Wednesday, July 21, 2021


The "Wolf Warriors". Is it a movie about how China is out to counter the actions of  Western evil Thugs, secretly supported by the Military-Industrial Complex? yes. Was it a popular movies series? Yes. Is that all that there is behind the "Wolf Warrior" phenomenon? No; not even close. 

Controversy and Aggression: 

As the world travels into the 21st Century, a tectonic shift is taking place, not just underparts of the earth, but within China itself. Gone are the days of, " keep a low profile." An "Aggressive" approach, especially towards the West and its allies, is now the norm, and we all better get used to it.
This link is to a powerful article written by Daniel Tobin, and I can summarize what it says in one sentence. Xi, The Emperor of China, has openly declared the 21st Century belongs to China, and he makes his point over and over again. If you are asking how the Emperor continues to repeat this message, warning, to the world, you need to look no further than his team of, "Wolf Warriors." Who are they, well, their numbers are growing, by design, and their mission is straightforward; show the world the "new" China approach to issues. If you are not sold on what I'm telling you yet, let me give you another black and white example.

When Team Biden initially met with Team Xi in Alaska, the fireworks caught the US completely off guard. Gone! Gone are the days of the old China. Phase two, as I like to call it is now underway, and that phase has the "Wolf Warriors" at the forefront of the plan. Gone are the days, decades, of  "keep a low profile". China, the Emperor, and his Kingdom have now taken on an, "in your face" stance, and trust me, it's by design. 

What does it all mean?

If we assume a "new China" is the reality the world must now face, the questions that arise have a sense of urgency. 

Who is willing to resist this new China?

 What level of resistance are those nations willing to exert? 

Who will simply fall back into a modern-day, Colonial reality? 

And, who decides to simply, "swim downstream?" 

China has begun, phase II, of what some of us knew would be a long and complex plan. Will I come back to this issue? Oh, you bet I will. The Blog is back, and so am I:) 

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