Wednesday, August 14, 2019


A few days ago I was reading the news and I saw an article that stated Mexico had become the US's number one trading partner. Look, I am no economist and stock market talk gives me a headache, but I have to admit, I stopped to think about that statement for a minute or two. Mexico. the US's number one trading partner. Mexico, the nation run by the drug cartels and and completely corrupt political leaders. Okay, yes, the issue of corruption and government officials is a timeless as well as global reality, but, everything has it's level's of severity and when it comes to corruption in politics, Mexico is in the top tier. So, why did this story on the US's top trade partner strike me so hard? Well, if you know me, you know how hard I've been after this issue of the drug cartels and Mexico and have been so for over a decade. Having said that, let me make my point right up front and then spend the rest of my time in this post showing you why I make this statement. Okay, here we go. The US's "number one trade partner is controlled by the drug cartels, thus, the US's number one trade partner is the cartels! There. I said it. Does that make you angry? Do you disagree? Do you let your political or ideological beliefs hide you from reality? Let me go back and cover a few facts that I've addressed in the past and let's see if you still think I'm way off base. 

Close your eyes and imagine:

Close your eyes. Imagine you are driving down a four or six lane highway heading into let's say, Kansas City or Cleveland. It's 7am, because you live out in the burbs and it takes your an hour or so to get into the city to work. you are approaching an overpass and you spot something that seems odd. As you get closer, your brain begins to tell you that "something" looks like a body hanging upside down from the overpass. Next to whatever that is, is what appears to be a large white sheet with writing on it but you can't make out what it says. Two or three other cars seem to slow down ahead of your but then speed up and keep going. As you get closer, your brain informs you your hunch was correct, it is a body. A body without a head. Like the cars in front of you, you slow down for a moment but then you realize the safest thing to do is just keep going. You might call it in on your cell phone but then you tell yourself, " someone else probably already did". When you get to work, you mention what you saw to your coworkers and several say they saw the same thing but they didn't bother calling it in for the same reason. The next thing you know, you are knee deep in work and the whole episode slides to the back of your mind. Why? because it was the fifth time this year you've witnessed this same scene.

The next week, you work sends you off to another city, let's say, St. Louis. You arrive at the airport, pick up your rental car and head out to the small town about 30 miles away to meet the client. Once again, it's early in the morning when all of a sudden you see traffic up ahead is at a standstill. Strange, given you are heading in the opposite direction of morning rush hour traffic. You creep along for thirty minutes or so and suddenly you see the red and blue lights ahead. A wreck, must be a wreck. Just your luck. You keep creeping along and suddenly, once again your brain transmits a picture you are not sure you understand. A few hundred yards ahead of you, it looks like several vehicles have burned. Not just one, but several and there is crime scene tape all over the place. Well, that could only mean one thing. Someone has been killed in what appears to be a horrible accident. But, as you get closer, your brain gives you an update. It doesn't look like an accident. As your are creeping along, you look down and notice the crime scene tape just about along side you, but you are two hundred yards away from the wreck. Strange. Then it hits you the tape is protecting an area along side the road and the left hand lane that looks to be covered in shell casings. Not just a few, but hundreds. Still you keep creeping, now being moved over into the far right hand lane by cones and police officers, a lot of police officers. What in the world has happened here? Finally. Finally you creep up alongside what appears to be the vehicles involved in whatever took place here. Then your brain sends you the truth. It has figured it out. Those are no ordinary vehicles. They look like large trucks with extra steel welded on their sides. They seem to have gun ports and no windshields. What is this? The next thing you know, you are waved on by the Police and you are past whatever took place. When you get to the client's office, you tell them the amazing story and they reply, "yep. Third time this year". 

What I just described to you was world of the US's number one trade partner. Is it factions of the government fighting for control? Is it a Civil War? In reality, it might as well be. But, don't fear, trade is king and trade is good with Mexico. 


As I was contemplating how to frame this post, I came across another example of just who truly runs Mexico. It seems one of the cartels, one that goes by the name of CJNG, what that stands for is not important, had it's leader send a video to the President of Mexico / AMLO. I won't slow this post down by giving you all the details, but if you would like to read the story, it's one Borderland Beat. Just look it up. What did this cartel boss have to say to the President of Mexico. Well, he wished him well and then asked him to take action against the CJNG's rival and to make it worth the President's trouble, he was going to give him the names and accounts of the local governor who was working with the CJNG's rival. Man....what a stand up citizen. You know, " See something, say something":).
Again, let me get to the point. This cartel boss was asking the Mexican President to "deal" with the rival and the boss would make sure the territory he has taken, yes he called it, "his territory", would be safer for the President doing so. Stop. Stop to think about this. Imagine one of the old five crime families sending a video to the US President asking him to take out the rival in let's say New Jersey and the "boss" would make sure his territory, not the countries, but his, New York would be able to lead a normal life. Folks, if my point is not sinking in yet, it's because you just don't want it to. Who runs, truly runs Mexico? PEMEX is the life blood of AMLO's socialist agenda. Who is taking PEMEX oil when they want, where they want? Yep. Corruption to the highest levels in Mexico. Just go have a drink with a retired DEA agent who worked Mexico and find out the shows about the cartels are too soft on what is really taking place. 

Yep. The US's number one trading partner is controlled by the drug cartels and everyone in DC knows it. are the Cartels Terrorist? You know my opinion. Is the US leadership, on both sides, going to come to the same conclusion? Number one trade partner. There is your answer!