In three short weeks, all the hype, all the dreams of fifty years of being in DC will be over. In three weeks, a man dying from Dementia, face the truth world, is going to become the next President of The United States. All the talking, all the promises, and all the grand ideas will fall apart as soon as he walks, or limps, into the White House. No more midday naps, called "caps", events that were nothing more than signs Biden can't take the pace of a full day. All the funny smiles, he's no Clinton, won't cover what he will have to take one. His bouts with Sundowners, explained away as his temper, just like his loss of train of thought is covered up by the media as, stuttering..... all that will be unavoidable. No folks. Bad news, if you like active Presidents, ones that can go all day and night, Biden is going to seem like the sleepy old man in the lobby of the Nursing home, waiting to see who comes in the door. Yes, the Yellowman will be out of the White House, but he will not be gone! He will be leading the " I TOLD YOU SO" team, and that is a team that is growing in numbers by the hour. Simply put, there will be no peace for the worn-out bureaucrat from DC, but guess what, that is exactly what those who put him in power planned for. Yes, Biden was the Trojan Horse and most of the world knows it. Okay, enough with the rant about the poor old man. Let me get into what is truly important. Let's talk about the events that are going to take place that team Biden will have to face, and do so quickly. This list doesn't start where you might think it would.
Two trials are coming in the early stages of Team Biden. Both will have a dramatic impact on the nation, regardless of their outcome. Rayshard Brooks and George Floyd's cases both involve Police Officers charged with murder. I will make this bet with you right now. Both cases will not come to a murder conviction and the Brooks case could very well be a " Not Guilty" all the way around. How will Team Biden deal with these duel pending crises? The Department of Justice will inform the White House when these two cases are getting close to the courtroom, a courtroom that will have the streets full of media and groups ready to burn the city down. Will DoJ be told to "influence" the cases? Will the MSM expose if the White House attempts to do so? Will the legal teams for the Officers, and they are good ones, catch on to any outside interference? What will those who hate Team Biden do if that story gets out? Worse, what happens if the Officers actually have the legal system work and are found not guilty of murder, or even a lesser charge? How does Biden get the groups that see him as a Trojan Horse or an old White Man react if he asks them to be calm. " Can't we all just get along?" Is that the line he will take? These trials are coming, and the next White House knows it. What is the plan Uncle Joe? Can the next round of riots, possibly worse than the ones before, be blamed on the Yellow Man? What tactic will the media attempt as they try to protect their Horse, or will they protect him? I'm betting this is one scenario you readers have not thought about, but that's what I love to do; bring up the less obvious threats to the nation.
The Patriot Movement:
If you have heard of this latest version of a possible new political party in the US, I have one simple question. Does it have legs? Is a growing section of the US population once again looking for a third party? Is it worth paying attention to? Is it just another flash in the pan, or does it have energy? 75 MILLON people voted for the Yellow Man and many of them, an unknown number of them, are truly upset with what they once called the Republican Party. What if? What if the Yellow Man and guys like General Flynn put their popularity behind this potential party? What if this party is a much more aggressive, up in your face, version of what seems to be the new political trend in the US.... being aggressive! Have you read the rumors of the Black Lives Matter movement pushing towards a far more aggressive, political posture? It seems both sides in the US are potentially forming a more offensive stance. How does the old White Man keep this from getting out of hand? What is his unifying pitch? "can't we all just get along?" How many times can he use that same old line? There is a movement afoot in the US. The split between ideologies is growing faster than anyone, other than me, may have anticipated. Anger is the norm on all sides and how does an angry old man who needs his naps to counter the effects of his dementia meds deal with this growing national crisis? The US is heading down the road of dramatic division and the level of tolerance on all sides is shrinking at an alarming rate. "WAKE UP MR. PRESIDENT...WE HAVE A SITUATION!" Just how many times can the White House Staff yell this to Biden before he starts tossing coffee cups at them?
The Economy:
Even the weakest governments can survive as long as the economic stability of a nation is not in question. Just look at Saudi and you have your model. Now, even the strongest of governments struggle to survive when the economic status of the nation begins to falter. The world has dozen of examples that fit this model. Let me give you two hints on what might be about to take place and perhaps you can do your homework and find the impact it may have on our nation. Beijing is out to devalue the dollar. They are out to remove the dollar from the world's reserve standard. Don't look at the economic nerds for the truth. Look at the intelligence agencies. The US Dollar is the target and the attack on that target is complex, so complex, the self-serving membership in DC is not paying attention or worse, trying to figure out how to make money on the deal. Second issue. China is turning to "Internal Consumption". What does this mean? let me give you the knuckle dragged answer. They will no longer care about being "Coupled" to the US economy. Don't believe me? Read, " Unrestricted Warfare". Read why the Dragon sees economic issues as nothing more than weapons. SOE's! China's State-Owned Enterprises? Do you know what they are, and what their real purpose is? If not, I would suggest you read, unless you think our economic utopia in the US is going to go on forever. 2021 could very well be the year, China begins the complex process of pulling the trigger on a weapon that has been over forty years in the making. Where is the stability of the US society with a true, not a 2008 event, but a true economic collapse? " It will never happen....the Chines need us as much as we need them!" Those could be the words on the US's Headstone! So, on Team Biden's watch, what is the plan for China? If they own him and his family, like a growing number of people in the US believe, then what options does Uncle Joe Have? Yes, folks, the first year or two of the Biden Administration is going to be about a move by the Chinese, a move with one endstate in mind; the removal of the US as the world leader. It's China's century, just listen to Xi tell the world so.
So, there you have it. Everyone who wanted anyone but the Yellow Man is about to get their wish, that is unless they are on the Trojan Horse team. In that case, the next conversation I will cover is President Harris! By the way. I have an opinion of where this is all heading, and my opinion is so strong, it's going to be revealed in a book coming out in February of 2021. the picture above is the cover. Remember it's coming. You may want to read our future.
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