Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Ok, yesterday I commented on Nasrallah giving a speech soon for two reasons.

1. To try to explain to his support base why Hezbollah was fighting in Syria... Hint his answer was really...really weak!!!

2.  He would give a hint as to where Hezbollah was heading with the Syrian conflict.

Now that the "speech" is over, a few things jumped out at me.

It's clear Nasrallah was addressing more than just his base.

His comments and statements were often directed towards his opponents fighting in Syria.

If you really breakdown his speech, it's clear over half of his comments were addressed to the rebels in Syria.

Now, to some degree he did address the West to include Israel, but threats to the West and Israel were clearly not the centerpiece of this event.

The next item that caught me by surprise was Narallah's repeated reference to "friends" not allowing the Syrian Government to fall; side not... notice he did not mention Assad by name?

He even went as far as stating these "friends" have assured him they would not allow the fall of the current government in Syria.


Why the emphasis on this point?

I think I know why!!

As I said, although he didn't spend a great deal of time threatening the West or Israel, this implied statement of so called "fact" that Syria's "friends" would not allow it to fall was a clear indirect / implied threat.

If you read between the lines, the statement is this, " if the West openly intervenes, then Iran will commit to the fight"!!

I know he mentioned Russia, but not even the blowhard Nasrallah could possibly think for a minute the Tsar would commit combat forces to Syria?

No oil / no fuel from Syrian land... no commitment by the Tsar... Oil / fuel rules his thought process 24/7/365.

Ok, having made the comment about the Russians, did Nasrallah just put the rest of the West on notice that Iran is willing to go the distance for Syria?

Most likely, and that makes the US / Western response to the WMD issue about as dangerous as it can get.

The third issue that caught my attention with Nasrallah's speech was  the absolute egocentric way he addressed Lebanon's response to Lebanese citizens being in danger along the Syrian border!!

His point was simple, the Lebanese government is not capable of defending the Lebanese people and only Hezbollah can take on this great challenge.

Let there be no doubt that Nasrallah truly believes he controls Lebanon!!!!

Last night, I commented Nasrallah had perhaps an opportunity to pull Hezbollah out of the cycle of danger they had allowed Iran to force them into.

It is clear today, Nasrallah has no intention of backing up!!!!

Like the little Bully who thinks his 6-5 / 300 lb friend is standing behind him //// Iran///// Nasrallah just kicked sand into the world's face....

Oh by the way, just who is Nasrallah.... and what is Hezbollah really/?????

Let me make a comparison and see if your perspective changes.

Can you imagine in the US / Britain / China / France / Germany / Russia... an armed group based upon a religious doctrine living outside the control of the national government... a militia / armed to the teeth / that dictates to the rest of the world's leaders what the country they are living in is going to do and not do?

It's like the KKK dictating to DC what the US will and will not do and speaking for the US on international affairs?

It's insane and that is exactly how the rest of the world needs to view Hezbollah!!!

Ok, here is the bottom line.

Nesrallah, for all intensive purposes, drew his redline today..

"Do not intervene in Syria or Syria's "friends" will defeat you"!!!

Here is the problem with "redlines"....  when someone steps across, they do so knowing they are ready to take on the consequences...

Is Hezbollah ready for that???? Really???

How deep is the whole Nesrallah lives in??

If I was him I would dig a much deeper hole or be ready to move that "redline"...

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