Thursday, November 21, 2019



"Quid Pro Quo........Quid Pro Quo...Quid Pro Quo". The phrase that seems to have the progressive's dancing in the streets. In the US, I realize public education has been molded into a left-leaning, indoctrination program for decades, but I just have to ask a question. Does anyone in the foaming at the mouth left truly comprehend the history of the phrase? " A favor for a favor------tit for tat----you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours." In a very simplified version of the accusations, this time around, made against President Trump, here is what I'm hearing. " President Trump attempted to pressure the leadership of Ukraine into finding 'dirt' on Joe Biden's Son for the purpose of damaging his political rival in the pending elections"! If true, outrageous, right? Why; it's downright criminal. We must toss Trump out immediately and everyone that worked with him on this heinous crime. You know...................BURN THE WITCH! Not so fast, my frantic little Socialist. Let's take a little history class and not the one where you learned that White Males are responsible for everything wrong in the world. Let me give you a tutorial on the concept of "Quid Pro Quo." 

Abraham Lincoln. 

The Savior of the Union, right? The guy who freed the Slaves, right? The guy who knew he had a tough opponent in the form of Stephen Douglas. The guy who in 1858 gave a campaign speech openly stating he was opposed to giving the "Black Race" the right to vote! Why? Because he was reacting to the threat of Stephen Douglas, that's why. Oh, by the way, Lincoln really didn't believe, at that time, that the "Black Race" should have the right to vote!.  Quid Pro Quo?" I will give the powerful voting block that opposes emancipation what they want, a leading Candidate who thinks like them. I will decrease the threat of Stephen Douglas getting the nomination". Ya give something to get something. Quid Pro quo! 

Franklin Delano Roosevelt:

Now, here was a guy who put the P in Progressive. By the way, did you know he was married to his cousin, 5th once removed, but still......his cousin. " Keep it in the family." That was the Roosevelt motto, the very snobbish, elitist Roosevelts. Oh, that cousin FDR married; when she was young, she made it known she was not found of Jewish people. History, such a delicate flower. Okay, back on point. FDR had no inclination to get involved in WWII. The US was trying to pull out of the worst depression in its history, and selling iron and other items to both sides of the pending war was good for jobs and jobs equated into votes! Along comes this guy by the name of Winston Churchill. Was Mr. Churchill, an ideological brother with FDR? Not even close.  What Mr. Churchill needed was for FDR to provide badly needed supplies to England, but there was a problem, FDR was selling to everyone who called. Was that in the best interest of England? Was the US, FDR, selling goods that would make the horrors of WWII even worse? Yes. Did the US sell to Germany? Yes.  So, what was the deal that was agreed upon? Answer; England would not openly, at first, pressure the US to enter the war FDR wanted to avoid, and in exchange, the US would increase the delivery of support to England, yet not stop, at least not early one, sales to the "other side." End result. More jobs....more votes! How many died in WWII? Quid Pro Quo! 

John F Kennedy, Lyndon B Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George  H Bush, Bill Clinton, George W Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump. 

 You might ask, "what's this list all about"?  Let me give you a hint. Think about Central and South America. Think about the issue of Military Juntas in this part of the world. Did each of these guys quietly and sometimes not so quietly, support ruthless, corrupt leaders all in the name of keeping the "Commies" out of the region? By the way, my list should have gone back to 1823 with the signing of the Monroe Doctrine by then, President Monroe. If you don't know much about the Monroe Doctrine, just ask anyone who has grown up in that part of the world. They had to learn all about the impact of this US statement to the world. What was the Quid Pro Quo, you might ask? Easy, and it's an easy answer for every single President I've listed. " You keep the Commies out, and you can rule as you see fit." Sound over-simplistic? You really don't know the region, do you? Dwight Eisenhower and Harry Truman should most likely be on the list, but my Dad really liked them and so I better not. I Don't know if they read my blog in Heaven, but I'm playing it safe:). If you haven't had enough on the history of Quid Pro Quo, let me give you one last example, an example that predates US history.  

 Brutus and Caesar: 

Ceasar was a Tyrannical ruler of the Roman Empire, or so history states. The Roman Senate, an even more corrupt slice of  Roman government, decided it was time for Caesar to go. Who did they turn to? Why, Caesar's own nephew, Brutus. Brutus was the key to making a move on the tyrannical Caesar, and when the time was right, Caeser slept with the fishes. Was there something in the "deal" for the nephew? Did the members of the corrupt Senate have a Quid Pro Quo with Brutis? What do you think? 

The Reality of Politics: 

President Trump wanted to know if those before him were "dirty" with Ukraine? Ukraine had been desperate to keep it's newly developed friendship, Democracy, my a!!.  with the US and the EU. " We will give you the kind of arms you need to fight the Russian, "little Green men," look it up. In exchange, family members of those in power in DC would make good money from business deals struck with the Ukranian government. Was that the first time this had taken place? Seriously, let's move on. 

Javelin missiles. That was the trade material the Obama Team used. Javelins were critical to the Ukranian military because the Russian forces, I mean.....Little Green Men, were taking over slices of Eastern Ukraine. Did Team Obama offer these Javelins for the sake of saving the "fledgling Democracy" in the Ukraine? Sure, if you say so. Would you also believe that the Obama Team hated Putin and hated everything Nationalists stand for? You better. Was all of this love for Democracy wrapped around future business deals, deals that included political elites from DC families? Absolutely.  

In walks Trump. " Mr. President. It seems Joe Biden is going to be the man to beat in 2020". Trump, " Is that so? Okay, isn't his son in on those backdoor business deals in the Ukraine I was briefed on"? By the way, in the early days of Trump's term, the issue over Ukraine had to have been in the daily extremely classified briefings. Is that where Trump learned of the dirty little deals taking place? You bet. " Okay, let's find out what the Ukrainians know, and if they act like they don't know anything, tell them good luck getting those Javelins"! WHAT..... OUTRAGEOUS! We MUST impeach the President as soon as possible. We must take this issue and convince the public that the President has committed a crime. We must make sure we don't have to run against him in 2020, and most of all, we can't let him expose our dirty little business deals". Does this sound too melodramatic? Have you ever been to DC? It's the greatest show on earth. 

Golden Rules:

I know I have mentioned this before, but I can't remember when, so, here it goes again. What are the two golden rules of US politics? Give up? Well, here, ya go. 1. Get into office any way you can. 2. Stay there as long as you can. Okay, so there is a 3rd rule. 3. Do whatever it takes to stay in power or get power back. 

If President Trump's actions are truly Quid Pro Quo, can someone please tell me why this concept is just now coming to the surface? Are the Democrats just looking out for the "little guy / the common working Joe"?  How long as Quid Pro Quo been going on? Julius Caesar died at the hands of his own Senate in a Quid Pro Quo with his nephew. I wonder if  Congressman Schiff owns a Toga? 

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