Thursday, December 22, 2016


I was tempted this morning to once again comment on the attacks like the one a few days ago in Germany. I would have gone down that trail, but to be honest with you, it’s an old story and a story that simply seems to never change. Yes, random acts of violence are a part of man’s nature, but try explaining that to the families of the dead. Will it ever end? Most likely not. It may change causes and it may bring about even more instability just like what we are witnessing in Europe, but in the end, man’s ability to do great harm to other defenseless, innocent people is a sickness that has plagued the Human Race from the dawn of time. How to stop this most recent round of senseless violence may make for great talking points on cable news and it may allow so called “experts” to pump out an ever increasing volume of worthless books, but it’s now going away anytime soon! The most frightening fact is this. In a world of instant communication and imagery without explanation, the repercussions of these types of events are more dangerous than at any point in history.
Okay, off the soapbox and back to what I really intended on addressing today.
Two days ago, I made this comment in a post. “So, the Turks blame the Kurds and the Russians blame the Sunni Radicals, “Terrorist”.  With both sides painting such a rosy picture of their rekindled love, it will be interesting to see whose story gets to stay the lead answer”. I knew this topic was not worthy of talking about for at least the first two days or so. I had to give the Tsar and Egodan time to shape the event to the point some hint of where this was going would become clear. Well, it looks like that event is beginning to take shape. You see, this event, unlike most, was unplanned, at least by the Tsar and Egodan. There wasn’t a page in the play book to turn to. The response was not scripted and ready to push to the media as soon as the attack took place. In the Tsar’s or Egodan’s Master Plan, the assassination of the Russian Ambassador to Turkey was not anticipated. Time. It took a time to find a way to leverage the death. Look.
The world has basically two types of leaders. The typical “Leader” watches an event unfold and then sits down with his or her most trusted advisors to figure out a way to “react” to the event. Masterful “Leaders” see an event unfold, sit down with their most trusted advisers and plot the best advantage! There is a HUGE difference between these two types of “Leaders”! One reacts and the other plots!  The Tsar and Egodan are fall into second category. The US “Leader” falls into the first.
So, after a few days of plotting, how does the Tsar and Egodan take advantage of the assassination? How do they appear to sing the same song, but yet, not alter their own plot for the region? Remember, the concept the Turks and the Russians are hand in hand is the statement of a fool! Appearance is the key ingredient for both the Tsar and Sultan; I’ve not called him that for a few weeks, so I figured it was time.

Syria and the vision of where the conflict is going, that was the “joint’ statement the Tsar and the Sultan agreed to make. They even tossed in the Persians for good measure as if they had any vote on the matter.  “This act will not change our resolve to solve the Syrian crisis”…or something like that! Again, lets’ be clear here. The “vision” of Syria for the Russians and the Turks are about as far apart as you can get and yet still act like One Team, One Fight! For the Sultan, there will be no Kurdistan. There will be an image as the Sultan being the great savior of the Sunni population in the region. For the Tsar, the payback pain for Western broken promises on NATO expansion will continue. The drive to secure the Russian frontier will not be altered by the death of one of their Ambassadors. The hand in hand walk will continue, but the paths the two Leader intend on taking are very different. At some point in time, other real leader will need to understand how to expose these two different paths. Will Trump be the first category of leader or will he show up in the second category? The West needs a few second category leaders and they need them quickly. 

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