Sunday, December 9, 2012


Well, known of the folks who I know watching Syria are surprised by this completely predictable statement by Assad's regime.

The rebels may use chemical weapons????



For those of you that haven't seen through this ploy, and that is probably not very many, let me paint a picture of what Assad is attempting to do.

His plan goes something like this.

1.  Claim the rebels have taken a site that might have chemical capabilities.

2.  Claim the casualties from an event on the rebels and hope the world is too ignorant to figure out the truth!

Now, here is the problem with a plan that most of us have seen coming for months.

If you use true chemical weapons, they do not leave the forensic  footprint of lest say a Chlorine Gas release.

It would be impossible to explain away a body of victims the UN would insist on examining, not to mention the hours of You Tube video that would be shot by anyone near the area.

The simple point is this; Assad cannot prepare the world to believe the rebels are responsible for something everyone knows he did.

Here is the part that worries me.

I have told everyone for some time now if Assad's regime begins to leak the story the rebels may  conduct a WMD event, that could be true sign he is about to utilize them himself.

Preparation of the perception battlefield would be his goal.

This "comment" by his government is a worrisome sign.

On another note, after I finish additional readings today, I am going to post on the significance of the ongoing battle for Damascus International Airport and what it means to the fate of Assad and Iran.

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