If you have followed my post on the issue of Mr Arafat's
death and the money his family sliced away from the Palestinian movement.. oh..
that's another story for another time.. you would know my opinion of Fatah and
Hamas struggles is the center of gravity for this event.
Once again, to put it simply; could Israel have had
Arafat killed?
Did Israel
want him dead at the time in history when he died?
Before you answer that question with a mindless
"yes", think about who would have benefited from his death the most
and who did?
Did his widow turn in the money they had skimmed / swindled
/ take your pick, off the movement.. .woops.. forgot.. wrong
time for that story....
So this new round of scientific testing is over and it looks
like the typical PHD / grant funded response we all should expect from
academia.... "maybe".... Possibly... .ect.. ect...
Next question:
Where is the outcry?
Where is the rioting in the streets over these
Has anyone even heard the story retold in the past three
Nope, but perhaps in the Barbershops of the West Bank it might be a topic for a moment or two.
So, why is there no
real outcry on this earth shattering news?
I have my theory!
Those who are in the middle of a power struggle over the
leadership of the Palestinian movement are too occupied to care.
Secondly; it's far too dangerous to make the Israelis go on
the defensive over the issue.
Both Hamas and Fatah know full well the Israeli government
could probably place the finger on Arafat's own followers and even it that was
not true, they could make the case anyway!
Arafat is too far removed from the current problems of the
region.. the Arabs / Persians... Nukes... Civil War in Syria .. ect...
ect... oh ya... the Ottomans...
His ghost is not going to lead the Palestinian cause into
the final stage of victory!
What was the real story behind the death of JFK... Nasser ... Elvis..... ?
Who knows and to the youth of the West Bank and Gaza and to those Palestinians fighting in Syria
in a religious Civil War...... who cares!!
Arafat was dug up, literally, too late to do the Palestinians
any good.