 2019


   Mr. Lopez, President Lopez, apparently has a alliances with a very prominent figure in Mexico. The Good Doctor Mireles. If you have followed me for the past several years, then you know my theory of the Good Doctor. If you haven’t, I’m gong to give a very detailed background on this individual on my pending PODCAST. Yep. That’s right folks. I’ve stepped into the 21st Century. I almost....almost.... know how to do PODCAST now. The next thing you know, I will be writing code:) Okay. Why Do I bring up the relationship between the Good Doctor and Mr. Lopez? Do they have something the past President didn’t.... a real understanding of each other? Short answer.....yes.....yes they do. Is that astonishing given the Good Doctor’s history with the Mexican government, the same government that tried their best to kill him? Yep. Why? Why would this new President be any different than the past several? Why would he reach out to a man who could easily become the next General Villa? Yep. I said it....General Villa. Again, if you know me, I’ve been looking at the Good Doctor’s actions since 2013 and the beginning of his version of the Autodefensa movements. What is their “understanding” based on? Simple. Revolution! There.........I said it. Mr. Lopez and the Good Doctor are both willing to take Mexico into a Revolution if need be. Sound outrageous? If you think so, then you don’t know Mexico. 


  Without diving too deep in the past observations of the Good Doctor, let me make one very important point, one that I will cover in more detail on my PODCAST. At the time the Arab Spring was spreading, I was of the opinion that same mentality could reach the US and Mexico and other regions of Central and South America. Well, I was right about the US with the appearance of the Occupy Wall Street and that event made me even more convinced it was going to take place in Mexico. So, the Arab Spring, or Tunisian Virus, as I called it back then, was cooking along, up pops the Good Doctor in 2013. His Autodefensas organization in Michoacán was more than disturbing to some of us, but not to the level that the so called “experts” in DC would acknowledge. We had a series of debates as to just what this Autodefensa movement might indicate, but at the end of the day, as is always the case, nobody is smarter than the gang in DC....just ask them. As time went on, the cartels had to figure out a way to deal with what the Good Doctor had awoken in the common people of Mexico. The same people who no longer trusted the government, as if they ever did, and no longer trusted the police at all levels. The reality was, these groups were growing and they were taking on the cartels at an alarming rate. Now, as much as the cartels tried to get their paid for government officials to put a stop to the Autodefensas, it seemed the government was reluctant to move on the poor people of Mexico. Well, the next thing you know, the cartels did the next best thing, they infiltrated the movement. Fake Autodefensa popped up and key members were paid off....never forget in Mexico; “ Plata or Plomo”. Try as they may, the cartels could not get a handle on the groups. They even continued to grow and by 2015, it was clear not only did the cartels worry about the possibility of these groups, but the Old Guard in Mexico City did as well. You know, the people who don’t give a hoot about anything outside of Mexico City. The people that can fly away if it all goes bad. So, the next thing you know, the Good Doctor is arrested, but here was the catch. He was widely popular and killing him, at least for the government, well, that simply was not an option. Then an event took place that I predicted. They couldn’t kill him outright and the government couldn’t afford to have the cartels kill him, so............... he had a “accident” better aircraft “accident”. There was only one problem, he lived! Off to jail he went with the theory of “ out of site, out of mind”. The government had anticipated with his face being out of the limelight for a year or two and with the cartels infiltrating the Autodefensas, the whole concept would fall apart. Short answer, it didn’t work. 

  The Alliance:

 With a bad heart and a questionable support base, the Good Doctor held on. What happened next was more than an omen. The fright to have him released grew. Yep. Mexico’s elites, the ones that feared what he stood for more than they feared the cartels, were going to have to give in. He was let loose after say he was “sorry” for the Autodefensa movements. A statement he had no problem with making given he knew no one would  believe a word of it. 

Then, then the elections came and the next thing the PRE and the PAN realized their combined rule over Mexico had come to an end. Worse yet, Mr. López was not only going to change things in Mexico City, he was going to radically change things. Mr. Lopez, the guy who has called for “Revolution” in Mexico. 

Well, the next thing you know, the Good Doctor had gone from nearly public enemy number one to mouthpiece for the new President.. My oh my, how times change. Does the idea of these two wildly popular figures teaming up send shivers down the spine of the Old Guard in Mexico City? Ha. If you think The Donald showing up in DC rocked the boat, you can only imagine the drama in Mexico City.  

What was Missing:

   Back when I was “Observing”:) the Good Doctor and many other issues in Mexico, it became clear he was missing one key ingredient to spark a true revolutionary mindset. The students. He spend his energy on those that he knew, the poor farmers and working class. What he missed was the synergy that would come from pulling in the youth of the Universities. The fuel was there.... but the right flame was not used. Well, that is now changing. In the past few weeks, I’ve seen a change in the Good Doctor’s actions. It seems he has been on a roadshow not to see just the working class folks in the countryside, he’s closed the loop. He visiting and meeting with the students and folks, that is significant! Now, why is he doing this? Is he marching to the beat of his own drummer or is he executing the wishes of his fellow Revolutionary.... Mr. Lopez. 

The Real Goal?

   Mr. Lopez is out to rebalance the wealth of Mexico and he is framing this mission by saying he is pushing out corruption at all levels. Are those not the words of every revolutionary movement? The redistribution of wealth and the concept of such an event is as alien to the power base in Mexico City as it is anywhere else, but here is the kicker. Does he include the wealth of the cartels? Did he not all but admit he was going to go hands off on the drug Lords? Did he not say he was going to remove the. Military from the streets of Mexico? Just how does that defeat the strongest crime family in the Americas? Ugly answer. Perhaps he doesn’t intend to? The Good Doctor is a powerful tool and perhaps this tool has been given a mission. Secure the base for the next revolution. Secure the two groups that are key. The students and the poor.Yesterday, Doctor Mireles tweeted he was heading to the University in Guerrero and he was going to meet with the students as they reflected on the words of General Villa. “ It would be magnificent, I believe, to help make Mexico a happy place”. Talking to the students of a controversial University about the inspirational words of the last, great Revolutionary. Interesting. 

   Hugo Chavez came to power in Venezuela on the promise of a complete overhaul of the nation. He was the one that called for the next phase of the Bolivian Revolution. In the end, where did Venezuela end up? Children eating out of trash cans. Is Mexico heading for a revolution? It seems that way. Can it actually happen? What is there to prevent it when the President is so wildly popular? Is the Good Doctor working to support Mr. Lopez’s goals or is he plotting for the President’s failure? Ah......... now, there is the real question. These words have been spoken by the Good Doctor. To paraphrase, ‘ i will wait to see how his presidency goes? 

   Okay. What does this mean to the feast of us? What does it mean to the US? That folks, is the purpose of my pending PODCAST.