Monday, December 4, 2017


Well, I’ve been off for the past few weeks catching up on other writing “issues”, but I’m back now.
The topic of the day? Mr. Saleh. It seems Mr. Saleh had yet another change of heart a few days ago. A change of heart as to who should continue to line his pockets! Now, this guy has been out to accomplish one thing from the day he stepped into the spotlight. Saleh for Saleh’s sake. That’s it. It’s as simple as that! Flip flop should have been his nickname, but it seems this time, he flipped right on top of a bomb. Not his fist time by the way! Why did Saleh change his mind? Look to the future King of Saudi for your answer. Did the Iranian backed forces in Yemen blow him up? Yep. Could the Saudi’s have anticipated that event taking place? Yep. What will it change? Nothing. He had called for his followers to “rise up” against the Iranian backed forces, but that speech was nothing more than a way to get paid. How many of his followers jumped ship to fight the forces they had been supported by? You can probably count them on one had. Has his death prolonged the fighting in Yemen? Most likely. His supporters won’t be happy with his manner of death along with his body being displayed.

Speaking of Yemen:

If we step back from the events of Saleh’s death to review what is taking place in the region, we might see a few far more interesting trends. Has Iran become embolden with their advances? Yes. Has the future King of Saudi become more determined to stop these advancements? Yes.  Does this lead to tensions in the region becoming worse? Yes. Is anyone surprised by any of this? No! So, what has changed? What has taken place that could lead anyone to believe things may get better or things may get worse? Here is a hint. What “relationship” seems to be, “coming out of the closet”? If you guessed Saudi and Israel, you are only partially correct. You need to add Egypt into your answer. You need to see the closing of ranks between the Russians and the Turks. You need to see how difficult the task has become for the Russians to hold hands with the Turks and the Iranians at the same time. The short and simple answer is, the sides in the Middle East are continuing to attempt to solidify and I want to stress the word, attempt. Does any partner on either side of the partnerships truly trust any of the others? Of course not. The question becomes, what do you look for? What is the next big event that might push the region to the next level?

The US Embassy in Israel:

The topic is back on the table. Why now? Well, for one thing it’s time for the US to update the legal wavier on the issue. The Donald doesn’t want to do it, but the pressure to do so is high. On top of that rather delicate issue is the rumor The Donald is going to announce the US’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel! Contentious issues? Oh ya. Will it pull apart the pro-Western camp? Nope. The target is Iran / the Persians / and all other issue can be addressed at some point down the road. Period. The future King of Saudi is not going to jeopardize his unofficial, undeclared, collation for the sake of the Palestinians, at least not right now. Much large games are underway. Lebanon. Iraq. Syria and Yemen. Those are the primary points of effort, not the Palestinians.
The timing is right. If the US wants to push the issue of Embassies and Capitals, now is the time to do so. The question becomes why? Why make waves with those issues now? The answer takes us right back to the primary topic. Iran! Israel is being told to sit on their hands while the Iranians and Hezbollah creap closer and closer to the “redline”. “Steady Boys…. Steady….Wait to you see the white of their eyes”! That seems to be the message. The undeclared coalition need a little more time before things may get very interesting. They may also allow the undeclared partner to start the event………….Israel!  But. In the meantime, perhaps the US feels it’s time to toss the Israelis a bone. Perhaps it takes a  little open support to keep the whole game plan moving forward.

Look. Let’s face it. The region is a complete mess and is only going to get worse before it has a chance of getting better. Is there a war in the future? Most likely. Is it in the near future? That is the scary question and the answer is even more frightening. As for Salah. It appears the flip-flop Leader saw the light. Unfortunately for him, that light was the flash of a rather large bomb!