Monday, April 11, 2016


Was the resignation of yatsenyuk a surprise?
Did Europe anticipate this event?
Yes, to some degree.
Did the Tsar?
Oh yes………….Absolutely!
If you are tired of me talking about the Tsar’s “Master Plan”, then you might as well go read something else because that is where I am heading once again!
Go back to my comments a few months ago about why the Tsar moved on Syria?
Go back to my theory of reshaping Europe into an environment where opposing the “New Russia” could not be challenged or even better yet, condoned. 
Enter the weaponization of immigration and the crisis it placed on all of Europe.
Go back and look at what really……really upset the Tsar… the point he decided a good defense is a strong offense.
The Ukraine and the drive by the West / Europe / to place it solidly in the Western “camp”!
So, did the Tsar take his eye off the Ukrainian ball?
Did he focus so much on the new playing field in the Middle East that he let the events in the Ukraine just simmer?
The Tsar’s Chess skills are far too superior to those who attempt to stay on the table with him to let such an issue take place.
Timing, the Tsar is all about timing and the resignation of his enemy, Yatsenyuk came within the window of expectation!
Europe; the place where common, everyday hard working people, not college students, artist and Poets, but the people who actually pay the bills, have grown more discouraged with  current “leadership” than any time in the recent past. A place were rumors of future leaders, leaders who have a very different attitudes towards weaponized immigration lurk in the political shadows. This is the Europe that now mush watch the events of the Ukraine.  A Ukraine ruled by the same liberal, “dreamer” mentality that has given all of Europe the Middle Eastern migration. A Ukraine that is at sitting on the edge of open hostilities with the one leader the common, working class people of Europe may be identifying with. The one European leader who looks at progressive leadership as a pariah on hard working people. 
Yep…. Rumor upon rumor….. The Tsar is a folk hero in many parts of Europe. A Europe that must decide if the Ukraine is not better off in the hands of a strong leader than it is was in the hands of a campus hero….Yatsenyuk! 
Timing…. The Tsar is all about timing and the phases of the “Master Plan”… the plan to rebuild the Russian Empire.
Will the new, emerging, and Europe stand against the Russian pressure on Ukraine?
Times have changed and changed dramatically since the last round of conflict in Eastern Ukraine.
Europe is changing and the Tsar is the change agent!
Kiev. What is your next move? “Chose you words carefully for they may be your last”!

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