Wednesday, January 29, 2020


On three different occasions this week, I came across speeches given by the Mexican President that seemed a little out of the ordinary. I use the word ordinary because, typically, AMLO's narrative never changes. " My programs are going to change Mexico." Well, if you follow my blog, you know I happen to agree with him. He is "changing Mexico." He's driving Mexico to a "change." He is pushing it over a cliff! But this week, it seems the change agent went on the defense. Lately, the narrative seems to be shifting; only this time, the change is one I know he doesn't want to make. "It's not my fault......I inherited this mess". For over a week now, this is the new approach of AMLO. The question is, why? 


For months after AMLO's election, people speculated on how long the honeymoon would last. His morning press conferences seemed to be a continuation of his pie in the ski promises to the Mexican people, mainly the poor. But, over the past few months, some of us have noticed a slight change, not in AMLO's pitch, but in the euphoric attitude the press had towards him. With a murder rate that set a record and with the economic downturn, one that is now worrying a growing percentage of the business world, See the 3 links attached, AMLO is beginning to understand the honeymoon may be coming to an end. If that perception is becoming a reality, then that explains his change in approach. His quest to place Captains of Industry heads on a pike, giving the poor something to hate, continues. You can anticipate growing negativity towards capital investment inside Mexico, except China, and their goal has nothing to do with economic prosperity for Mexico. AMLO tells the Mexican people he is out to end the corruption inside Mexico's government and it's economy, but is always the case with Revolutionaries, the process will also drastically change the nation. " I'm doing this for the good of the people." It's the battle cry of everyone Tryranical leader in the history of the human race.

Does everyone want to sink:

Why is a growing percentage of the media in Mexico asking AMLO harder and harder questions? Why are they asking for measurable actions and not just listening to his Academic speeches? Here is my answer. It's because crime is out of control, people are being murdered at an ever-increasing rate and business, the economy is heading down the drain. The problem with Socialistic, Revolutionary speeches is, they all sound lovely and inspiring, until the reality sets in. I love an old saying I saw a few days ago. " The problem with Socialism is, you can vote yourself into it, but you have to shoot your way out!"

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