Monday, November 18, 2013


If you have followed my post on the issue of Mr Arafat's death and the money his family sliced away from the Palestinian movement.. oh.. that's another story for another time.. you would know my opinion of Fatah and Hamas struggles is the center of gravity for this event.
Once again, to put it simply; could Israel have had Arafat killed?


Did Israel want him dead at the time in history when he died?

Before you answer that question with a mindless "yes", think about who would have benefited from his death the most and who did?

Did his widow turn in the money they had skimmed / swindled / take your pick,   off the movement.. .woops.. forgot.. wrong time for that story....

So this new round of scientific testing is over and it looks like the typical PHD / grant funded response we all should expect from academia.... "maybe".... Possibly... .ect.. ect...

Next question:

 Where is the outcry?

Where is the rioting in the streets over these "findings"?

Has anyone even heard the story retold in the past three weeks?

Nope, but perhaps in the Barbershops of the West Bank it might be a topic for a moment or two.

So, why  is there no real outcry on this earth shattering news?

I have my theory!

Those who are in the middle of a power struggle over the leadership of the Palestinian movement are too occupied to care.

Secondly; it's far too dangerous to make the Israelis go on the defensive over the issue.

Both Hamas and Fatah know full well the Israeli government could probably place the finger on Arafat's own followers and even it that was not true, they could make the case anyway!

Arafat is too far removed from the current problems of the region.. the Arabs / Persians... Nukes... Civil War in Syria.. ect... ect... oh ya... the Ottomans...

His ghost is not going to lead the Palestinian cause into the final stage of victory!

What was the real story behind the death of JFK... Nasser... Elvis..... ?

Who knows and to the youth of the West Bank and Gaza and to those Palestinians fighting in Syria in a religious Civil War...... who cares!!

Arafat was dug up, literally, too late to do the Palestinians any good.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Nobody is surprised that Mr Nasrallah raised his head out of his hole and gave yet another fire and brimstone rant about War in the region.

So, the question once again becomes, who is his targeted audience?

The people of the GCC?

The West?

If his message was, "you better sign the deal with Iran or else", who was the message for?

Now, typically his threats are nothing more than motivational sound bites for his loyal followers in Lebanon, but this time around he may have actually had other intentions.

Here is my next question and perhaps one of his loyal follower can provide the answer.

Does he really think it will have one once of impact of the outcome of the Iranian talks?

Of course he knows it won't, so then ask the question of why?

Why did he give it?

Was he obligated  to say something on the holiday of Ashura?

Yep, that is the most likely reason he popped up!

Well, it's for that reason no one really cares what he said today.

Poor Mr Nasrallah.. He and his follower know he will never have a voice on when or where the fight with Israel will take place.

His phone will ring... the Persians will give him his orders and the Arab Muslim will go back to work killing Arab Muslims.....much like he is doing day by day in Syria.

His voice means nothing to his Masters and he knows it!

The Persians and their unbalanced, uneasy ally the Tsar pull the strings that make Mr Nasrallah dance ... and we all know it.

But, he was once again allowed to sound important.. and his 15 min of fame for this week are over!

As soon as this empty statement was finished, he went back to his task at hand.... doing the bidding of the Persians and hiding his Shia dead as they are sent back from the battlefields of Syria.

Monday, November 11, 2013


Ok, so rumor, Turkish rumors that is, are flying over the Battle for Aleppo and the areas around it.

You know I have said for over a year now that a true conflict for the status of Aleppo is a Bridge Too Far for the Assad Puppet!

Hezbollah is not capable of tipping the balance of such a scaled force on force conflict as Aleppo, regardless of what their overweight blow hard leader spurts out at one his raging press conferences.

Now, it's true the victories of the Tsar over the called off attack on Assad have embolden the Shia fighters and it's also true the Kurds have drawn more than their share of attention away from the Sunni units pushing for victory in Syria.

But, the facts remain the same.

The supporters of Assad do not have the ability to take or hold Aleppo and they know it.

Those who understand the art of conflict realize the actions taking place in Aleppo are equivalent to a continuing counterstrike against the enemies stronghold; a stronghold that was long ago conceded to the Rebels.

Two years ago, I made the argument that Assad had to do far more than win decisive battles on his own land.

What was true at the beginning of the Syrian Civil War remains true today.

The government under siege must not only defeat the enemy, they must return a since of order / normalcy to the land.

So tell me; how Does Assad give his people, what is left of them, a perception they are going to go back to a normal life?

Tell me how you paint that picture when a city such as Aleppo, the equivalent of Syria's New York City, is a smoldering pile of concrete dust?

What is ever going to be "normal" again about no water, limited power and not a window
left in the city?

Who is going to fund an infrastructure program of the magnitude required in Syria if Assad and his Bosses battle to a stalemate?



the Tsar?

He will sell them new tanks... oil... and rockets.. but he could care not a damn about doors, windows and sewer plants... no money there!

So once again, let's face reality.

Assad and his Puppet Masters lost the conflict for Syria the day it started.

Syria will never again be what it was as long as the Assad / Shia / Persian / Russian Alliance is in power.

 Are the Persians worried about the power in Aleppo?


Assad's tanks could drive up and down the streets of Aleppo for months and the city will never be normal again... not under his rule!!

The only people who will ever be interested in rebuilding anything in Syria are those who make money rebuilding things..

Yep.. the Capitalist!!

The GCC.... EU.. ect...ect..

The Battle for Eleppo...... What does it really matter?

Sunday, November 3, 2013


Truer words have never been said and it's more than ironic Khamenei spoke them!

I've attached two interesting stories that relate to a topic I've addressed on several occasions. 

Here is the question much of the world is trying to find the real answer to.

Just what is Iran attempting to achieve?

A real change with it's longstanding adversaries... with the exception of Israel?

Are they buying time with some great deception plan?

Like many others around me, I've tried to find a definitive answer to this pressing issue, but it's simply too complicated and far too important to speculate to the point of standing on a conclusion.

For the sake of argument, let's skip over determining the real answer of Iran's actions and instead, let's concentrate on what risk Iran is actually taking.

As I've done several times in the past, I would ask that we once again play the, "What if" game!

Ok; here how it goes this time.

What if:

What if the, "enemy that smiles" approach taken by the Iran is the real answer?

What is the real risk the Iranian Leader is taking?

Is it the threat of the West not taking the bait?

Is it the threat the Israelis may finally convince themselves they must go to war "alone"?

PS.. Here is my reminder... they will not be "alone"... even if the US / West abandons them... think GCC... and you are on the right track.

Is the real threat of this "enemy that smiles" plan an internal threat?


If you said yes, you may very well win the prize.

What if:

What if the Iranian youth didn't realize this whole process was simply a way of buying time?

What if those in Iran who longed for greater freedoms and normality truly believed change was coming to Iran?

If Khamenei is standing knee deep in social unrest gasoline, can he afford to be smoking?

One of the attached stories address Khamenei warning the conservatives in Iran to support Rouhani in his ongoing negotiations.


Who is he warning?

Yes, there exist factions inside of Iran as there are in any government, but Khamenei warning those who are not in the inner government to not interfere is more confusing than he may have imagined.

What if:

What if the disillusioned  members of Iranian society interpreted Khanenei's warning as a sign the time was right to push for more progressive leadership?

What if:

What if the real threat of playing the "Enemy who smiles" game came from your own society?

Ah yes, the world of Second Order Effects and the  Law of Unintended Consequences, two of my favorite topics, may play large in this smiling game!

The final segment of this month's episode of " the What If Game"!!

What if:

What if Iran's real enemies, Israel and Saudi, believed this smiling game could be leveraged against Mr Khamenei?

He has his distracters in Iran and his enemies know of these distracters.

As we sit here tonight, wonder what Iran is really up to, I will ask this one simple question.

Are those who worry about Iran really fretting over the right question?

In the Chess game called the Middle East, has Khamenei made the right more at the right moment in time?

Sometimes when you think you have "check" .. you end up in "Checkmate"!

Someone call and see if Riyadh and or Jerusalem is playing Chess tonight!