Sunday, April 17, 2016


As most of you have undoubtedly read by now, “these actions are not new”! Yep.  That was the first words out of the mouths of the talking heads!
Were the actions near the ship and the actions near the aircraft “dangerous”?
Were they deliberate?
Were they condoned or even dictated by Russian leadership?
To some degree, most likely.
So, where are these events provocations, acts committed to “send a message”?
Nope, at least that’s not the primary impact the Russian leadership is looking for and this is the part the Talking Heads get wrong……..way wrong!
Provocation is a secondary goal, a goal most likely of some of the Russian military leadership, but it’s not the Tsar’s goal!
Ok, if provocation, sticking his finger in the US’s eye is not the primary intent of the Tsar’s actions, then what is he up to?
Events like these are “messages”, now figuring out what is the message and who is the message for; that is the key.
Ok, enough with the mystery novel approach, let’s get down to it.
Elections in September in Russia.
Just how important are they to the Tsar, to his vision of the new Russian Empire?
The Master Plan!
A disruption of the September elections seems to be a paramount concern for the Tsar?
Why are those particular elections suddenly far more important to him than any of the others he has traveled through in the past fifteen years?
What part of his Master Plan is based upon the planned results he needs from the September elections?
Why is he so worried about “interference”?
In the past thirty days, time and time again, the Tsar has linked events to “outsiders” trying to impact the results of the elections in September?
Does he really think anyone in the West is so organized, capable of plotting the disruption of Russian house elections?
Really?   I know he loves to overestimate the ability of the West to jointly plan his demise, but I can assure everyone, that is a byproduct of his paranoia and has nothing to do with the amateur hour the US calls Foreign Policy!  
Is that it?
Is his message, “you better leave me alone or things could get out of hand”?
I could be convinced of that line of thought, but I still have an alternative perspective.
Who is the Tsar truly worried about?
Is he convinced the West is trying to disrupt his Master Plan, impact September’s results?
Or, is he more worried about those voters he is truly counting on?
Is the love affair with the Tsar as strong as the Talking Heads make it out to be?
Is he truly the hero of the Russian people, even to the point that they simply do as he edicts come September?
Are there cracks in the Tsar’s armor?
Who is the “message” for?
Who is the, “look at us…..look how we make the West drop to their knees” message for?
Who is the Tsar trying to convince…..the US ….the West….. or his own people?
For several days now, I’ve watched and listened to the discussions on the topic of these encounters.
Everyone is stuck on how dangerous and the stand answer comes out, “ nothing new here” look the other way……look…..Trump said something…..everybody…….look over there!!!!!!! It’s TRUMP!!!!!
The mysterious actions of the Tsar continue.
Why is September so important?
What is going to take place based upon the results he’s planning on?
What has him so nervous that he would allow his military the thrill of doing what they are continuing to do……. Push their age old enemy more and more frequently?
The most mysterious man in the world continues to act out a drama, a mystery that most of us are reacting to like a dog and a high pitched noise!
Day by day, this Russian Opera seems to grow more intense.

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