Wednesday, August 16, 2017


First off, let me just say I don’t believe India and China are going to go to war. Okay, that’s out of the way. Now I just hope I’m right.  Anyway, it wasn’t that long ago I spoke to the issue of India and China. Unfortunately, it seems both sides are willing to push the topic of tension just a little further. By the way, this must come as a complete surprise to the Russians. Remember, they too are a member of the BRIC, and we all know the BRIC is one big happy family! So, what is the deal? Why are these two BRIC members stepping towards a fistfight? Sidebar. I read today Chinese and India troops were tossing rocks at each other in the disputed territories everyone is talking about. As a person who spent most of his adult life in the most professional military in the world, I find it amazing two, modern-day militaries could degrade themselves by having a rock throwing event take place. Both of them should be embarrassed.  That worried me! 


Two nations with populations well over a BILLION people! Why would anyone expect them not to have ambitions on the title? Both feel the time is nearly here for them to wear the Belt!  The new Champion! The new undisputed Champ! For several years now both have watched the West and Russia decay. In the eyes of the world, the US seems more divided now than at any time in the recent past. Russia is trying to mount a comeback, but the limits of their economy simply will not let them enter the ring. They might play the part of spoiler, but the changes of the belt going to them is slim to none, at least without a really large war. So, India and China sit in the same weight category, at least on the issue of population and potential, future economic growth. India is not anywhere near the Dragon in military strength, but when you have over a BILLION people and nukes, you are never out of consideration for the title match.  


The absolute Center of Gravity for the Chinese has become the new Silk Road concept. Here is the problem for the Billion Indian folks who have nukes. The new Silk Road takes a deliberate detour around their location. Even worse, it is building stops in the backyard of India’s so called partners / Sphere of Influence. Why would that be? If the intent of the New Silk Road is one big, happy, global family of economic trade, then why the detour? I will tell you why and this is not news if you have read what I’ve been saying for months now about the New Silk Road. The only “Road” the Dragon is building is the highway to dominance. World Dominance and a Billion Indians with nukes might get in the way of that plan.


Is India far behind the Chinese in military might? Yes, with the exception of Blue Water Naval Operations.  Does India have a dream of being a major power in the future? Absolutely. Would the Chinese Silk Road project jeopardize that dream? Yep! Will India be reluctant to show weakness on the current issue of territorial rights? Yep. Will China? Yep! Does this dispute have the propensity to get worse? Yep. So, two nations with over a BILLION people each and nukes are standing nose to nose over a slice of dirt that has strategic value to the Chinese master plan? Should we be worried? I’m sure I’ve missed numerous economic issues that would have had this read more like something out of the Wall Street Journal or Asia Times and for that I apologize. It’s just that it’s hard for me to think about two major Military powers, both with nuclear weapons, both who up until now I’ve held in high esteem, getting into a rock throwing match. Should we be worried? I’ve asked this question time and time again. but, Is it possible for the world to go to war without the US being part of the initial decision making process? World War I ….World War II?  Rocks……tossing rocks at each other?  Captain Morgan take me away! For all my Muslim friends…just kidding…….Apple Juice…I’m having Apple Juice! 

Tuesday, August 15, 2017


So, the Little Fat Guy in North Korea “walked back” his threat? We can all look the other way now. Once again, we can kick the North Korean Can down the street. It’s been a very long street! Does everyone feel better? “Peace in our Time”? One other fool made that comment years ago. But, for argument’s sake, let say he really has had second thoughts or a change of heart. Before I get way down the road of why, let me go on record as saying…………..I don’t believe him. Never take the word of a complete madman. That’s been one of my golden rules for years. Okay, back the “why”.


Did the Chinese get to him? Who did the week long war of words really impact? Did the game of Tennis between The Donald and Kim unnerve the Chinese? Is the timing not right for the planned war? So, the Chinese stated they would go along with the latest UN sanctions on North Korea? Really? Because, if they did, it would mean more trouble for the Little Fat Guy than he could handle. 90%. That is what the Chinse mean to him. 90% of his trade. Did even his crazy little mind figure out he may have gone too far, at least for now? If he did, you can bet he didn’t like it. If the Dragon looked down on him and began to inhale, he may have got the message, but he will toss a fit when the Dragon flies away. It’s that post, “OKAY….OKAY… I will tone it down”, issue that makes me doubt the “Peace in our Time” statement.


Crazy statements from an American President unlike any the world has seen in modern times. Was the Little Fat Guy really ready for the way The Donald reacted this time around? Did Trump actually get to Kim? Lord knows the Western Media will never see it this way as they are all on the hunt to bring down the Trump Tower in DC. But………….But………. Did Trump win the “I’m not kidding” game? If he was smart, that is exactly how his team would play what just took place. Interesting enough, I truly think the Russians may think Trump backed Kim down. It’s a tactic they admire and it’s not impossible their perception is, Trump won the war of threats.


So we wake up sometime in the very near future and the Little Fat Guy is at it again. Then what? Does the Dragon swoop back in, land look down and him and start to inhale? Does The Donald come up with the next twitter comment that sends the Progressive left and their legion of media stalkers into a frenzy? If the Chinese really did put real pressure on him not to execute the Guam event, you can bet he is already dreaming up his next stunt.


Here is the point that scares me. The US estimate of North Koreas nuclear strike ability is stuck in the political and international world. As I stated a few days ago, the real intelligence on North Korea is the picture no US political leader wants the public to know. The US military only has one stance on the subject. If the US goes, it goes to win. That’s it. Simple. No, exit plan. No five year out, rotation plan with billions to be made by the legion of contractors that follow US conflicts. Crush your enemy. Do it without mercy and look at the rest of the world and say, “ I told you so”! That is the military mindset and to the Left, that is the picture the antics of The Donald over the past two weeks has presented to the world.  How in the world can you have a forum on the future of public bathrooms if some madman in DC is talking about nuking another madman? At the end of the day, the Left will get their way. Kick the North Korean Can! Deep inside the rooms of the Intelligence Agencies the hard work is being accomplished. When will the Little Fat Guy fire his next test? When will he be able to put an EMP shot into the upper atmosphere over Japan or the West Coast of the US? Good luck my friends, for we all know your reports will be shaped to tell the story from the viewpoint of someone or party, worried about the next election. 

Friday, August 11, 2017


The media in China. It’s nothing more than the mouthpiece of the government. Yes, some say the same thing about the West, but it’s nothing more than a rhetorical statement once someone or some nation calls them out into the light of the obvious. So today, a Chinese media outlet makes the statement that China would remain “neutral” if North Korea took any action that might threaten the US? A scripted message? Yes. Every statement from the Chinese is “scripted”. Flying off the handle like The Donald is not a characteristic of the Chinese. “We won’t protect them if they do something really stupid”! That’s it? That is the message? Who is the message for? The North? The US? Yes…..Yes to both. Then came the backside of the “message”. If the US or South Korea, ad any other US Allies here if you like, take actions to try to change the government in North Korea, China will not “allow” that to happen. What does that mean? You can strike the capabilities of the North, but just don’t attempt a regime change? Leave the Little Fat nut-job in power? Sounds crazy, but wait, what was the End-State of Desert Storm?


Yes. The US military is “locked and loaded”! It is always “locked and loaded”.  So, what else could that mean? If that statement is a message, who is it to? Worse, who reads it and thinks it’s for them? Is the US and China talking about this latest round of North Korean madness? You know they are. Can someone get the word to the Chinese that, “Locked and Loaded” doesn’t apply to them? Well, we better hope so. Who can make the next inflammatory statement? This is like watching a Tennis Match and the Chinese sponsor both players.


I’ve been saying this for a few months now and it’s time to say it one more time.  Let’s look at the basics of this whole issue.
China’s desire is to be the dominant power in the Pacific.
China’s desire is to control the world economic trading process. Can you say New Silk Road?
China realizes the goals they have set are not going to be achieved without conflict.
China must manipulate that conflict to insure the damage doesn’t nullify desire’s one or two.
China anticipates the population in the major actors of the conflict, US, Japan, South Korea, are not and will not be supportive of a dramatic event.
China believes that after such an event, the logic for US military power in the region will be gone. Win or Lose.
China has prepared itself to be the one nation that can “rebuild” the economic damage to the region and the world.
China sees at the end of the day, China has what it wants. It’s the Regional power and it controls the rebuilding of the world economy.

Sound crazy?  We are witnessing a very scripted process on the part of the Chinese. A process that has been yeas in the making. Today’s message of, “We would be neutral”, perhaps it’s the last shove to get two people into a fight? 

Wednesday, August 9, 2017


Okay, first things first. I’m not positive, but if the Little Fat Guy in North Korea actually went to war with the US, I’m fairly sure CNN would favor the Fat Guy over The Donald. Yep. They are that phobic on Trump. It’s actually almost as scary as the whole North Korean issue. Almost! Alright. Back to the issue at hand.
Miniaturized warheads. Just last week, all the so called “experts” were saying North Korea was still as much as five years away from placing a warhead on the current missile stockpile in their possession. Actually, we have been hearing the “experts” say this for the past three years or more. What happened? Was the Western Intelligence network wrong once again? As I’ve said in the past, they were wrong with Pakistan. They were wrong with South Africa. They were wrong with…..well…you get the idea. How in the world can they just keep getting the nuclear assessment process so wrong? Is it that hard to do? Are they that bad at estimating progress of nuclear programs? Could it be, they are wrong deliberately? A dirty topic I know, but it wouldn’t be the first time. The US and the rest of the world has been kicking the North Korean issue down the road for decades now. Yep. My Kick the Can speech one more time. Why? Why would the intelligence community be instructed to mislead the public? That’s an easy one. It’s the Can. Kick the Can. Here comes the problem with that long held, Western avioidence concept and I’ve said it before, The Donald is not a Can Kicker. That has the passive members of government more worried than the Little Fat Guy in North Korea. Yes. Many Progressive Liberals most likely see The Donald as more dangerous than the nutcase running North Korea. So, is that it? Is that what has pushed the North Korean topic back to the FrontPage again this week? Not completely!


If you have been reading my post for the past several years, you know full well my opinion of where the Chinese see themselves in the future. Just a few days ago, I posted my latest opinion. The “Reset Plan”. Something is changing and it’s not good news for any of us. The Dragon just completed a very complex military exercise off the coast of the Korean Peninsula yesterday. Was the message for the North? Was the message for the US? To the Dragon, the answer doesn’t matter. To the West, the answer is twofold. If the public ask, the message was for the North because the Dragon knows they are being held responsible for North Korea’s actions. When the Western Leaders talk amongst themselves, the answer is much grimmer. The Military drills is a clear message to them. “Don’t think for a minute you can plot the future of the Korean Peninsula on your own”. Would China go to war over North Korea? How many times has that question been asked in the past few years? Who has the only true answer? Yep. You know who.


I’m no longer can count how many times this question has been asked? How many “experts” have been paid to describe just how bad this event could be? If anything has the public confused this time around it’s the ever changing “timelines” the so called “Experts” come up with. Experts on the networks and the “Experts” in the Intelligence community. By the way, I give way more credit to the agency level “experts” than the paid fools that show up on the networks. I am also more convinced than ever the Intelligence Community knows where the North Koreans are in the weaponization process. They can judge that not by having Human sources in North Korea, you know, the thing the paid idiots always complain about the West not having, but by observing the actions of the Chinese. Who would know better what the North can and cannot do than the Dragon? If the Western Intell Community has to make a judgement on the North’s capabilities, the assessment of how China treats them must be factored in heavily. Speculation fatigue. That is what those who are paying attention are suffering from. Where does this all end? I have my opinion and I will keep that to myself as I’m writing about that topic right now. But, if you are looking for a near term answer, I will give you my best bet. In the short term, the next event we may see is the actual interception of a North Koran “test”. Fire a missile that shows to be travailing over Japan. Fire a missile that shows to be doing so and heading towards the area of Guam and watch to see if an interception doesn’t take place. It’s most likely that next and perhaps last message the US and it’s Allies will send to the Little Fat Man and his Masters in Dragon Land. 

Saturday, August 5, 2017


When I first read that Home Box Office / HBO / Real Sports program had pulled off an interview with the Warrior Kadyrov, and make no mistake, that is what he is, I had to ask myself, “why? Why did Kadyrov agree to such a stunt? The first thing that popped in my head was the most obvious. The Tsar! Putin had just completed a four part series, one I wrote about, with Oliver Stone and Showtime, HBO’s competition. Would the Tsar care if Showtime and HBO were in competition? I bet he doesn’t even know much less care. So, what was the reason behind Kadyrov’s interview? Yes, he is out to corner the Fighting Games world market, but would that selfish goal be enough to be interviewed? Would Moscow condone the interview if it were just based on the issue of a Sporting program? Didn’t really make sense to me.  Well, then I did what I should have done from the beginning. I watched the segment on HBO.


Was that it? Was HBO trying to make a point about how Kdyrov is Homophobic? Really? That was the punchline of the HBO interview? As if he cared someone labeled him in that way. Hell, the guy wore the statement like a badge of honor!  Chechenia is a land of ruthless Warriors who loving nothing more than to fight? Did HBO really think that was news to the rest of the world? Kadyrov is mentally unbalanced? Was that part of HBO’s message? Again, someone show the nation that didn’t have this impression already. Chechenia’s “Purge” of Gays was going to ruin Kadyrov’s dream of owning the world’s Mix Martial Arts Fighting program? To HBO, that might be the whole point of the program. Is HBO trying to cut Kadyrov off before his dominance in the sport takes place? Is HBO getting ready to try to corner the market on broadcasting the major MMA fights? Lord knows Boxing is on the downward slide and has been for several years and HBO is heavily invested in boxing. So, what this story about the Homophobic Chechen Leader, or was it about the future of HBO’s sports and the profit lines?


Alright. The issue of why HBO wanted this segment is interesting to some, but the much more important issue is, once again, why? Why did Kadyrov allow this spectacle on HBO? Yes, the Tsar knows the fight games are near and dear to his Pitbull’s heat and perhaps the opinion was, “so what? Why not let him have the interview”? Nope! I don’t buy it. Timing. The timing was just all wrong. To have such a controversial interview take place within weeks of the Tsar’s interview, that just seems suspicious to me.  Putin have to have seen some value in the interview. He had to have some opinion on it impacting his overall plan for Russia. The only other option is to accept that he just didn’t care. Again, I don’t buy it.


What is Chechenia? What does it mean to the Tsar? Geographically, it’s a very small slice of Russia. It’s standing Army is nothing more than a token fighting force in terms of defending Russia. Or is it? Does it? That answer depends on who the enemy is? Can Chechenia defend Russia from the US or China or NATO? No. Not even close. So, why worry about this slice of land? Why invest so much time and capital on Chechenia? Well, Chechenia is much more complicated than that. It’s not the geographical location that the Russians care about. It’s who they are. The gateway of Muslim Fundamentalism into the heartland of Russia is where? Why did the Russians fight so hard in the two Chechen wars? Why did Putin work so hard to win over Ramzan’s Father? What’s the best way to fight Muslim Radicals? With Russian, Orthodox Catholics? No. Why not develop a way to have Muslim’s killing Muslims? Who better understands the real drive behind most radical leaders? Power. They all lust for power! Putin developed a way to get Chechen Rebels to kill Muslim Rebels! Once he had this process underway, why not extend the concept into the heartland of the enemy? Why not set the game so that Muslims were killing Muslims on Muslim land, not Russian soil? Those that love to fight would beg to go to where the fighting is taking place. Does anyone remember Ramzan’s commitment to sending his Warriors into Syria? A battle for the control of the Muslim Faith is a perfect distraction for a land of men who love to fight. “Let him have his interview. Let him have his fight games. As long as he is killing Muslims and those Muslims are not bombing buildings in Moscow, who cares”? Are those more or less the words of the Tsar? What Chechnya is to Russia is tool. What the men of Chechenia are to Russia is cannon fodder. Something to toss into the meat grinder, a meat grinder they love to jump into, just as long as the trouble doesn’t land inside Russia Proper. Did the Tsar even pay attention to the interview? I hope so, because at the very end, Ramzan said something the Tsar may or may not have wanted him to so.


A few weeks ago, I wrote about the interview series Putin did with Oliver Stone and Showtime. In that review, I made note of Putin’s comment after watching the movie Doctor Strange Love. Rumors. I talked about the long standing rumors of the Russians having a type of Doomsday network. As a matter of fact, it’s a big player in the book I’m writing. So at the end of the interview with Ramzan, he makes a comment that stopped my train of thought. ‘Even if the government is taken out, the nuclear missiles will still launch’! What? Why would the leader of such a small slice of land know such a thing? Just how close would Putin and Ramzan have to be for him to be told such a thing? Better yet, why did this topic come up? For one thing, they said it took place at 2am and you have to wonder how much the Warrior Leader had had to drink by then. Oh…ya….I know…He’s a Muslim…..He doesn’t drink! Right. I wish I had a bottle for every Muslim I’ve spent time with that didn’t drink?  So, Ramzan was responding to a comment made to him about the relationship between the US and Russia? Why would he answer in such a way as to indicate a deep …..deep….secret his good friend the Tsar may have let him in on? Was it a “Woops” moment? Here is a far more freighting point to ponder. It’s the same “Woops” the Tsar had with Oliver Stone. Two “Woops” moments in just two very unusual interviews? We are talking about the most calculating man in the world today. No. Not Ramzan. Putin! What is going on here? What’s the message the Tsar is sending to the US? Could it be, he no longer cares what the US or the West thinks of him? Could it be, in his mind, the time is come that he does want he wants, when he wants? Ramzan is a very different type of “Leader”. He is the loyal Pitbull of the Tsar. Can a Pitbull be trusted forever or do you only keep them around while you need them? 

Tuesday, August 1, 2017


Well, I took off the last two weeks so I could accomplish something around the house other than banging on the keyboard. But, back to work now.
Okay, it’s time to play my favorite game. The one I’ve used on this site for over six years now. Yes Boys and Girls, it’s time for the “What if” game! So, here we go.
The new Silk Road program. Not really trying to solve the North Korean issue. Placing military forces in Africa. Pushing deeper into the South China Seas. I could list more, but let me stop there and get to the heart of this episode of “ What If”.
What if?
What if the new Silk Road project, the most expensive and expansive endeavor in the history of the trading world, was nothing more than a prelude to a much more sinister plot? Right about here is where the Conspiracy Theory followers really start to salivate.
What if?
What if the Dragon’s unwillingness to table the North Korean issue was the goal all this time?
What if?
What if the Dragon’s goal was to allow North Korea to obtain nuclear weapons and drive the West mad with fear?
What if?
What if the idea of North Korea partnering with another menace to the Western World, Iran was part of the Dragon’s plan?
What if?
What if Chinese leadership, their own version of the “Deep State”, Yes  there is  such a thing, truly believed they could not only survive another Word War, but they could win the race back to prosperity?
What if?
 What if the Chinese believed they could win the “Reset” of the world’s trading process, but they could control the future of all of it?
What if?
What if the Chinese believed they could control the next world war and insure the physical damage to China proper or at least keep that damage to a minimum?

It’s sometime in the near future. The North Koreans have obtained not only Ballistic, Nuclear capabilities, but they have supplied the bomb building process to the Iranians? Hint. Some of this has already happened.
In this “near future” the New Silk Road, the infrastructure part, is operational. Ports depend on the Chinese network. Shipping depends on Chinese networks. Raw material production depends on the Chinese. Sometime in the near future, the world trading process depends on the Chinese. Are we not there now?
So, what is stopping the next Empire from taking its place on the Throne? For the most part, is the world not already there? Not just yet. There is one minor issue. One stumbling block to the Dragon’s Dream. The militaries of the West, namely, the US. Oh, by the way. If you truly believe the Russians would trust the Dragon to the point of capitulating their future to them, thing again. The ability of China’s adversaries to strike back. The ability to damage the “Reset” concept. That is what is stopping them, for now. Would they have anticipated this obstacle? Yes. Would a race of people who think of plans in terms of hundreds of years not have an answer to the one barrier to what they believe is their destiny?
So, in the not so distant future, another section of the world goes to war. A section of the world many believed would bring about the end of the Human Race. Yes. The Middle East. Most would even say, “It is written”.  In that not too distant war, the Dragon sets in motion the fall of Western, Christianity’s influence over the world’s trading centers. When the dust settles, the West and its dependence on Just in Time Vending, the internet and goods made somewhere else has left them in ruins.
Out of the Ashes, comes the survivor. The one that stockpiled items like satellites, and raw materials. The one that has the means of restarting world trade and the one who can shut down the World Wide Web. Yes. The Dragon.
Sound crazy? Okay.
Sound Illogical? Okay
Sound paranoid? Okay
In the end, the world is made up of three kinds of nations.
Those that cannot stop or impact a Word War.
Those that believe War may come and they should be ready.
And those that plan Wars to move their cause forward.

You pick the one that fits the Dragon.