Tuesday, June 4, 2019


I want you to imagine something. I want you to imagine waking up one morning and seeing a news story about a community in the US taking 40 members of the United States Military hostage along with a dozen state police. Would that story shock you? Would you start to doubt the stability of the nation? Well, to the people of Mexico, this is old news and even worse, it’s news most don’t even care about. Mexico. The US’s “Neighbor”. Mexico, the nation that no one dares to call, “third world”. And finally, Mexico, the country where it’s own government post a map of just how much of the nation they don’t control. Why is the US’s border with Mexico nearing a catastrophic event? Just how much worse can things get? Hold on for that answer, because the truth is, “we ain’t seen nothing yet”.


When Mr. Lopez, ya, that’s right, I call him Mr. Lopez because that’s easy and I am not culturally attuned with spelling out hyphenated names….so…He’s Mr. Lopez. If that upsets you, then just mentally replace Mr. Lopez with “AMLO” and you may feel better, was campaigning for the Presidency of Mexico, he made one huge promise to the people of Mexico. He stated he would remove the Mexican Military from the streets of Mexico. Now, if you don’t know the past decade of history in Mexico, then you may not think that’s a big deal. In most movies the US makes about Central and South America, it’s the military that is seen doing everything that typical law enforcement is tasked with in the US. Bottomline, most people here probably didn’t pay any attention to Mr. Lopez’s statement. Truth be known, they most likely didn’t even pay attention to the whole election process in Mexico. But, to the people of Mexico, that was a dramatic statement. A little history here. Over ten years ago, the corruption inside local, state and even federal civilian law enforcement was so bad, Mexico decided to replace much of the process especially at the local and state level with the military. Bad idea? You bet it was and some of us who were “working” issues to the US’s South made that known. The good news was, the issue was so bad, most of the people in Mexico supported the concept. Then, like some of us predicted, it all started to go wrong. The cartels did what they did with the civilian law enforcement, they paid the military to leave them alone or worse, do their dirty work. All of them? No. Many members are patriotic and hate the idea of corruption, but here was and is the problem. The payoffs went all the way to the Top. It’s hard to be an honest Captain at the Company level when your General is on the cartel’s payroll. 
As bad as things became, they got worse, much worse. Within three or four years, you had military members and even units terrorizing the public every bit as bad as the cartels and the dirty civilian cops. That took place in two directions. 1. The military became frustrated and overreacted and the frequency of those overreactions became alarming to say the least. 2. The level of corruption inside the military reached a point that not only did the public not trust them, they didn’t and don’t trust each other. Yep. It was and is that bad. 
Along comes Mr. Lopez and being the far Left Socialist that he is, the same guy calling for a “revolution” in Mexico, an important point you cannot forget, he makes a promise to the people of Mexico to remove the military, really SEDENA, from the streets. His answer became a new form of law enforcement, a Mexican National Guard. Hint, the past three Presidents have all come up with their “answer” to the problem and all three failed miserably. Then his next problem arose. How do you stand up a 60,000 person force to replace the military on the streets? Answer, you can’t. Yes, Mr. Lopez stated most of these members would come from SEDENA, but in the end, what did that solve and do the people of Mexico buy the concept? We are to believe 60k members of SEDENA have already been screened for illegal activities and placed into this new National Guard? Silly. What they did was change the uniforms slightly and then put them right back out on the streets. Here is the other problem, I’m not sure how many have even made that transition. The reality is, the vast majority of military members working local / state law enforcement are still active members of SEDENA. 
Okay, if you are a member of SEDENA and you are trying to hold on to your integrity and patriotism, all while you see this new force trying to take to the streets, then you suddenly hear rumors of units not being allowed to defend themselves, where does your mind go? What does a soldier think when he hears the rumors of units being detained and disarmed by civilian groups, groups that in the minds of these soldiers work for the cartels. What happens when the common soldier finds out the orders to not defend yourself comes from all the way at the top? Underpaid and swimming in a sea of corruption, what makes the “good guys and girls” of SEDENA keep going? At what point does it all just seem not worth the effort? Yep, this is the answer from Mr. Lopez. If he can’t pull SEDENA off the streets of Mexico as fast as he would like, he will do the next best thing…………….tell them they can’t engage the public. Now, ask yourself. If you were a cartel Boss, would you get in a gun fight with the military, an environment where they can defend themselves, or would you just get the public to rush the units as they move into town? Is this whole thing a horrific mess? Can it get worse? Yep. 

Breaking Point: 

You are a member of SEDENA, a good one, and you wake up, get in uniform and prepare to moveout on a mission to find cartel gunmen in a town. As you are eating breakfast, your buddies are grumbling, still, about the unit that was “detained” a few days ago and made to look like fools. What goes through your head? Is it really worth it? The pay? Funny! The pride, your President is taking that from you. Your loyalty? No one believes you. What makes you step into the vehicles and move out? What is holding Mexico together? You are. What happens if you and those like you just give up? Answer, we will see a Mexico that falls into a true state of crisis. What is a General without Troops? A costume. 
What is Mr. Lopez truly pushing for? Remember where I said, don’t forget his calls for a “Revolution”. Mexico’s economic indicators are slipping all the while as Mr. Lopez funds more and more social programs…..you know…..freebees. His drive for the redistribution of wealth has Mexico on the path to be Venezuela’s twin. Here I go again. If you want to see a real mass migration crisis along the US border, then sit back and watch Mexico fall apart. Read on social media how the PAN and the PRE and teaming up to take on Mr. Lopez. Are the PRE and the PAN corrupt? Silly question. Did they provide a somewhat stable environment compared to Mr. Lopez? Absolutely. Do you think I’m making these stories up about the military units being “detained”. Google, Borderland Beat and Sierra De Guerrero. You will find your answer. Just how bad is Mexico. “ You ain’tseen nothing yet”!

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