Thursday, March 21, 2013


For well over a year now it has been abundantly clear that Turkish government was far more concerned with the renewed Kurdish movement in any sectarian conflict inside of Syria.

The concept of Sunnis fighting Shia and Turkish soil is far removed from the Turkish governments thought process, but the Kurdish independence issue is been front and center in Turkey for decades.

The Turkish leadership set out to neutralize this Kurdish drive for independence many, including myself, came to the conclusion that Turkey would be more than willing to sacrifice a slice of Syria and strike an oil deal with the Kurds for the sake of keeping the peace inside of Turkey.

From the Turkish government standpoint, they had everything to gain and very little to lose.

Oil equals profit and profit equals jobs and jobs equals social stability and that is exactly what Turkey was and is looking for.

The land that would have to be sacrificed not be Turkish soil, that of Syria, the nation that is well underway in the process of dividing into "buffer zones" once again.

Who is involved in this deal with the PKK?

You can be assured the Iranians and the Syrian government were not.

You can also be assured the czar sitting in Moscow is more than curious about where this new deal is heading.

Remember, the czar's kingdom is also based upon oil and gas expiration point

So, to the authors point in this article attached, this potential PKK deal with the Turks actually signal the beginning of the process of subdividing Syria?

Remember the Middle East is no different than any other part of the world.

As is always the case, perception is reality, especially in the Middle East.

If the Iranians and the regime in Syria truly believe that Turkey has struck a deal with the Kurds that deal entails Syrian land and Iraqi oil, then you can bet it will not quietly allow this process to succeed.