Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Yes, once again, let me get this disclaimer out of the way. DEBKA has been known to embellish a story from time to time. Not the first time I’ve addressed the issue of media “embellishing” a story. By the way, why is it when the media “embellishes” an issue, it’s not placed in the category of “Fake News”? Yes, I am sure there is some Political Science or Journalism school explanation, but in the end…..yep…..fake news.  
Not only is this not the first time I’ve addressed the issue of the media and how they cover a story, but the whole discussion of “meetings” has come around more than a time or two. So, why bring it up again? Well, it might just be that this time around DEBKA is not embellishing, or at least not too much. Are the Russians, Americans and Turkey holding a meeting on the future of Syria? It very well could be! Will it work? Will there be a level of understanding, and agreement? Don’t hold your breath!
Not too long ago, I spoke to the issue of “meetings” for the second or third time, and the issue of looking at who was on the invitee list, or more importantly, who was not! Yep. The Iranians! As I have said before, it very possible the Iranians will get back briefed by the Russians and it’s even more possible the Iranians will not accept everything they hear from the Russians. It’s not just possible, but highly probable the Iranians will do everything in their power to obtain what was really said in this possible meeting! Left in the hallway is not the Persian plan!
Where is the Syrian government? Can you imagine a meeting being held to decide the fate of the nation you live in and the government of your nation is not in the meeting? Yep, same old line. The Russians will back brief the Syrian Government. If you want to know how that will go, just read the repeat my statement above about the Iranians.
Dividing up Syria? That was the prediction over six years ago. That was the ultimate outcome many had predicted. It’s an easy answer to a complex question. It sounds logical. It sounds agreeable. Agreeable to all parties with the exception of the two that disagree.
Once again, the backroom answer from the Russians to the Persians and Assad may very well be, “eat this or else”! As for the Turks. According to the DEBKA version of this story, the two real players in the process are the Russians and the Americans. Wait, there are three nations in this meeting and the one not mentioned is the one run by the biggest Egomaniac!  How is that going to work? Did I mention the Kurds? Yep, same bucket as the Persians and the seated government in Syria.


What is at stake here? Syria? The ability to slow the destabilization of Europe with refugees? On that note, too late. Europe is waiting on the elections in France to see if the death sentence for the EU has been handed out.  Are the Russians and the Americans expending this first meeting opportunity on the topic of Syria? Is Syria that important to The Donald or the Tsar? No! No it’s not!
If this meeting is taking place, then the topic may be Syria, but the goal is not Syria. The goal is to set the relationship between the US and Russia. Russian forces and US forces working jointly? Is that an image both leaders want? Yes! Is that an image the members of NATO are absolutely frightened of? I can’t see why not. Russia and the US working hand in hand for the first time since the end of WWII. Is that the vision in DC and Moscow? Is that a vision the Dragon wants to see? At the end of the day, when he puts his head on his pillow, who is the Tsar really worried about? Does he dream of a Billionaire with Orange hair or does he dream of Dragons? Dragons building a new Silk Highway that runs right into the Tsar’s homeland! Why have the Iranians and the Syrians and even the Turks been left out? Because this meeting is not about them! Contact! Official “Contact”. You can send businessmen. You can send highball drinking Diplomats, but until your Warriors meet, you have nothing to sleep on.