Sunday, August 12, 2012


Over a year ago, I mad the comment the MB is like the Colin Cancer of politics.

The advancement is slow, subtle and as non confrontational as they judge it to be.

Saying one thing, with a smile and a handshake, and doing another is the signature of the MB.

Telling the " Infidels" what they want to hear is totally acceptable and most often necessary.  

So, who was really surprised by the action of the new Egyptian government?

Well, the truth is, I bet everyone was!!!

It's a convenient storyline to believe everything is going to sail along in Egypt while the whole world fixates on Syria and Iran.

That was and is exactly what the MB counted on.

Ok, lets cut the to the chase here.

What does it mean to have the Military leadership sacked in Egypt?

Oh, by the way; does anyone remember the similar actions taken by the " Islamic Government" in Turkey?

Ask the Turkish Generals how they are doing?

Here is what the actions of the MB mean to the MB of Egypt.

The days of believing anything they say are quickly coming to a close, even for those that want no problems between now and November  of this year!

The old saying goes like this; " fool me once shame on you.. fool me twice.. shame on me".

The West is on "Fool me" for the fourth or fifth time.

The MB timing of this event is not to be overlooked.

The tensions between Hamas and the PA / Abbas / are part of this formula.

As confusing as the " who done it" game from last weeks attack out of the Sinai may be, the Israelis only see one issue... Egypt just become more of a threat than it was seven days ago.

At a time when Israel is working despertly to keep from falling into a crisis with Syria / Iran and Hezbollah, the MB actions in Egypt will only make matters worse.

Morsi may truly believe he has pulled off a stunning move and me may bask in his successful deception of the West, but the fact of the matter is he has set something in motion he may not be able to control.

The most dangerous dictators, and that is quickly what he is becoming, in the world are the ones that think they are smarter than everyone else around them.

There will be a price for Morsi to pay for this event.

The question becomes, who will make him pay and how?

Finally.. I hope the world, especially the part of the world that thinks the MB is an organization that can be worked with, is waking up to the reality of what is truly going on.

The MB sees themselves as the pinnacle of the Sunni sweep in the Middle East.

Lets see how the Ottomans and the Persians react to the MB game.

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