Sunday, April 17, 2016


As most of you have undoubtedly read by now, “these actions are not new”! Yep.  That was the first words out of the mouths of the talking heads!
Were the actions near the ship and the actions near the aircraft “dangerous”?
Were they deliberate?
Were they condoned or even dictated by Russian leadership?
To some degree, most likely.
So, where are these events provocations, acts committed to “send a message”?
Nope, at least that’s not the primary impact the Russian leadership is looking for and this is the part the Talking Heads get wrong……..way wrong!
Provocation is a secondary goal, a goal most likely of some of the Russian military leadership, but it’s not the Tsar’s goal!
Ok, if provocation, sticking his finger in the US’s eye is not the primary intent of the Tsar’s actions, then what is he up to?
Events like these are “messages”, now figuring out what is the message and who is the message for; that is the key.
Ok, enough with the mystery novel approach, let’s get down to it.
Elections in September in Russia.
Just how important are they to the Tsar, to his vision of the new Russian Empire?
The Master Plan!
A disruption of the September elections seems to be a paramount concern for the Tsar?
Why are those particular elections suddenly far more important to him than any of the others he has traveled through in the past fifteen years?
What part of his Master Plan is based upon the planned results he needs from the September elections?
Why is he so worried about “interference”?
In the past thirty days, time and time again, the Tsar has linked events to “outsiders” trying to impact the results of the elections in September?
Does he really think anyone in the West is so organized, capable of plotting the disruption of Russian house elections?
Really?   I know he loves to overestimate the ability of the West to jointly plan his demise, but I can assure everyone, that is a byproduct of his paranoia and has nothing to do with the amateur hour the US calls Foreign Policy!  
Is that it?
Is his message, “you better leave me alone or things could get out of hand”?
I could be convinced of that line of thought, but I still have an alternative perspective.
Who is the Tsar truly worried about?
Is he convinced the West is trying to disrupt his Master Plan, impact September’s results?
Or, is he more worried about those voters he is truly counting on?
Is the love affair with the Tsar as strong as the Talking Heads make it out to be?
Is he truly the hero of the Russian people, even to the point that they simply do as he edicts come September?
Are there cracks in the Tsar’s armor?
Who is the “message” for?
Who is the, “look at us…..look how we make the West drop to their knees” message for?
Who is the Tsar trying to convince…..the US ….the West….. or his own people?
For several days now, I’ve watched and listened to the discussions on the topic of these encounters.
Everyone is stuck on how dangerous and the stand answer comes out, “ nothing new here” look the other way……look…..Trump said something…..everybody…….look over there!!!!!!! It’s TRUMP!!!!!
The mysterious actions of the Tsar continue.
Why is September so important?
What is going to take place based upon the results he’s planning on?
What has him so nervous that he would allow his military the thrill of doing what they are continuing to do……. Push their age old enemy more and more frequently?
The most mysterious man in the world continues to act out a drama, a mystery that most of us are reacting to like a dog and a high pitched noise!
Day by day, this Russian Opera seems to grow more intense.

Monday, April 11, 2016


Was the resignation of yatsenyuk a surprise?
Did Europe anticipate this event?
Yes, to some degree.
Did the Tsar?
Oh yes………….Absolutely!
If you are tired of me talking about the Tsar’s “Master Plan”, then you might as well go read something else because that is where I am heading once again!
Go back to my comments a few months ago about why the Tsar moved on Syria?
Go back to my theory of reshaping Europe into an environment where opposing the “New Russia” could not be challenged or even better yet, condoned. 
Enter the weaponization of immigration and the crisis it placed on all of Europe.
Go back and look at what really……really upset the Tsar… the point he decided a good defense is a strong offense.
The Ukraine and the drive by the West / Europe / to place it solidly in the Western “camp”!
So, did the Tsar take his eye off the Ukrainian ball?
Did he focus so much on the new playing field in the Middle East that he let the events in the Ukraine just simmer?
The Tsar’s Chess skills are far too superior to those who attempt to stay on the table with him to let such an issue take place.
Timing, the Tsar is all about timing and the resignation of his enemy, Yatsenyuk came within the window of expectation!
Europe; the place where common, everyday hard working people, not college students, artist and Poets, but the people who actually pay the bills, have grown more discouraged with  current “leadership” than any time in the recent past. A place were rumors of future leaders, leaders who have a very different attitudes towards weaponized immigration lurk in the political shadows. This is the Europe that now mush watch the events of the Ukraine.  A Ukraine ruled by the same liberal, “dreamer” mentality that has given all of Europe the Middle Eastern migration. A Ukraine that is at sitting on the edge of open hostilities with the one leader the common, working class people of Europe may be identifying with. The one European leader who looks at progressive leadership as a pariah on hard working people. 
Yep…. Rumor upon rumor….. The Tsar is a folk hero in many parts of Europe. A Europe that must decide if the Ukraine is not better off in the hands of a strong leader than it is was in the hands of a campus hero….Yatsenyuk! 
Timing…. The Tsar is all about timing and the phases of the “Master Plan”… the plan to rebuild the Russian Empire.
Will the new, emerging, and Europe stand against the Russian pressure on Ukraine?
Times have changed and changed dramatically since the last round of conflict in Eastern Ukraine.
Europe is changing and the Tsar is the change agent!
Kiev. What is your next move? “Chose you words carefully for they may be your last”!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


In all likelihood, the news of the Tsar spinning up some new force in Russia is not new “news” in the West…….well……..let’s hope it’s not!
In the never ending soap opera of, “what is he up to now”, this episode falls into the category of plot change, even more so than the sudden move into Syria.
What happened?
What changed? Sounds like the same question I asked just a few short weeks ago as the Tsar announced the so called withdrawal from Syria.
Rumor! As this story tells it, the rumor is the Tsar is worried about the elections in September.
I hear that theory, but I still need to ask why this fear would warrant the deployment of a new force; a force commanded by one his most loyal followers? 
Can the current Russian interior ministry forces not handle any potential social unrest? It has in the past.
Why does the new force have a commander that reports directly to the Tsar?
What is he worried about?
The West?
The West interfering with his Master Plan for the September elections?
Really? Like the West is that capable!
 It can’t even get out of the way of its own shadow as it stumbles in Europe and the Middle East.
Now, most of understand just how paranoid the Tsar is and rational thought is not a strong point of his.
So, what is going on?
Let me take you back to a point that needs mentioning before we move forward on this episode.
Remember my comments about Putin Master Plan for the new Russian Empire and the vision he has worked towards for over fifteen years now.
Did something trigger this new force concept, or is this just the next phase of a the plan?
Has the Western intelligence network picked up on this new force concept and if so, for how long?
How will he staff it?
How will he pay for it?
How will he equip it?
How will he train it?
How much of the current interior ministry force will be left after it’s all over?
Is this just a conversion of the current force?
400,000 strong with Tanks and Artillery and Combat Helicopters; most of this already exist in the ministry.
Is he rebranding the ministry?
I don’t think so.
So what then?
If this is part of the complicated Master Plan for the new Russian Empire emergence, then what does the conversion accomplish?
Why did this fear of a pending election cycle come into the picture?
Has the Tsar realized the elections might not go just the way he needs?
Is he afraid of failure of the Master Plan?
Is there truly that much dissension in the public ranks?  
Again, I don’t see it, but then again, I’m not near as paranoid as the Tsar.
“Used to maintain public order”?
A body of “executive power’?
What’s going on here?
This is far more fascinating than the blind, tabloid Western Media is paying attention to.
Good on ya BBC for at least putting this story out there.
This is going to be interesting to follow and that is exactly what should be taking place.

Friday, April 1, 2016


 I have to wonder what it is like, to stand in a crowd of my military Officer Peers as we listen to a leader who strikes fear in the hearts of most of the people who we swore an oath to protect.
Is Erdogan…..Egodan…. unbalanced?
Do his military Commanders believe this?
Are they afraid of even being mentioned as being opposed to him?
Are they willing to sit back and watch him destroy the nation they love?
Now, that is the real question!
Would the Tsar love to see a coup or even the rumor of one?
Would it bother the Tsar if he was implicated in such a plot?
The actions of Egodan have been “monitored” for over a decade now.
From the moment he came into power, people looked on in wonder! 
From that day the West realized he was not going to support the attack on Saddam.
The “would be” Sultan has always felt the Europeans look down their Anglo noses at the Ottomans and frankly, there is some history supporting that perception. Turkey’s challenges with trying to enter the Boys Club called the EU has been a point of contention with the Turks for over twenty years.
When oil and gas became the issue for a post-Soviet East Europe, Tukey believed they finally had their club card for EU entrance. Wrong! Access denied!
Egodan came to power not unlike most radicals, on the wave of “we are sick of it” public sentiment.
But, he did his homework. He knew if the Turkish military leadership began to believe his vision of Turkey’s future put the nation at risk, then they would do what they had sworn an oath to do……save the country from dangerous leadership. His actions spoke volumes to the Western “Partners”. Finding a coup plot and then tossing everyone into the conspiracy list was not that hard to do in Turkey. Find a few and blame the many! That is what his plan was and that is what he did.
Now in 2016, he finds his friend’s list growing smaller and smaller. Yes he has some relationship with the GCC, but that is a matter of convenience, not a common core value of governance. Go back and review the history of the region and come to a conclusion on the topic of Ottoman and Arab relationships and then for the fun of it, toss in the Persians! 
How has the “would be” Sultan taken this shrinking friend’s list? Well, like most irrational, ill-tempered people would. He got even madder!
Imagine you are a Major slice of NATO and when you show up in the US capital, the US President delibertly can’t find time to meet with you? 
Does the Sultan pick up the phone and have a conversation about how it’s a misunderstanding and he would really like to meet?   
Instead he makes a spectacle of himself by having his security detail shout down and shove “protestors”, people I am sure he believes were set up by his arch nemesis Gulen! By the way, what about charges on these body guards? If Trumps people can be charged for pulling someone away from the danger zone around Trump, how about these guys, or was the whole Trump issue a setup? Just a thought!
I could go on and on about the daily adventures of Egodan, but let me cut to the chase.
As he stood in front of the TSK, the future leaders of the military that might rise up against him, did he try to inspire them?
Did he make an attempt to explain to them why Turkey seemed to so isolated; isolated from close friends and Allies?
What he did was threaten them!
‘There can be ONLY one Sultan!!!! And I am it’!!!!
What made him take such an irrational approach to this years speech to the TSK?
Well, I have two answers that most likely go hand in hand.
1.      He is a completely irrational person!
2.      Perhaps that little voice he hears in his head is telling him there is another Coup cooking?