Monday, January 31, 2011

Ok; If you were keeping score on events in Egypt, today would have been a two touchdown advantage for the badguys / Muslim Brotherhood!! For the Egyptian Jimmy Carter, you know who I mean, picture provided, to even contemplate the idea of forming an alliance with the Brotherhood is a huge move in the wrong direction from the US standpoint. Does the US understand this? yes, I believe so. Does the US understand how to counter this possible event? I remain unconvinced.
Can this really happen? Can the Egyptian people be amenable to such a dangerous event? Ask yourself two questions.
1.  What is the alternative; in other words; who has a counter plan ready to exicute?
2. How bad are things getting for the people? I mentioned yesterday the devistating issue of food shortages, medical facilities faltering. It's a simple of issue of how affraid and how desperate to the people of Egypt get? Panic is a powerful weapon in the proper hands and the Brotherhood is becoming fast learners.
Ok; so what next?  I said it before and I will say it again; keep an eye on Saudi and others like Kuwait and Bahrain, EAU, ect...
Egypt is going to have a telling day on Tuesday!!! By this time tomorrow, FEAR can become the controlling environment in not only Egypt, but in the "Royal Families" of several countries. They know what I said the day I started this blog. "As Egypt goes, so goes the Middle East".
Hold on Israel!!!   Hard decision could be close at hand.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Egypt's Jimmy Carter.. Remember, Carter gave us Iran...
Here comes the real problem with the events in Egypt.  With the passing of several days and the event showing no real signs of slowing down, the "radicals" have had time to plot how they can manipulate the event. As I said before, they were caught off guard by the events in Tunisia. They were hopeful of events in Egypt, but they simply had no idea how fast and how extreme this crisis would escalate. Having said that, watch the events of the next few days. The influence they and others, Iran, will begin to execute could drastically change the course of Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood and others, Iran, understand that a few significant acts in the next few days could alter the course of Egypt.   I understand the theory that a large, mostly unprofessional Police Force that decided to quit could be behind events such as prison breaks. I also understand that a rapid loss of civil order leads to looting and violence. I get it when someone tells me the Egyptian Army is not equipped or trained to fill in for large portions of the civilian infrastructure. The US concept of Defense Support to Civilian Authority / DSCA  or whatever the new buzz word is now, is alien to the Egyptian Military. I get it!!! Most of what we are witnessing is a byproduct of civil collapse in short order. Here is my main concern. The "radicals" regardless of what they believe in, are in a position to fold these actions into tools for their goals. Yesterday I posted on CNN the fact that most of the "snipers" that were being reported as being Government operations could in fact be the "Radicals" taking advantage of the madness. The concept of shooting innocent civilians in large crowds full of deafening noise knowing full well the Government will take the blame is an old trick. Just ask Hugo Chavez how to make this work for you. He was and is the master of this tactic.

Ok; where am I going with all of this rambling? Here is what I think will happen in the next few days.
1.  The Egyptian Army must decide to back or not back the current government. If they decide to pull their support, someone must show them what an Interim government will look like. Short story, you must convince them what they are about to abandon is going to be replaced by something that will allow the country to calm down.
2.  The Muslim Brotherhood:
They must decide to feed the violence or show they can be part of the calming process; become part of the interim solution. This hinges on them having a plan to win power through a slower, non revolutionary process. Short title, do they go the way of Lebanon or do they try and Push an Iranian Revolution concept?
3. Iran;
 Iran must decide on how they can leverage this event and possible future events in the Domino Theory. Remember, distraction from their weapons program is the strategic goal here. Yes, the same "virus" that has infected Egypt and several others could come to Iran, but Iran has recently put down such  a movement and has a plan to deal with such things far beyond what Egypt, Saudi or Kuwait could dream of. I don't believe Iran will sacrifice Hamas for the sake of supporting their enemy the Muslim Brotherhood. Hamas is a tool that must be kept for a war with Israel.  Side note; I wonder who will betray whom in that relationship first. Persians and Arabs promising to help each other. Don't hold your breath on that one!
What does Iran do? How do they avoid the "virus"? Does these events give Iran the distraction they need? It's going to be interesting to watch Iran's actions.
4. Israel:
If the Pentagon planners are burning the midnight oil and I hope they are, then just imagine what is going on in the IDF and its leadership.  DEBKA, a great website /  nailed the issue yesterday. Israel is facing a three front war now. Hamas in Gaza and soon the West Bank. Hezbollah in control of Lebanon; oh by the way eyeballs on the Special Tribunal Lebanon / STL / will all but disappear as the Tunisian Virus threatens to spread.  And last but not leased Israel is now fixated on Egypt and the real threat of Sunni Radials / Muslim Brotherhood / gaining power. Side note; if there is one country that has looked at the issue of radicals running Egypt, it will be Israel. Hopefully they have thought this through and have some brilliant annex to a master plan they can dust off. Wishful thinking, I know!
5. The United States:
I said it yesterday and I will say it again and again. I truly hope the US government is planning on this "Tunisian Virus" taking hold in other key countries. If a plan for such events is not being reviewed for Saudi and Kuwait and a few others along the Gulf, then the troubles are only going to get worse.
I know everyone is getting ready for the Super Bowl or the new season of American Idol, but the Middle East is on a collision course a calamity that could rival the fall of the Soviet Empire. 
Interesting times for sure.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Lots of talking heads making comments about Hamas taking advantage of the events in Egypt and moving "teams" into the country. I don't see it happening. Hamas has two goals. 1. Taking control of the Palestinian movement and taking key players or operatives into Egypt is a distraction. 2. They have their marching orders from their new found bosses; Iran. Iran has armed Hamas to the level they currently are for one basic reason, to inflict damage on Israel if Israel attacks. Iran may not like the idea of the Muslim Brotherhood taking lead in Egypt, but it's not willing to sacrifice strategic assets with Israel getting more and more desperate. Yes, Hamas is Sunni based and for that reason following Iran doesn't make sense. Hamas will do what Arabs do well, they will double cross Iran when the time comes and that time is not now. Iran is helping Hamas achieve their goal and Iran is using Hamas to counter Israel. So go the ways of the Middle East. It's been like this for over five thousand years. Why should it change now?
For several years the ingredients for discontent in Egypt have been building. The prize, and that is exactly what Egypt is to the radicals, of Mubarak's downfall is truly the golden ring!! This event may not have been initiated by groups like the Muslim Brotherhood, radical Sunni's by the way; who else is a radical Sunni, but they have anticipated how they could leverage an uprising if that day should actually come in other countries such, especially Egypt!
The radicals were not ready for the events in Tunisia, but they started working hard soon after that to take advantage of future events if they did happen. For them to watch the streets of the Egyptian Capital erupt into a full scale revolt is a dream they simply could not have imagined a few short weeks ago.
So now what? No one believes the Muslim Brotherhood will suddenly wake up in charge of Egypt. That simply will not be allowed to happen by many parties involved. Yet, the course for them to take a greater role in Egyptian leadership is well underway. Look at Lebanon if you want to see how this will all take place. A movement based upon a "democratic election process, that's the real kick in the butt here, that leads to eventual control. That is what we could very easly be looking at for Egypt's future!
When people talk of "domino events", they need to understand domino's don't have to fall all at once and they don't have to do so quickly or even violently. Look at the fall of the Soviet Empire as a historical maker.
The stage is set for a radically new environment, and I use the word" radical" carefully, in not just Egypt, but in several key countries of the Middle East.
There is only one target larger than Egypt to the "radicals" and that is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I can assure you the midnight oil is burning inside the Royal Families quarters. Watch the city of Jedda in the next few days, that will be a key as to what events could spill over into Saudi. One thing is for sure, the Muslim Brotherhood is back and stronger than ever. The link between them and UBL is about to change.


For several years the ingredients for discontent in Egypt have been building. The prize, and that is exactly what Egypt is to the radicals, of Mubarak's downfall is truly the golden ring!! This event may not have been initiated by groups like the Muslim Brotherhood, radical Sunni's by the way; who else is a radical Sunni, but they have anticipated how they could leverage an uprising if that  day should actually come in other countries such, especially Egypt!  
The radicals were not ready for the events in Tunisia, but they started working hard soon after that to take advantage of future events if they did happen. For them to watch the streets of the Egyptian Capital erupt into a full scale revolt is a dream they simply could not have imagined a few short weeks ago.   
So now what? No one believes the Muslim Brotherhood will suddenly wake up in charge of Egypt. That simply will not be allowed to happen by many parties involved. Yet, the course for them to take a greater role in Egyptian leadership is well underway.  Look at Lebanon if you want to see how this will all take place. A movement based upon a "democratic election process, that's the real kick in the butt here, that leads to eventual control. That is what we could very easly be looking at for Egypt's future!
When people talk of "domino events", they need to understand domino's don't have to fall all at once and they don't have to do so quickly or even violently. Look at the fall of the Soviet Empire as a historical maker. 
The stage is set for a radically new environment, and I use the word" radical" carefully, in not just Egypt, but in several key countries of the Middle East.   
There is only one target larger than Egypt to the "radicals" and that is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I can assure you the midnight oil is burning inside the Royal Families quarters. Watch the city of Jedda in the next few days, that will be a key as to what events could spill over into Saudi. One thing is for sure, the Muslim Brotherhood is back and stronger than ever.  The link between them and UBL is about to change.


For several years the ingredients for discontent in Egypt have been building. The prize, and that is exactly what Egypt is to the radicals, of Mubarak's downfall is truly the golden ring!! This event may not have been initiated by groups like the Muslim Brotherhood, radical Sunni's by the way; who else is a radical Sunni, but they have anticipated how they could leverage an uprising if that  day should actually come in other countries such, especially Egypt!  
The radicals were not ready for the events in Tunisia, but they started working hard soon after that to take advantage of future events if they did happen. For them to watch the streets of the Egyptian Capital erupt into a full scale revolt is a dream they simply could not have imagined a few short weeks ago.   
So now what? No one believes the Muslim Brotherhood will suddenly wake up in charge of Egypt. That simply will not be allowed to happen by many parties involved. Yet, the course for them to take a greater role in Egyptian leadership is well underway.  Look at Lebanon if you want to see how this will all take place. A movement based upon a "democratic election process, that's the real kick in the butt here, that leads to eventual control. That is what we could very easly be looking at for Egypt's future!
When people talk of "domino events", they need to understand domino's don't have to fall all at once and they don't have to do so quickly or even violently. Look at the fall of the Soviet Empire as a historical maker. 
The stage is set for a radically new environment, and I use the word" radical" carefully, in not just Egypt, but in several key countries of the Middle East.   
There is only one target larger than Egypt to the "radicals" and that is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I can assure you the midnight oil is burning inside the Royal Families quarters. Watch the city of Jedda in the next few days, that will be a key as to what events could spill over into Saudi. One thing is for sure, the Muslim Brotherhood is back and stronger than ever.  The link between them and UBL is about to change.