Saturday, February 18, 2012


When I posted this story the other day, I did not cut and paste the whole article. 
This is the complete post.

A few things about these recent attacks need to be addressed.

1.  It's not just the opinion of the US as to the likelihood of these
attacks being coordinated that is important.

I would argue that in a time of heightened paranoia on the part of
Iran and Israel, the real concern here should be what Israel believes.

Some will speculate Israel is looking for an excuse to take action
against Iran or Hezbollah and some would argue that Iran may wish this as

Two nations looking for a fight can blunder into an event with
little logic.

2.  The classic, " A picture is worth a thousand words", applies to the
video released by the government of Thailand today.

Those two young Iranian men where not just local knuckle heads!!

The physical conditioning, the way they wore the extremely heavy
backpacks and the confidence in their walk does not resemble a mentally ill
individual, who would "Lone Wolf"  an attack.. oh ya... two guys
does not constitute a " Lone Wolf"!!

Is it possible Iran is attempting to push Israel into an altercation?

Let me answer that by making a statement.

Iran cannot save Syria by initiating an attack on Israel.

Iran cannot save its reliance on Hamas by initiating an attack on Israel.

Iran cannot save its reliance on Lebanon and Hezbollah by initiating an
attack on Israel.

Iran has no chance of gaining any support in the region or the world for
that matter, if it goes on the offensive; regardless of sanctions or their
impact on Iran!

For Iran to utilize Hezbollah operatives to attack Israeli key leaders;
remember who died four years ago, might be the only way they can insure an
Israeli response that would show Iran as the victim.

Hezbollah operations in Lebanon being pounded  by the IDF ,allows Iran to
react from the side of " savior" not as aggressor.

Is Syria and Hamas and Hezbollah worth this risk to Iran?

How could it not be?

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