Friday, November 30, 2012


For a solid two weeks the Syrian Rebels have made solid gains in several key areas.

It is unavoidable for the world not to have the opinion the rebels are truly gaining the upper hand and that has to be driving Assad's paranoia to the breaking point.

The battle for the area around the International Airport is still up for grabs with Assad's commanders realizing they must avoid damaging the support facilities near the airport that makes the whole place function.

The short answer is, he can't simply bomb it like he as other rebel strongholds.

Close order battle near key strategic facilities is a classic way of limiting one's enemy from utilizing superior weaponry.

Again, Assad must remain reluctant to engage ground combat troops at the unit level for the simple fear of defections.

Utilizing "specialized units" and armed Thugs can only take him so far.

He simply doesn't have enough of them to cover all the areas needed.

The airport is vital to his survival, but so are many other locations.

Here is the bottom line and it's a line his side realizes more and more with each passing day; Assad is on the defense.... not the offence!!!!

He knows it and more importantly, his supporters know it.

These are supporters who can no longer plan on the option of flying out of Damascus if the time comes.

Now, sit back and think about this major operation against Damascus airport and the surrounding area.

What does it mean to the rebels?

What does it mean to the rebels who are not fighting in Damascus?

Assad may have his air power striking other key rebel held cities, but his priority of effort is Damascus and the airport and don't listen to anyone who tries to say otherwise.

So, what is going to happen in next?

From Assad's viewpoint, only he and his handlers, Iran, know.

From the rebel's perspective, they have to make the battle for the airport a prolonged struggle as much as possible.

Everyday that facility is not " secured", becomes a clear message to his supporters it is time to abandon Assad.

Assad must win back that area quickly and simply saying the roadways are now secure is not going to be enough.

The flights into Damascus or the lack of them, is the key to the perception of who gaining the upper hand in Syria.

Yes, the world  is correct.... Assad's grip has slipped dramatically in the past two weeks, but I must warn everyone....... that is not always a good sign!!!