Monday, March 12, 2012


Two days ago, Kofi Annan commented that achieving a settlement in Syria would be " difficult".

Perhaps he should have spoke the truth and used the word, "Impossible"!

Peace may come to Syria and even the Middle East.. Inshallah... but the "Settlement" seems to have no meaning in the region.

When " Settlement" is achieved, it is historically short-lived... short in relative terms for a region with nearly five thousand years of history. 

So, maybe it's time to stop to think about where this event in Syria is leading?

Perhaps it's time to ponder what the Iranian nuclear program really means to the rest of the world?

Should we also consider the Tsar of Russia and his drive to corner the world oil market, at least the markets near him and the Stans/ Middle East are in what he considers his "sphere of influence".

And last but not least.. should we entertain the concept of a Muslim Faith Civil War... Sunni / Shia??

Now, each of these issues has it's own set of champions... leaders and followers who are convinced their issue is top priority  for the region.

Each on it's own merit requires  some level of attention, but none on it's own sets the course for the rest of the world!

It's only once they  all are  applied in a single formulary, does an event that has the rest of the world in jeopardy,  become a true risk.

The words have already been spoken, but the Middle East has truly become the " Perfect Stormm"..

The question becomes.... does it hit the city or does it skirt the countryside?

Do the events that could take place in the Middle East lead to a collapsed world economy.. based on the disruption of oil?

Can a region that has biblical support, become the cataclysmic trigger to a world changed forever?

Can nations that today do not intend to war with each other stumble into a war that even if short-lived, leads to economic disaster.

History is a wise Teacher to those that listen..

Months ago I spoke of the Excuse the Assignation of Arch Duke Ferdinand brought about.... Thus the History!!!

As we sit tonight at look at the travesties of Homs. and Syria.. as we listen to Israel warn the world they are close to doing the unthinkable.... what are the world's options?

A regional war must be avoided.. everyone agrees..

How to avoid a regional war.... That is a far more difficult issue.

More issues are coming unraveled than are being pieced together..

We are running out of fingers and the cracks grow larger in the dam. 

Smart people cannot afford to rest... people who are willing to listen and trust must not be allowed to step away from the table.

All options... must be reviewed.

Compromise.. the key to finally finding a " Settlement" must be the goal.

The problem will be.. "compromise" and Settlement" have a five thousand year history of being short-lived.  

The next word all parties will be forced to the table over is, " Sacrifice".. the word that usually shows up after the dead are counted. 

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