Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Does the region need any more bad news?


Could the “news” get much worse?

Believe it or not, the answer is yes and here is how.

Imran Khan is far from a Radial Islamic Fundamentalist.

So, why is it dangerous for a movement like his to march on the government of Pakistan?

How did the events in the early days of the “Arab Spring….Tunisian Virus”.. yes I still use that name……start?

Peaceful protest in the streets of Cairo by moderate, youthful men and women.

What has been the history of prolonged protest in the region?

Over reaction by paranoid governments…..street violence and massive media coverage.

And who is cleric Tahir-ul-Qadri?

Well, I will tell you what he is; he is wildly popular with the youth of Pakistan.

Now, does he have ties to the real power in Pakistan, the military?

Probably, but I’m willing to bet he is not under the total control of the military.

So, is this protest bad news, if so, why?

Back to what I stated earlier.

What does the collapse of the current government result in?

It’s not like it has not happened before in Pakistan, but times are different now.

The region is far more fragile and social media is a weapon that is uncontrollable.

Marching and protesting and chanting seems to be the new world social pastime.

Is Pakistan the latest arena for this new game?  

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