Wednesday, July 28, 2021


                                                       IS SOCIAL ORDER NOW IN QUESTION?

"Defund the Police." It was the battle cry of the major cites. Well, that was last year. My, how times have changed. Crime rates, in the large cities that is, are up across the country, specificly in the large cities. Some have come up with the rediculas cover story, "it's becuase of Covid". You know, the number one Boogyman "some" use to terroize the population. And what do we see now? Yep, the same city leaders who walked away from the men and women of law enforcment, now, now crying for more police. 


        The law of Second and Third Order Effects:

Did the leadership of the US major cities realize what they were doing when they took to the podium and spoke of defunding the police? Yes. Did they dream of changing their departments to fit what they believed were the social norms of their cities? Yes. Did any of them have a clue what the social norms truly were? No. So, their intention was to change, restructure the Law Enforcement departments based on the actions of one or two events. By the way, look at the US national statistic and see what percentage of "violence" by LE against citizens actually takes place in the US, and you will have the true picture of what these so-called city leaders claimed to be addressing. They knew what they were doing, what they did not anticipate was what they were warned of, and that makes their consequences theirs, and only their responsibility. Was the morale of the men and women of law enforcement damaged? More than most citizens understand. Did the men and women of law enforcement continue to do their job? Yes. Why? Because unlike the vote-motivated leaders they work for, these men and women care about the communities they serve. You see, professionals do what is right, not what is politically advantageous, and that my friends is the difference between the law enforcement community and the leadership they work for. but, at the end of the day, the impact is there. The number of police officers in these major cities is decreasing and the city so called leaders can't stop the process. 

    The Future is not promising: 

If there is one thing that should disturb the people in these major cities more than the rising crime rate, it's the process many of these cities are attempting to implement as they claim to be "addressing the systemic issues of law enforcement." Many major departments are going through a "Reimaging" process! What doe that mean?

Law Enforcement must change, adapt as society changes, but those changes must be based on actual data, legal guidance, and other standard guidelines. It can't be changed in a fluid, ideological environment, one that is based on votes and holding on to power. So, the question becomes, what changes are these city leaders implementing, and are they going to make the system better or worse? Let me put this question to you in another way.  If a large city decides to only recruit "social justice advocates, ones that are passive, progressive by nature, and they are placed into a "reimaged" academy system, what will be the outcome on the streets of those cities? If you hire Telutubies and doctor their training to meet the social image the city leaders desire, what happens when they encounter true, evil criminals at 2am? I will tell you what will happen. The Teletubies will either turn into real Police Officers or they will quit. Can you imagine, five years from now, the story coming out of the US major cities is the turnover rate of 65 or 70 percent, and that is based on a fictitious, delusional, hiring process and training program. Worse, how many of these new " Reimaged" Police Officers will be injured or killed in the line of duty? Folks, this is the real world of law enforcement. This is the reality most large city leaders in the US refuse to grasp. Can they change the course of what is taking place in their cities? Yes. Will it make their cities safer? We shall see. In the meantime, the men and women of the Thin Blue Line are leaving and leaving in massive numbers. The clock is taking and the so-called leaders of these cities are starting to see the Law of Unintended Consequences appear right before their eyes.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021


The "Wolf Warriors". Is it a movie about how China is out to counter the actions of  Western evil Thugs, secretly supported by the Military-Industrial Complex? yes. Was it a popular movies series? Yes. Is that all that there is behind the "Wolf Warrior" phenomenon? No; not even close. 

Controversy and Aggression: 

As the world travels into the 21st Century, a tectonic shift is taking place, not just underparts of the earth, but within China itself. Gone are the days of, " keep a low profile." An "Aggressive" approach, especially towards the West and its allies, is now the norm, and we all better get used to it.
This link is to a powerful article written by Daniel Tobin, and I can summarize what it says in one sentence. Xi, The Emperor of China, has openly declared the 21st Century belongs to China, and he makes his point over and over again. If you are asking how the Emperor continues to repeat this message, warning, to the world, you need to look no further than his team of, "Wolf Warriors." Who are they, well, their numbers are growing, by design, and their mission is straightforward; show the world the "new" China approach to issues. If you are not sold on what I'm telling you yet, let me give you another black and white example.

When Team Biden initially met with Team Xi in Alaska, the fireworks caught the US completely off guard. Gone! Gone are the days of the old China. Phase two, as I like to call it is now underway, and that phase has the "Wolf Warriors" at the forefront of the plan. Gone are the days, decades, of  "keep a low profile". China, the Emperor, and his Kingdom have now taken on an, "in your face" stance, and trust me, it's by design. 

What does it all mean?

If we assume a "new China" is the reality the world must now face, the questions that arise have a sense of urgency. 

Who is willing to resist this new China?

 What level of resistance are those nations willing to exert? 

Who will simply fall back into a modern-day, Colonial reality? 

And, who decides to simply, "swim downstream?" 

China has begun, phase II, of what some of us knew would be a long and complex plan. Will I come back to this issue? Oh, you bet I will. The Blog is back, and so am I:) 

Monday, July 19, 2021


Well, it's been since Jan that I have posted on this site, and my reasons are numerous, but that's all in the past. Today starts a new journey with this blog site, which I have kept for over ten years. I also have a confession to make. I've found a new place to voice my thoughts, delusions, opinions, you pick. Twitch! Yes, I said Twitch. No, I am not gaming as I review world events for those who know the website. Twitch may be the current platform for gamers and Left of Center youths who wish to complain about nearly everything under the sun, but I'm part of a group out to change that. Why Twitch, you ask? Easy. The process is easy, it's live, it's interactive, and most of all, it's just fun! I have found a very convenient way to stream live from Monday to Friday. I start at 7am CST and go to 9am CST. I go by ColDan11.....go figure right. I stream from Twitch's " just chatting" section, and I absolutely love the interaction with all sides of the never-ending ideological spectrum. So, if you don't know Twitch, don't worry. If I can download the app to my computer and phone, so can you. Right about now, you might be asking, " why? If he has found a 'new platform,' then why push back to his old blog site?" Again, that's an easy answer. I missed posting on this site. I missed seeing what countries would read what I've said. I missed knowing someone took the time to do all of the above. Yep, I just missed it. So, if you are so inclined, join me on Twitch as you read the post. I promise to keep posting on this site. If the timezone issue becomes a show stopper, just know that Twitch hangs the streams for over a week. That gives everyone plenty of time to go back and check out the recorded streams. I hope you do; I think you will appreciate the outstanding feedback and banter that takes place every day. Okay. On to the business at hand. 

Six Months in:

It's been a little over six months since President Biden entered the White House. Some are still screaming, "COVID". Some are still screaming RIGGED ELECTION". Biden has had his first and perhaps only face-to-face with the Tsar, Putin, and is now in the early stages of preparing to meet the Emperor. Spending money like it grows on trees is once again the norm in DC as if it ever stopped. Afganistan's capital is about to turn into Siagon. As you might guess, everyone is arguing over leaving, not leaving. People can go to baseball games, but hold on. The "Delta variant, has the media running for their bunkers, with anyone who has not been vaccinated nothing more than Trump fanatics out to kill off the rest of the nation. Life, not the economy, was almost back to normal, whatever "normal" means nowadays. Oh ya, immigration. Illegal / Undocumented / Refugee / take your pick.  The US hit the 1 MILLION mark for the year, and the year is not over yet. What to do about the border crisis that does or doesn't exist. That's a great question. Just don't ask any politician for an answer. You see, we are nearing the next election cycle as if they ever stop, and that's all any politician cares about. Climate Change? Did I mention Climate Change. Parts of the NorthWest hit records. Death Valley, the hottest spot on Earth, they say; I would disagree, hit 130. If you are against turning the tide of "Climate Change," you are obviously a Trump Supporter out to kill the world. If you say "Climate Change" will wipe out humanity, then you are a Left-leaning nutjob. As all of this and more is going on, President Biden finds it harder and harder to string words together as he tries to keep up with a pace he simply cannot deal with. So, six months in, and what has changed? Well, in my book, just one thing. My Blog. It's back, and it's coming back daily. Not the bright note I know everyone was looking for, but at least I can say I didn't have to have an argument over starting it back up. More to follow, and by the way. Get into Twitch. It's the platform for discord most of us are hungry for. Talk tomorrow.