Thursday, June 29, 2017


Three interesting articles that were well timed by the Al-Arabia media site.
One common theme here. Are the Iranian people growing so tired of the Khamenei government that something may be “in the works”? Would there be those who would love to see this happen? Yes and you can name the big players, the US and Saudi and toss in there Israel. Has this happened before? Is this something new, if so what? Yes, this happens every year and yes, there has been opposition to the Iranian government from day one of the so called Revolution. By the way, I never saw what took place in 1979 as a “Revolution”. It started out as kids from College Compasses, but it was hijacked by the power hungry Fanatics as soon as they saw the Shaw was vulnerable. So, why these three stories just a day or two before the Rally in Europe. How ironic. The very place Khomeini hid just prior to his trip to Tehran. Is something different? Has something changed? Yes!
Although I’ve not addressed the issue of the new Future King in Saudi, I will soon, that factor cannot be overlooked. The man that supposedly gave Saudi and the GCC the Yemen conflict would be in full support of not just change in Iran, but pandemonium. The Donald! Does anyone think his team could be in the middle of briefing him on what is taking place with the “resistance” in Iran and his answer would be, “Naw….let’s not get involved”! Truth be known, the groups meeting in Europe this weekend have funding from several sources.

Fanatic’s Fear:

Does Tehran fear this Rally? Yes. Does Tehran believe their enemies are supporting this movement? With all their Heart. Are they right? Absolutely! The international game of meddling swings both ways, but most governments never seen to figure that out. Does Tehran worry this time may be different? Most likely? Is it important they feel this way? It’s critical! The change in Saudi, the change in the US and now a Rally that is being attended by just about every Western government there is, how does that not set off alarm bells? Just how dangerous could this be? Can Tehran afford to turn up the heat somewhere else to counter those that support the Rally? If Tehran really does believe this event is different this time around, how do they react? What options do they have? Anticipation and predictive analysis! These two are the water and oil combination for Western Politics and Western Intelligence. Has anyone even thought of how Tehran may react to this European based conspiracy rally? Just think how many sets of eyeballs will be in and around this rally.

What If?

Those that know me, know the, “What if” game is my favorite approach to any topic. Let’s play!
What if?
What if the rally really did lead to something taking place? What if Tehran overreacts, like they did in 2009 when Obama turned his back on the Iranian Green Party? How would the supporters of the movement react, this time around, to Tehran conducting a roundup? If nothing happens, then all those people who were just told this time was different suddenly realize it’s not! The Bluff game!
What if?
What if, the rally sets into motion real civil unrest in Iran, more specifically, Tehran? What happens when the Iranians who support the movement realize their supporters have pushed and are willing to push the game much further than they realized? Are elements in place to leverage the peaceful side of the movement? Look to the Arab Spring for your answer. Look to the Iranian so called “Revolution” for your clue. Those that have their own agenda are most likely not showing their true hand to the Iranians who support the movement. Their goals most likely don’t line up with the youth of Iran.
What If?
What if it all comes to pass? The fear Tehran had from day one of the Arab Spring was the idea that it was all a well plotted plan to destabilize Iran. Ironic given that was the same theory Saudi and Egypt had as well. But, if the movement breaks into the open and Iran’s government really does become destabilized, then what? Are those who have formed these resistance groups prepared to run the nation? Are those who supported the movement prepared to let them? Who has capability and the support to make the transition actually work? Does Iran wake up only to find themselves as the new version of Syria? What would fall of the current Iranian government really mean to the rest of the region?

Change! Resistance. One man’s Revolution is another man’s Coup. Is everyone really ready for what this movement could mean to them? Just how planned out is this concept? Who’s looking to gain what? What is the unified vision of Iran if the current government was to fall? So far, change in the Middle East has resulted in disaster. Who are the players and what is the unified goal?  I’ve said this time and time again, but I will say it now. Be careful what you ask for! 

Wednesday, June 28, 2017


 Last week, I made the statement I really wanted to address the events in Venezuela, but I was stuck on the Stone, Putin Bromance. After the event yesterday, I just couldn’t wait any longer. So, here we go!

Same Old…..Same Old?

Often, when I talk about Mexico, the typical reaction I get is, “Don’t worry…its Mexico…..It’s always that way”! At first look, that is most likely the reaction most “experts” would give when it comes to Venezuela. Here is the problem and for the US it’s a real problem that better not go overlooked. Yes, Venezuela has a history of social unrest. Yes the region has been heavily impacted by the US’s failed policies for the entire region. Yes, the Enemies of the US have long seen that same region as a prime target for countering the US’s influence in other parts of the word. Overlooked and underestimated! That has been the US’s overall stance towards Central and South America. As I have said time and time again, here is the problem. It’s the 21st Century, not the 20th and absolutely not the 19th. Add to that statement, we are talking about Americas and the issue becomes far more complicated. Social Media, new world alliances. New Enemies with a new forms of warfare. Fact. Time changes all things. Times are changing in Central and South America. Social unrest is a global event, not a regional one. The Arab Spring’s energy was based upon the ability to get information out across the globe within minutes not hours or days. The US needs to understand. Venezuela now is not the Venezuela of 1992 or 2002. It’s 2017 and times have changed dramatically.  

What has changed?

I’ve been posting about Venezuela for over six years and the history of Hugo was more than interesting to me. So, here is the core issue and it’s the issue just about every nation who has had a dynamic Dictator has encountered. When Hugo died, there was nobody who could fill his shoes. His dynamic style was the only thing that was holding the dysfunctional country together. His vision of what he could accomplish for the common citizen set into a motion events, fiscal programs that have place his beloved nation where it is today. What changed? Hugo died and his flawed policies have brought those who are owed money to the doorstep of Venezuela’s capital. The “Dream” is over and now the fiscal nightmare is in full swing.

Bolivarian Revolution:

The beloved Bolivarian Revolution! Really? That is the cause Maduro is going to hide behind? It worked for Hugo, but I have bad news for Mr. Maduro, The Venezuelan people knew Hugo and he is no Hugo! Hugo Chavez believed in the Bolivarian Revolution. He believed you could take the wealth of one group and give it to others and everything would be just fine. Yep, that is the pipe dream of Socialism and Communisms and Hugo was a believer. Maduro is not attempting to move the Revolution forward. He’s simply using the emotions attached to the topic as a shield against the people who no longer believe in him or his government.  The Bolivarian Revolution is not the battle cry that will save the government of Venezuela. When people are eating their pets, they don’t want to hear, “We must protect the Revolution” and they don’t want to hear if from a guy who is fifty pounds overweight. I bet his Dog is still running around the royal palace!

The Real Danger!

What’s the danger of all of this? In the US, what is the “so what” factor? Well, first off, the most obvious danger is the collective group that says, “So what? It’s Venezuela”! A nation faces a great danger when their so called “experts” are idiots on important topics! No, Venezuela cannot attack the US or its Allies. No, the Venezuela people are not going to accept what is happing to their country because a guy who doesn’t have to eat his pets claims everything wrong there is the United States fault. Could the US be capable of pushing the insurrection,  as of yesterday that is what it is, along with an end state of a pro US government being placed in power? If you have to think for more than five seconds on that answer, you really need to study the history of the region a little harder. Read a little history on the US and Chile!
Soon, the government of Venezuela will have to realize, the Bolivarian Revolution angle will not work. The US excuse will not save them as well. What then? What action can this failed government possibly take? “The military has been placed on full alert”! Good luck Mr. Maduro. A few years ago, Mr. Hugo created the National Guard for a reason. He didn’t trust the loyalty of the Venezuelan military. If Maduro thinks he can unleash his military on their own people, he will realize just how many of them are not on his FB Friend’s list. A house divided in the military? Yes. A recipe for a Civil War? Yes and the US military knows this. Just how dangerous would another civil war in that region be? Again, some of the DC “experts” would harp back to the days of the Contras and Nicaragua. A distraction then, but nothing the US got truly worried about. It’s the reason the region is still a mess. A vision from the US that was based on idiot “experts” whose visions were hallucinations!
Mr. Maduro doesn’t have the tools to make real trouble for the US. What he does have is the strong ability to create an environment that the enemies of the US can exploit. Is there a history of Venezuelan partnering with Iran and Hezbollah? Oh…yes!  Would Iran love to see real trouble, trouble large enough to occupy the US’s time and drain US energy? You bet. How about the Tsar? What mischief could he and his team exploit if they wanted to? Oil. Oil drives the Mother Land and Venezuela is of keen interest to Moscow for that reason.  The Dragon? What long-term, well thought out plan does the Dragon have for the region? Again, oil and gas is a smell the Dragon has a nose for. Making the Americas unstable enough to force the US to concentrate on its own backyard rather than the Pacific? Does that sound logical?

It’s 2017. Hugo is still dead. Maduro is a fool and no Hugo. Key players in this new world are more than willing to see the US occupied somewhere else. If you think the troubles in Venezuela are “Typical”, then you qualify for a job as an “expert” in DC. 

Tuesday, June 27, 2017


Yesterday evening, the White House released a statement that was, as the media called it, “unusual”! Unusual in what way? A statement that gave an open warning to Assad and a possible chemical attack? Unusual that it came after business hours? Unusual in that there was no announced “leaks” of what was going to be sent out? Any way you look at it, the US media was in a frenzy. MSNBC was quick to paint the picture of The Donald trying to change the subject from all the grave news over Russia and Trump. You know, the same news the CNN employees were fired over two days ago for making it up! One thing is certain, CNN and MSNBC were fully prepared to label whatever was taking place as another failure of the Trump Administration. They weren’t even sure what was going on, but it had to be a failure; they need it to be a failure.

What is going on?

What time did the big announcement take place? Not in the US, but in Moscow and the Middle East? Was it the only message sent? Does anyone think that a White House Press Statement is the only way the US is going to communicate a possible military event? What was taking place that would prompt this announcement? Movement at a military facility? A facility that is known to still store chemical weapons? You know, the chemical weapons the Russians claim Assad turned over. Has Assad been told to use them again? If so, by whom? The Russians? The Iranians? If it’s the Iranians, do the Russians know? Can Assad’s Air force load such weapons without the Russians knowing? If Iran is once again convincing Assad to do things the Russians don’t support, does that speak to the known tensions between the Russians and the Iranians over the issue of Syria?

What might happen?

If the US does strike Syria, will it be along the same lines as last time? Will it only target the same facility again? Are the Russians still operating at that facility? What will Assad do if the US strikes again? What can he do? What will the Russians do? Ah………that is the BINGO Question this time around! What has changed since the last attack? The Russian statements about not doing it again, that is what has changed! The political gauntlet has been placed on the “redline”. The Russian “Redline”! Last time and every time the airspace over Syria has been entered by the US and Israel, the magnificent Russian anti air systems have not been used! Just think about that from Assad’s foxhole. The Russians are here to help, but they let him get bombed over and over again. Yes, Moscow’s support has its limits and actions against the US or Israel has been a bridge too far. Will that hold true this time? Why did the Russians commit the Obama blunder of a “redline”? Is the Tsar the kind of guy who lets his Commander’s and Administrative Leaders make such a statement and then not back them up? Just what is the level of communications between Moscow and DC right now? Who is really behind this alleged chemical prep? The Persians? Anyway, quoting a once famous American Wrestler, “Whatchoo Gona Do when the Hulkster Runs Wild Over You”? The Donald as Hulk Hogan??? Not that is a mental image!!! 

Sunday, June 25, 2017


From time to time, I break my rhythm of topics and go back to one some of you know I have followed for years. Mexico. Why? Because Mexico matters. Mexico is the anchor of keeping order in Central and South America. Mexico is a key component that holds the fate of the US’s internal security. Like it or not, that statement is true. So, here we go. Here is a post about something that is important to those who rely on the US and those who would like to see the US fall.
Nieto. He’s been a disaster for the Mexican people. His College, Rich Boy looks and his inept ability to understand what dangers face Mexico have proven to be a cocktail blended for failure. Did I mention he is corrupt? Sorry! I forgot that part. Those that have followed my post for the past few years know I’ve been speaking to the issue of social stress in Mexico for some time now. Yes, most political systems are corrupt, but the process in Mexico is far above the norm and has been for over a hundred years. So, what caught my eye? What made me give this Mexico update today? Well, let’s talk about it.

The Real Threat:

Again, for those that know me or have followed these post, you know where I am going with this section. What is the real threat to the current political system in Mexico? Drugs? Nope! Frustration of the working class? Yep! The continued decay of the very social fiber that holds 90% of the geographical landmass of Mexico together? Yep! What really worries the Mexican political system? Change. That is what worries them. Once again, we need to face the reality of the current Mexico. The primary source of income is the illegal drug industry. Yes, Mexico has oil and yes Mexico has their tourism, for now, but the money that makes the political system in Mexico work comes from the drug world and anyone who has every worked with the issue of Mexico knows this to be true. The rich of Mexico City, who are not tied to the drug world, are just as dependent on the actions that take place in Mexico because of those who conduct the drug business. It’s ok for “Elites” of Mexico City to watch the violence 400 miles away as long as it’s not taking place in their gated, guarded, neighborhood. As the rest of the nation continues to fall apart, those who live inside the walls of armed guards simply have plans to move their money and move their families. Harsh words I know, but the true is often the most painful words spoken. The threat to Nieto, and those like him, does not rest with drug violence. The treat resides with a civilian population that no longer trust or believes in their government. The real threat comes from civilians who are encouraged to seek the truth. Those that push this message of seeking the truth, they are the real threat to Mexico’s Political System.


From the very beginning of Nieto’s climb to power, he had no idea what was going on in Mexico. His ties to the Sinaloa Cartel did not translate into his understand of the real Mexico. When he made his blunder over the “131” issue, it was clear to me he was simply a figurehead that was going to be placed in the chair. The Mass murder of the students was yet another example of Nieto’s disastrous impact on the Mexican People. Those that pulled the strings tied to his arms and mouth gave him a very clear message. “We cannot afford to have these events looked into”. Convincing the people that something was being done, someone was going to be found responsible, that was the game; not solving the problems that were tearing the nation apart. Make it look like they cared and then move on. I remember the day I heard the United Nation’s Human Rights Group may be coming to Mexico. Some of us knew what alarm bells that was going to set off in Mexico City! With that statement came international reporters and freelance journalist. The stories some of the Mexican Journalist had been reporting on for years would be brought back to life. All of this meant one thing for Mexico’s Political System, danger! By the way, the Pri and the Pan…..two feathers off of the same bird…..a bird that lives in the cage of the Drug Master. It was clear then and its clear now, truth is the danger. Reporters trying to make a name for themselves and advocates who believed Mexico needed to change. Those were and are the real enemies. Those are the ones that posed and pose the real danger.

The Greatest Danger:

What keeps the current Mexican Political System up at night? What is the end state of this hysterical fear of reporters and Rights Groups? Could someone be using these groups to destabilize Mexico? Yes. Could the enemies of the US formulate a plan to leverage what is taking place in Mexico? Yes. Could this lead to a more destabilized US? Yes. Would the US be willing to support the any action that might keep Mexico “stable”, as “stable” as Mexico can be? Yes.  Is there a tipping point? Is there a scenario that might drive Mexico over the edge, turn Mexico into a real, unavoidable crisis; a crisis for the US? Yes! What is that “tipping point”? Synergy! Yes, Synergy! Again, those that know me, know my theory behind the Autodefensas movement. You know my opinion of Doctor Mireles, no Saint himself, and what he might bring to the outlands of Mexico. A few years ago, when I was knee deep in following the Good Doctor, I made a statement. Let the Autodefensas movement somehow link with the Student movements in Mexico and the real makings of a revolution would be underway. The ingredients for the Mexican version of the Arab Spring were there and they were close to each other. Someone just need to make the meeting take place. No one understood this more than the leadership of Mexico. No one was tracking what was taking place with both movements more than Mexico City.  How close was this synergy from taking place? When the massacre of the Students took place, Mireles spoke of the event. He had to go! Synergy was becoming more and more probable. The next thing you know, the good Doctor was in prison. Who knew who was talking to whom? Who was planning what? What was going on with these movements? What outside groups were medaling in Mexico’s affairs? Does anyone really think that Nieto would not have approved the use of software to get answers? The whole world was and is doing it. What the heck. Why not Mexico?
Mexico remains in real trouble. Mexico can undermine the security of Central and North America. Those that desire to see the US and the West come under further pressure know this. The weak link in fortress America is the best place to formulate an attack.  How could the US possibly worry about the Pacific or the Middle East or even Eastern Europe if its own Southern Border was touching a failed Nation State? Can the current Mexican government prevent the collapse of the Mexican People’s trust? Is there any really left? Can the US afford to have a corrupt, incompetent government in Mexico? Just how important is Mexico to the US? Ask the Iranians. Ask the Russians. Ask the Chinese! This story matters. Mexico matters to the Western World.

Saturday, June 24, 2017


Finally had a chance today to watch the part four of the Oliver Stone, Putin interviews. I’m not sure why Stone arranged the entire production in a way that mixed interviews from 2105 with interviews from 2016 and 17. It may have been along topic lines and I just didn’t pay attention to the format. Having said that, it was interesting to me to see the body language of Putin towards Stone in 2015, compared to their meetings in 17. It seemed over time, the approach didn’t really differ as much as it did over topic. When the issue of the Russian accusation of interference in the 2016 US elections came up, Mr. Putin was completely prepared to give a very convincing opinion from the Russian side of the fence. His mannerisms were very well balanced by his position on the topic.  For Stone, the issue was clear cut, his preferred candidate, Hillary, was defeated and the Russians had something to do with it.  The Russians had done their homework in preparation for this phase of the program. They knew Stone was far more in Clinton’s camp than in Trumps. It was almost as if Stone was looking for answers as to why his candidate was beaten with the help of Mr. Putin. Putin’s response was something that had to cut right to the heart of the whole topic. What the Hackers had exposed was just how corrupt the US political process was! Was that an attempt to favor Trump over Clinton? Was that Putin’s way of saying, “Don’t blame us for someone exposing what is wrong in the US”? As a matter of fact, at one point, that is exactly the point Mr. Putin made! Brilliant!
The Tsar. Ruthless, cunning, willing to bend the rules. Obsessed with power. Willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. Is that definition truly any different than Trump, Clinton, Obama, Kennedy, Johnson, ect….ect…ect? Is the very nature of government the quest for power? Gaining power. Keeping power. Preventing others from power? One man’s Terrorist is another man’s Revolutionary, not true but often said. What truly is the difference between Putin and Joe Biden or Hillary or Donald? Is there truly a moral barrier that separates them all? If there is, whose perception sets the standard? When Putin gave his opinion as to why the Russians continue to be blamed for interfering in the 2016 election, something Stone believes, his point struck home with me. It happen to be an opinion I’ve contemplated on my own. The whole issue is nothing more than an attempt to delegitimize Trump’s Presidency. Out of the question? Really? So, US politics is not capable of such an act?

2000 and 2012:

Did the US interfere with the elections in 2012? The answer Stone recived surprised him. 2000 and 2012! Homework was done by the Stone team. Show the US President and Vice President openly stating the US would retaliate and then tying those statements into an attack that impacted the Russian banking system was a great segment of this interview. Did the Russians bring that up for Stone to investigate or did Stone come up with that part on his own? The message was clear. The US openly interfered in Russian politics and yet the US political machine was shocked by what took place in 2016. Just how silly does the US look in the eyes of the rest of the world? Are the Democrats in the US so upset their person lost that they are willing to continue to make the US look like fools to the rest of the world? Yep. I think they are that upset.  This whole segment on actions by the US vs the Russians and actions by the Russians against the US was very well done and I don’t like giving someone like Stone kudos. Putin’s ability to show his viewpoint not only on the US elections, but on cyber activities by the US was very well played. He was ready for this part of the interview and I cannot imagine he was not pleased with the outcome. So much so that at the end of the interview, Putin told stone he was going to get in trouble for making this four part program. Interesting.
Russians Don’t Scare Easy:
Does Stone really understand the Russian people? No! He may have done his homework on Russian history, but he failed to understand the culture that lives within the Russian Nation. At one point in the interview, Stone made the comment the Russian people should be scared of where the whole issue of Cyber warfare may lead. Mr. Putin’s answer was quick and blunt. “The Russian people don’t scare”! Stone laughed and then said, “Sure”! Why would the Tsar make that statement so quickly? Why would that be his response to what Stone said? Why did that response surprise Stone? Because he doesn’t understand the Russian mindset? Because he doesn’t understand the Tsar’s vision of what Russia truly is; a thousand year old country that can endure anything? Stone may have made this documentary, but Putin controlled its outcome.

So why did he do it?

What made Putin spend the amount of time he did on this event? Why did he put up with Stone’s ego trip? Was he worried over what Stone was trying to achieve? Did he think Stone was simply manipulating him for his own bragging rights back in the US? What made putting up with someone like Oliver Stone worth it to the Tsar? More importantly, did he achieve it?

Here is my take and I have followed Mr. Putin’s actions for years. When he gets up in the morning, he doesn’t check on his personal bank account. He doesn’t call his Broker and get an update on his financial wealth. He doesn’t attend dedications to national parks developed in his name. Yes, he has his ego trips, but his drive is not his ego. His drive, his commitment is Russia. Russia must achieve greatness. Russia must be viewed as a world leader that cannot be taken lightly. Russia must be respected by those who have expended so much energy and blood to prevent these goals from being achieved. Russia is not out to control the world, but the Russian people come first. Yes. Putin is a Nationalist! One of the most skilled political leaders to ever have worn the title of “ Nationalist”! This three year dance with Stone had one objective. Move the Russian ball forward. Vladimir Putin is driven! Vladimir Putin is completely committed to his vision of Russia. Everyone in this world who must deal with him needs to understand this. He is not Obama. He is not Clinton. He is not Trump. He is a man the world can learn to work with or be prepared to challenge his vision. Obama and Clinton chose to challenge him. The movement behind that challenge transcends US politics. Putin will not compromise his vision. He will not accept a lesser than Russia. Is the rest of the world as committed as he is? Is the rest of the world willing to see what consequences may come?  I’ve said it for over ten years now. The Tsar is the most dynamic leader in the world. Learning to live and work with him is a not just a challenge, it’s a responsibility. What does the Post Putin Russia look like? Don’t bring that topic up where he can hear it! 

I wonder how this show was viewed in the land of the Dragon? 

Monday, June 19, 2017


First off, this is not really round two, but round two and three. As I was watching the second episode of Stone’s Bromance with the Tsar, I noticed the third part was available for viewing. So, bonus!
One thing did change, it seems Stone really had no clear pattern of topics he intended on covering. Now, it is highly probable the rhythm of every topic was set by Mr. Putin, but Stone did a great job of making it look as if he was completely scattered brained from the start. Time and time again, it looked as if Oliver was just giddy getting to be in the same room with the Tsar. For the Tsar’s part, episode two and three looked the same as episode one. That grin. That look of, “ah yes….my little Puppet is here again. Let me continue my plan”!

Once again, the emotion:

Missile Defense! A topic Mr. Putin became much more animated over. A topic that his opinion of is cast in….well……Stone!  Once again, his approach was very well scripted. His point? Well, his point struck a never with Stone and honestly, it may strike a nerve with many who watched the interviews. Here was Putin’s approach. If the excuse for the US Missile Defense concept is based upon a nuclear capable Iran, the argument the US used the most, then the fact the Iranians signed a “deal” with the major players on the topic should result in the Missile Defense System no longer being necessary! Yet, it continues and that is the sore spot for Putin. Why? Why should it continue, unless, it’s just another example of the West / US / saying one thing, but doing another. Deceit. That is how the Tsar sees the topic and that is what he believes regardless of how the US responds. Most of us realize the response by the US and it’s Allies is just as scripted. “ We can’t trust the Iranians and so we must continue the development of the program”! An answer Putin fully anticipated and does nothing more than reinforce his fear of deceit! It’s simple to see, the issue of Missile Defense is a major topic for Mr. Putin and it’s one the US is doing a very poor job of communicating on. Oh, by the way. What is the real reason the US is against Mr. Putin’s concept of a “joint program”? If the US answers this question as poorly as it did the issue of Iran, then who knows how the Tsar will interpret the excuse.

Short Note….Hillary:

Body language. A form of expression even someone like Mr. Putin cannot avoid. Simple statement here. He really…really….doesn’t like her. I’ve addressed this issue in the past, but Putin see Hillary as a Puppet of Soros and that makes her one of the top Enemies of the Russians……..period!

Doctor Strange Love:

I don’t know if Stone had a clue how unusual it was to get Putin to sit to watch that particular movie. Did he have any idea of where that event might take his interview with the Tsar? My bet is he didn’t. My bet is he was trying to show just how dangerous the War loving Americans might be to the Russians. Stone, is not and never will be a big supporter of the US, but he does love to make his money! Anyway, back to the issue of Putin watching Doctor Strange Love. By the way. If you have not watched the movie and you know anything about the dangers of the Cold War and Nuclear War, then watch the movie. My impression was, Putin watched the entire movie with the group. He stated he had never heard of the movie and that was interesting in itself.
Humor. The “Humor” in that movie did not translate to the Russian and that is not surprising. What was Putin thinking when he sat and watched? “Why did Stone want me to watch this? Why did the Americans make this movie? Why did they think the topic of nuclear war could possibly be funny? Why did the US government allow a movie to be made that made fun of American Leadership”? Great questions, if Putin actually asked them of himself. What in the world was Stone thinking?
When they were finished, the reaction of Putin was something that stopped me in mid thought! I’m not positive of his exact words and I would have to go back to watch it again, but one statement absolutely stunned me! His first comment was telling. To paraphrase Putin, The topic of doomsday devices is a dangerous topic. Now, I’m not sure of his exact words, but the point was clear. Doomsday events are dangerous! Why? Why did he interpret this so called comedy this way? What made him grab onto the doomsday device part of this story? I’m here to tell you, I may be tea leaf reading, but that sent a chill down my spine. The Soviet Dead Hand System! Rumor upon rumor has been spread about this concept. If you don’t know what it was or as some claim, “is”, then I will give you a simplistic review. Dead Hand or “ Perimetr” was and may be is the Doomsday device of  the Russians. If attacked their ability to retaliate is automatic. Sound crazy? Just how crazy do you think everyone was in the Cold War? Just how crazy do you believe everyone involved still is? Paranoia in Russia. Did it ever really go away? Why? Why would it? Trust? What trust? A crazy movie that Oliver Stone was convinced would make the Russian leader laugh. Instead, his first response was one so telling that many may have missed Putin’s point. Simply put, Doctor Strange Love can happen and happen much easier than you think! Wow! If I’m right, then what a message, warning, Oliver Stone bumped into.
One last, but important comment about Doctor Strange Love and it’s a point to make. At the end of the movie, Stone hands Putin a copy of the movie. As Putin is walking into an office, he open the CD case and notices the case to be empty! He turns to the camera and says, “Typical American gift”! Everyone laughs! Now. Just think about that for a few minutes.

The Hockey Player:

Ego? Oh ya. Had to have some of the ego sliced into the program? Who’s it for? Is it for the Western Audience? Is if for the Russian audience? Was it for Putin’s own enjoyment? Yes to all three. Was it, in the eyes of the West, somewhat corny? Oh ya, just watch the man skate and it tells you everything you need to know. Just think if one of the players would have checked him into the glass…..hard? More hair falling out at practice for some poor fool within the week! All in all, not a huge part of this program, but you have to admit, Putin’s desire to be seen as a tough guy is never-ending.

Driving himself:

Putin driving himself! Judging from the scenery as they were driving down the road, the traffic was not closed around them. If you have ever been involved in moving a world leader on a public road, you know how incredible this sounds. Imagen the US President driving him or herself. Imagen that taking place on an open public road. Impossible. Unimaginable and completely out of the question, regardless if the President demanded he or she be allowed to do so. Once again, it’s Putin’s way of saying, “I’m my own man and I decide what goes on around me”. What really struck me was the impression that doing such a thing was not unusual for him. So, did he really stage it or did he just decide to do something he does often? Any way you look at it, the event is something that is way….way out of the norm. But, then again, we are talking about Mr. Putin!  

Music in the Background:

Who decided on the background music when the topic of NATO came up? Was it the theatrics of Stone? Was it something the Russian’s asked for? My bet is Stone is the answer. Would Putin really give a hoot one way or another on the topic of background music? Nope! Dark and ominous, that was the tone Stone set on the topic of NATO. Danger! Subliminal messaging? You bet. A tactic guys like Stone have used for years, along with just about every government that has ever manipulated media!    
Spontaneous when trying to be funny:

Over the years, Mr. Putin has held numerous interviews, but this is the first one I’ve seen where has been in his own environment, working his way around meetings with Stone.  As planned as his topics seem to be, it was interesting to see Putin, at times, let us have a real peak into his more spontaneous side. Humor, it usually showed up when he was attempting to inject his brand of humor! Making quick, witty comments or a hint of a silly look, that was when it seemed like Mr. Putin was letting down his guard. Not much to work with, but never the less, a brief window into the real Putin. His laugh immediately after his comment about, “The typical American gift”, that is my best example. It’s not often you can catch a glimpse of the Tsar out of character and you have to know when to look.

Snowden the “Hero”:

Driving himself and talking about Snowden that was a great opportunity to catch another indication of the real Putin. Did he know Stone was going to bring up the conversation? Yes. Did he know it would take place while he was driving? Probably. Did he not have his staff in the car with him when he addressed the issue of Snowden? Interesting! A “Hero”. A man who stood up for the rights of the people an overzealous government was spying on? Now, if that’s not a prime example of the Pot calling the Kettle Black, I don’t know what is! Does Mr. Putin really view Snowden as a Hero? No! He is what he has been from the very beginning, an opportunity to poke the US in the eye. The part of the story that was even more interesting than hearing what you might think is Putin’s personal opinion of Snowden was the explanation of how he got to Russia. Again, the real Putin peaked through the conversation. The smirk. That classic Putin look just at that point in the conversation when Stone asked how Snowden got into Russia when the US was pushing to get their hands on him. ‘We had nothing to do with getting him here’! Good grief, not even the Bromance Stone seemed to swallow that one and the smirk didn’t help!

Episode 3

The Ukraine. A topic you had to have known Putin was going to be prepared to address. Once again the theme held true. Betrayal. Betrayal on the part of the US and what Putin calls, “Partners”. Did the US really have its hands, along with other EU members, in the crisis that became the Ukrainian crisis? Yes. Was the crisis supported by the US and EU members? Yes. Is the issue of the Ukraine the center point of Putin’s anger over what has been taking place in Europe since the collapse of the Soviet Union? Yes.  The manipulation of the events in that nation have been more damaging to US / Russian relations than just about anyone in the US realizes. I’ve said this before and I will say it again and again. The Ukrainian crisis is a topic Putin is willing to go to war over. The issue is, he may not allow it to become a war on Russian land, but just about anywhere else is under threat. The Middle East? That’s just one option the Tsar has taken. Stone painted the picture just the way Putin needed him to do. The US and the EU are responsible for what is taking place in the Ukraine. The Russians were betrayed once again. Not a hard message to sell, but one the Russian President hammered home none the less. When the discussion of the Ukraine was over, what was worthy of noticing was Putin’s attempt to show how patient he remains.  Its clear his desire was to show that one, the US was reasonable for what had taken place in the Ukraine and two, he is still willing to get the “partnership” concept back on track. Is that truly his end state? Keeping his dream of Russia’s future, that is the goal of the Tsar.

Three episodes and the theme continues. Russia has been, once again, betrayed by the West / Europe. Russia is simply wanting to be a “Partner”. How much of this theme is disingenuous? What does the Tsar truly want from those he labels as “Partners”? Let’s see what the final product is of this Stone Bromance.  

Tuesday, June 13, 2017


Let me start by stating I am not a fan of Oliver Stone. To me, he’s just another example of a person who drags his country through the mud, but loves the money he makes by doing so. Besides being in love with his money, when you get right down to it, he’s a nut case! But, enough about Oliver Stone. Let’s talk about what is really important here. The Tsar. By the way, I loved the way Putin used his patent pended smirk when the question of him being the new Tsar came up.


Now, many may watch this series of interviews and ask themselves, “Why”? Why did Mr. Putin agree to being interviewed over a two year period by a US film director? Some of us know why and are not surprised at all. In reality, the “why” question is far more complicated than even Mr. Stone can comprehend.


If you really want to know “why” Putin allowed this interview series, you have to ask, “What”? What is the Tsar looking to gain from it? It’s not about his ego and having someone like Stone doing a documentary on him. Putin is too driven to let his own ego get in the way. Yes, he is vain, but becoming a movie star is not on his bucket list. What? What does the Tsar see as the end state of this event with Mr. Stone? Does he get to tell the Russian viewpoint on topics he knows have been slanted towards the West? Probably, at least that is a part of his logic. Does he get the opportunity to shape perceptions? Absolutely and by the way, he’s very good at shaping perceptions. The fact of the matter is, only Putin really knows his ultimate goal of agreeing to these interviews. He may discuss them with his staff, but even then, some of his real, inner thoughts are kept to himself. Never forget, he is a deep thinker and a man who regulates what he says to everyone….everyone!
From the time Oliver Stone pitched the concept of interviewing the Russian President, until the time the first interview took place the gears were turning in Moscow on how to manipulate the event. Once a sound game plan was drafted and the interview format was agreed to, you can bet the detailed plan of what needed to be achieved was firmly placed on Putin’s staff. Notice the number of people in the room during certain parts of the interview.  Where would they be held? How long will they last? Who will be in the room? What questions will be asked? All of these conditions were set by the Putin Team. As for Mr. Stone, he was probably so drunk on just getting Putin to agree that he would have said yes to any condition. A fact not lost on Putin’s planning development. So, in the end, this was going to be a superbly executed stage for Putin to tell a story in just the fashion he had developed. He played Stone’s Bromance with him like a pimp! Just thought I would slide that in thereJ

Subconscious clues?

Now, I’ve watched the Tsar work the world Chessboard for years and so, when I sat down for episode one of Stone’s documentary, if it is that, I was more interested in how scripted Mr. Putin would be. The level of preparation was obvious and the ability to control body language and inflection is a skill craft Putin holds better than any other world leader. Having said that, I did notice a few very interesting “ticks” on particular topics. It’s interesting to see how hard people attempt to not show change when certain topics come up. One of the skill crafts of being a very good interrogator is to be able to observe when someone changes their character during an interview. Those that are good at manipulating this art are masters of getting people uncomfortable in their skin. By the way, Oliver Stone is NOT one of these kinds of people.


I’ve said it for years and I will continue to say it. The expansion of NATO is a key element in Putin’s drive to defend Russia. His explanations as to how the West lied to the Russian leadership at the time was an example of him not just talking with Stone, but of him lecturing Stone! He more or less said, Russian leadership at the time was a team of fools and drunks. Notice the clips about Yeltsin and the film even talking about him being a drunk. Does anyone think the clips used for this show were not approved by Moscow? NATO! That was the topic that allowed me to see a difference in a man who has been trained not to show “difference” in an interview. How deep must this anger over the expansion of NATO be that a Master of expression such as Putin cannot keep from changing his demeanor?


When Stone mentioned the history of his parents, Putin’s response was yet another clue. Correcting Stone on what his Mother did and didn’t do was interesting. Making the statement about being allowed to run the streets too much caught my attention as well. A very controlled man has an impression that he was allowed to be too uncontrolled as a young boy? Interesting! The way he posed the statement about the streets made me believe that part of his life influenced him in a lasting way. How? That is the real question.


The wars in Chechenia? What made Stone bring this up? It’s clear when the list of topics were reviewed with Putin’s team, the topic of Chechenia was brought up, but by witch side? Did Putin’s team add Chechenia to the topic list? Did Stone? Did Stone’s team know the events in Chechenia was a point of interest to Putin? Regardless of how the topic was place on the list, it was clear Chechenia, in the eyes of Putin, another example of betrayal by the West. If you have any doubt President Putin blames the West for the two conflicts in Chechenia, to include the massacre at the school, then you are a fool!  Putin placed the blame Russia’s unrest squarely on the shoulders of the West, more specifically, the US. Take heed here! Do not underestimate the deep seated anger Putin has over the issue of the West interfering in Russia. He understands the complex world or rivalries on a global scale. He also understands the difference between calling someone a rival and labeling someone an adversary.  In my opinion, the jump has been made. Now, ask yourself. After Putin’s depiction of what took place in Chechenia and what is taking place with NATO, is there any doubt he would be willing to attempt to influence events in the US or the West in general? Why do you think he is so deeply involved in the Middle East? Why do you think he has manipulated the Middle East into a process of refugees flowing into a now destabilized Europe? His depiction of Chechenia was key. The question becomes, did he mean to tip his hand? Was he in some way attempting to show the US / West / people, not their governments, why Russia is angry?


The Russian President / Tsar / agreed to this series of interviews for a reason. When the last episode is over and the team sits back in Moscow to review the impact it had on the US and others, what will be the answer? Was it worth it? Did they achieve what they desired, or did they just let this idiot from movie land waste their time? I’ll be watching the next three parts, I think there are three more, to see what other clues…..messages the Tsar gives away.

Side note:  If you watched the first episode, did you notice all of Stone’s team in the room? They are ether afraid of Stone or they are worried about the process in general. Stone’s a head case, but his staff looked like they were sitting in the room with Charles Manson! Question is, who is their Charles Manson….Stone or the Tsar?

Monday, June 12, 2017


Mr Navalny and Mr. Soros both have a common interest. They both dislike Mr. Putin. Why? Well, both have their reasons and similarity is not a common thread. Mr. Navally believes that the “Tsar” is sucking the life blood out of Russia. Mr. Soros believes the world should have no borders and a common social order for all. Back when I was a kid, they would have called both of these men, “Communist”. The problem is, back then, everyone who didn’t live in the US was a potential Communist. There was a Communist behind every tree and all you had to do was ask someone in the US South and they would tell you so. So, Mr. Navalny and Mr. Soros are yet another example of, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. Does that mean the two of them have some level of relationship? Does Soros bankroll Navalny’s movements? Is that a crazy idea? If you were to walk into the room where Mr. Putin was working and tell him you think there might be some connection between the two, my guess is he would listen to every word you spoke. Could it be? Could Mr. Soros be sporting the Navalny movement in Russia? If not, could someone convince him to do so? Let’s take a look at the history of Mr Soros and you can come to your own conclusion.
Who is the largest contributor to the Progressive, Liberal movement in the US? Who is the financial backer of discontent in several Eastern European nations? Who had the US White House in his pocket for the past eight years? Who did everything in his power to get Hilary Clinton elected? Who is spending untold millions to disrupt the current US President? Whose financial transactions nearly destroyed the Russian economic program in the 90s? Finally, who dreams of taking down Mr. Putin? Yep, Mr. Soros!


 A Navalny “Associate” is sent to visit with a member of the Soros team.  In that meeting, both sides voice their “vision” of what a post Putin Russia should look like, along with a Post Putin Eastern Europe. Navalny’s team has one thing to offer the Soros team; a superb Social Media Machine. A process that could be emulated in Hungry as well as the rest of the Eastern European nations Soros is meddling in.  Mutual support items are identified and follow on meetings are agreed to. Sound farfetched? Well, if so, then you really don’t know how the world of powerful people works.

Putin’s viewpoint:

As I stated earlier, if Mr. Putin doesn’t already think there could be a link between those who are willing to support Mr. Navalny and Mr Soros, getting him to think about it would be relatively simple. You see, in Mr. Putin’s eyes, both Navalny and Soros have the same goal. They both want to destroy the vision Mr. Putin has for Russia. Both men see the world differently than him and both men have done the Tsar harm already. By the way, doing “harm” to Mr. Putin, when you are not hiding behind the wall of being a nation state leader, well, that is a formula the undertaker would appreciate….. It’s good for business!
Mr. Navalny is not what you could categorize as “Pro Western”. Yes, he did attend a prestigious US College for a semester, but that hardly makes him a US Spy. That particular University is full of leftwing Socialist. Funny though, most are little rich kids and once again, the old statement of, “I believe in the redistribution of wealth, just not my wealth”, applies. Okay, back on track. His problem is, Mr. Putin’s team may not believe that statement is not true. What Mr. Navalny represents to Mr. Putin is an obstacle and most obstacles at that level have supporters.

Conspiracy Theory run amuck:

I’m the first one to admit, my theory of a potential connection between Mr. Navalny and Mr. Soros is not based on any factual evidence that I am aware of. The fact of the matter is, factual evidence is not what Mr. Putin would worry about. It is not what he would wait to have before finding a way to counter the threat to his dreams. In the West, “facts” seem to keep every political leader in their seat with every agency they control waiting for guidance, that is, unless there is a way to get votes out of a potential event. Mr. Putin is a man who is more than willing to take action based upon assumptions. The fact of the matter is both Mr. Navalny and Mr. Soros are working hard to counter Mr. Putin’s dreams and the fact is…………………that’s a very dangerous road to travel. Two perceived trouble makers. Two people on Mr. Putin’s “list”. I wonder how long before Mr. Navalny’s hair starts to fall out? As for George…..when you look at him, Father Time and the Grim Reaper may come calling before the Tsar has to take action.

Man. I sure do want to write about Venezuela, but the world just keeps getting in the way! 

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


Is anyone really shocked this took place? Are most “experts” sipping coffee today saying, “what took so long”?  As a reminder to all that care, first and foremost, what is taking place with ISIS is nothing more than an extension of a religious Civil War. A Civil War with the one side headed by the very country that was attacked today. Anyone want to guess how long it will take for the Iranians to blame Saudi and the US? So, the fact that this event took place today is not surprising. What is very……very….surprising is the location of the attacks and the success they Cells had with penetrating the targets. That is the tactical side of this story.
How long has the Iranian government been anticipating such an event? How hard have they planned, trained and exercised for just such a day? What locations in Iran have been given priority for security? In short, how in the world did this happen? The answer for one of the locations rest with the very nature of the target. A public site. Large crowds. Different faces every day. Those identifiers makes the job of security extremely difficult. Just how good was the organization tasked with protecting this hallowed site? Are they allowed to actually exercise at the very location they defend? If not, failure is almost a guaranteed outcome and that is the outcome they had today. Security that is all show and no “go” is not a deterrent to a well-disciplined Cell that has spent time studying their target and you can bet the men that executed this attacked had done their homework. What that boils down to is some poor Commander and a few of his subordinates being blamed for what happened. As for the second target, the Parliament compound, now that is a different story. Is the facility open to the public? If not, then there the Iranians have a much bigger problem.

How does a Cell work up its target package when the facility is something that is most likely tightly secured and not open to the large amounts of public traffic? Again, the assumption here is that the facility is not truly open to the public.  Well, what’s the best way to gather information? Yep. Have someone on the inside. Let me give you an example of something that has puzzled me for well over two years now. In the past, I’ve addressed the mystery of how Iran could have lost so many Senior Officers in the Syrian Civil War? How is it that many of them were killed away from the actual area where fighting was Taking place? How could Iran ever really know the loyalty of every rear area Guard? Men who were not Iranians. Men who were not truly known to the Iranian military. My answer to what was taking place was the issue of “insiders”. So, did the Cell that hit the Parliament Building, and even the Shrine, have “insiders”?

The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend:

Does Iran’s leadership have enemies inside the country? Absolutely! Would it be possible to recruit one or two low level workers, Janitors let say? Yep. Information needed. Objects prepositioned. That is how the game is played. Did these two Cells have help? That is the real, non-media, question being asked today in Tehran. Who can Iran blame for the event? How will they shape what took place is the political phase of this attack. How to stop the next one and there will be more, that is the real panic room event taking place today. Trust is a concept easily lost when lives are lost. Trust becomes harder to find and maintain once lives are lost. How do the Iranians prevent the next attack? Do they round up anyone and everyone they can think of? Yes, that is the Iranian way. Will that work? Maybe, but they can’t “trust” that it will. The 7th of June was so close to the anniversary of the death of the Iranian Idol, it just could be that was the date it was to take place. But, then again, the Cell may have anticipated the heightened security for that date and pushed the attack by two days. That is not what will have Tehran burring the midnight Persian Oil. How do they stop the next attacks? Who do they blame? As always, let’s see where this one goes.

Monday, June 5, 2017


Qatar is in hot water again with Saudi. Not the first time, but this one may be somewhat different. It does appear that this time around the severity of the disagreement is deeper. So, what does this mean for the region? What does it mean for the price of gas as that is about the only thing most of the people who have heard of this story really care about? The fact that the events in London took place at the same time drowned this story almost completely, at least in the West.
Qatar. 20 percent Shia. Qatar, with the exception of the work force, all Arab. Saudi, the juggernaut of the Sunni faithful; just don’t tell that to Turkey or Indonesia. So, why the so called friendship between Qatari’s leadership and Iran, Shia, Persians, as if I had to tell you that! 
Saudi, the leaders in Oil. Everyone in the Gulf took and takes second fiddle to Saudi on the topic of Oil. Qatar. The new leader in natural gas, well, don’t tell the US that. Does someone not want to be “second fiddle” anymore? Would that explain the nation of Qatar abandoning the Sunni, Arab world? Doesn’t make sense to me and it doesn’t sell with a lot of other folks.
Al Thani! Is he the Persian version of the Manchurian Candidate? Did his coup against his Father originate in Tehran? It wouldn’t take much for the Saudi’s to grab onto that theory. My problem with coming up with such a thought is based on capability. Is the leadership of Tehran capable of pulling off a Manchurian Candidate plan?  Could the Persians get control of the Son and then, when the time is right, support a Coup? Would Saudi Intelligence not catch wind of such an elaborate scheme? I’m sorry, but I can’t support the very hypothesis I came up with, but I bet I could sell it to the Saudis right now!
What then? What is taking place here? Let’s try this one on for size. Al Thani is yet another egomaniac who is drunk on the power he ripped away from his Father? Does anyone think Saudi or any other member of the GCC supported the Coup….really?  is Al Thani just another Saddam? Does he wake up in the morning, read the news articles his government dictates to Al Jazeera and truly believe what it says….you know…….is he believing his own press? Earlier, I made the statement perhaps Qatar doesn’t want to be “Second Fiddle” to Saudi anymore and I said that I didn’t believe it. Well, maybe it’s not the nation of Qatar that believes the “Second Fiddle” theory. Maybe it’s just the kid who executed the Coup? Why does that matter? Why would I bring that up?

The George  W Bush Days:

“You are ether with us or against us”! Those were the words of Bubba. It now seems those are the words of Saudi. What path is being taken here? Where could this rift end? Is Saudi willing to let the Coup Plotter pull the GCC apart? With the tensions so high between Iran and Saudi, what lengths is Saudi willing to go to? One of the arguments for the US invading Iraq needs to be reviewed here. How many times did you hear the US government say, “We are not against the people of Iraq; we are against the Leadership of Iraq”? Could Saudi plot the Coup against the Coup Plotter? Who would be against them doing so? If you said the US, then think again. The largest US military base in the region is in Qatar? Coincidence? No. What better way to control a potential trouble maker, then to have a large standing force right smack dab in the middle of their country. Yes, the US didn’t support the Saudi events against Qatar. Yes, the US’s tone was, “Can’t we all just get along”, but who did The Donald go see first in the region? Who is more important to him? Is The Donald capable of playing, Good Cop, Bad Cop with Qatar? Absolutely!
What is taking place in the GCC is very……very….serious! What is at stake is the overreaction of Saudi as they see an Iranian plot behind every Sand dune.  This event will not be allowed to continue down a road where Iran gets to play the role of being more diplomatic, more logical than Saudi. Tehran may think this is a wonderful opportunity, but I would caution them to be careful on the statements they make right now. Perception is king in this world and the perception that Iran is taking advantage of this Coup boy in Qatar is a dangerous game for the region.

As for the Emir of Qatar. Young man. A Coup against your own Father is one sin. A betrayal of your faith and your people is yet another. The one thing that victories Coup Plotters seem to forget is that over time, other “Plotters” are close to you! This game has jumped to a much higher level than you wishing to make Qatar the new Fiddle in the region. Let’s see where this one takes us. 

Friday, June 2, 2017


Took off for the past two weeks or so as I was trying to get ready for the Graduation of my youngest Son. Well, that and honestly there was nothing that earth shattering taking place in the world to warrant me taking the time to write. Did get a few more pages of the book banged out and that is a good thing.

So, what did finally catch my eye to the point I felt compelled to write something this week?
Badr Brigades in Syria? So the Israelis thought that was a news worthy story? I’m not sure why. The idea this group is entering the fight in Syria is new news is off the mark. To some degree, many key members of this organization have been on the ground in Syria for some time now. So, why the story now? Is it really news this group is showing up in Syria? Nope! But, before I address the issue of why they are there, let me touch upon some truths about groups like this one.

Over rated! First and foremost they are overrated. Are they better than the average Joe who had decided to pick up a gun and run around inside of the country once known as Syria? Yes. Yes they are, but don’t misinterpret who they are and what they can do. They are not the modern day version of the Persian Immortals. Honestly, I would take a few female Kurds over them any day of the week. By the way, never…..every…trust the skills of a group that has to show you pictures of themselves wearing all their fancy toys and posing like they are Robo Cop. If you have to show people how “cool” are, then you are most likely less than impressive when the sh…. Hits the fan. Bottom line, the Badr Brigade posers are very much over rated. Have some of them seen hard combat? Yes. Yes, many of them have. The problem is, in that part of the world, anyone over the age of ten has seen hard combat. It’s the new normal in that part of the world. Face it boys of the Badr, you are simply nothing more than a photo op. That leads me to one question. Why the coverage? Why the hype by DEBKA?
Whose idea was it to send this “elite unit” to Syria? Moscow? Nope. Assad? Nope. Tehran’s? Yep. Did Tehran clear this event with Moscow? I don’t know if they needed to. Was it really news to Moscow the Badr bunch was heading into Syria? Did the story even make sense to the folks in Moscow? Did someone in Moscow read this and say, “Badr in Syria??? Ya……so what”? to the Russians, this statement probably ranked right up there with, “ Hezbollah is operating in Syria”! What changed? What made this statement necessary? Are the Israelis worried about something to the point they have to build a bases for more dramatic actions in Syria? Is DEBKA just looking to post something that might sell a few more subscriptions this week? This whole story seems very strange to me.

Yes, there is no rea love story between Moscow and Tehran. Yes, the Iranians are not running down the path of letting the Tsar call all the shots in Syia. Yes, Syria is more important to Iran than it is to Moscow. All of this is true, but a story about the overrated Badr being sent into Syria is just odd. Even if some significant number of their units are being moved into Syria, they will do whatever other unit in Syria has done for the past five years. They will get bogged down. They will get static. They will become just another player in a much larger game.
No the “Immortals” have not shown up in Syria. No this is not some tectonic shift. I’m not sure why this story was put out there, but then again, there simply wasn’t a lot for me to look at this week. Same old, same old has been the rhythm for the past few  weeks.
Venezuela. That is the topic I’m taking on next. That is the one that is flying under the radar, that is, until the Little Fat Man in North Korea pushes the Dragon too far.